
Sunday, July 23, 2023

Sunday Paris Report


It has been a pretty quiet week in July 

With very moderate temperatures compared to Southern Europe πŸ™ Today Rain ☔️ is expected.

I mailed out the last of the Paris letters🀸‍♂️

Many Parisians have flown the coop to their Summer vacances 

While the rest are hanging out at Paris Plages picnicking along the Seine

I noticed some ‘Barbie movie’ influences- a toute en rose outfit + matching man purse and the high Barbie ponytail Which the Guardian warns few can wear.

A general map of the area on a signboard. No printed flyers this years - saving trees. 

None of the usual glam potted palm 🏝️ trees this year, but real trees perhaps to be replanted?

I miss the sand faux beaches 🏝️ of former times like 2016 😒
But unecological peut-Γͺtre 

Ooooo…here’s a thumbnail done at Paris Plages sandy beaches in 2016! I did not appreciate…

After showering you with cobblestone/pavΓ© thumbnails last Sunday…

I popped into Hotel de Ville Paris tourist office to see if they had any Paris Plages flyers (no way). I discovered full-size metal Paris street signs for saleπŸ‘ (49€).

Earlier in the week post-pool 🏊 some Summery cafe tables…I’m trying desperately to get there this morningπŸ™  Sunday afternoons the kiddies take over 😟 and all hell breaks out

More Paris cafe. What would you like to see PBers?

Watermelon bowls! In a 
a favorite Mediterranean crafts shop I love ❤️ to browse near the pool on rue Saint Merri

Called Respiro (breathe)

What THEY are wearing - sports gear is OK as Streetwear 

Did I say I decided recently to try out new Berthillon flavors this summer instead of the same ole, same ole (lately prune - Armangac). This one is blueberry🫐/myrtille. What’s your favorite flavor? 

Here’s a nice place to eat & it will probably remain open all summer with bridge views of Notre Dame, 
La RΓ΄tisserie d'Argent  (Jennifer was worried about August). Get the chicken πŸ— 
I did NOT make it to the pool☹️ The rains came. I may go out scouting the weekend-only cookies πŸͺ I told y’all about…though since I mentioned them, they are consistently sold out by the time I get there πŸ˜– M.Frenchie will not make more to accommodate. 
I found a new bird to get excited about but it would take forever to get here from Alibaba …and it SINGS 🎡 if you yell at it πŸ˜‚


  1. Anonymous2:39 AM

    Ouch… do people really enjoy having a picnic on the concrete/ stone?

    1. Anonymous2:57 AM

      Usually they bring blankets, but Parisians will picnic at any opportunity. I’ve seen some on the Metro munching 😳

  2. Anonymous4:33 AM

    L❤️VE your photos of Paris Plages! Looks like a lovely place to kick back and relax. And, not that crowded! Did you see kayaks? Swimmers?? Greselda

    1. Anonymous4:34 AM

      Well there wasn’t a free lounge chair..I wonder what time you have to get there to find one… 😳

    2. Adrien8:53 PM

      The Seine is not regarded as clean enough to swim in malheureusement Greselda πŸ˜ͺ

    3. Anonymous9:11 PM

      Adrien, they are working like mad to fix that by 2025 🏊
      I will no longer have to take the bus/Metro 15 minutes to ze piscine.

  3. Fun post Carol, a little bit of this, a little bit of that. Looks like all is well in Paris! Love the metal Paris street signs. πŸ—Ό❤️

    1. Anonymous6:58 AM

      Ery much a little bit of this ‘n that Ga ☺️

  4. Nice variety of topics today--delightful as always! I love this as much as when you dive deeply into a subject, as with the cobblestones.

    1. Anonymous8:43 AM

      Thank you Mary Lou,
      So nice to hear. I guess nothing much in Paris is something everywhere else 😊

  5. Bonnie L8:00 AM

    Rotisserie d’Argent is an old favorite…our first meal on our first visit 25 years ago! We try to go back every trip to Paris. Yes! their rotisserie chicken with potato purΓ©e is fabulous (hubby always gets the duck). We’ve even spotted Paris Breakfast dining there a few times! Love that they have tables on the Pont Tournelle…what a view!

    1. Anonymous8:42 AM

      Yes the Rotisserie does not change…
      Except now the waiters have to run across the road rather precariously balancing trays of food which is pretty ridiculous πŸ˜‚

  6. Dorrance8:09 AM

    Thank you for the glimpse of Paris in the summer. After a not-so-great visit to Paris one hot July, we now limit our visits to the off season. Seeing those la Rotisserie d’Argent tables on the bridge I am tempted to try again.

    Funny, American media would have you believe Europe is currently overrun with American tourists. Glad to see it’s not so. Enjoy your pool swim.

    1. Anonymous8:40 AM

      Dear Dorrance,
      Of Paris is overrun with tourists, which it is not, they are all kept prisoner on those Bateaux Mouche going back & forth on the Seine endlessly 🀸‍♂️

  7. always loved nougat and honey

    1. Anonymous8:36 AM

      Ohhhhh…I habe not tried Nougat & Honey!
      Thanks, Going to top ‘O the list πŸ‘

  8. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Fun to experience a ‘slice of Paris Life’ with you ❤️
    Never boring no matter what you may think Annie

  9. Surprisingly enough orders from Ali Express etc arrive sooner than expected.Love that 2016 Paris Plages thumbnail..s... Do you follow Emelby on IG?

    1. Anonymous1:30 PM

      Thanks, I looked her up.
      Sorry, she has a penchant for those Reels with 60 pictures per nanosecond that make me dizzy 😡‍πŸ’«

  10. Anonymous10:52 AM

    I read that the French don't wear athletic clothing on the street and don't drink coffee while walking. The picture of the young woman dong exactly that, shows the change in French behavior. Was she French or not? Hmmmm

    1. Anonymous12:55 PM

      What you read is soooo out of date.
      She was French.

  11. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Love all of your posts! Loved seeing Tintin on the truck!πŸ’•

  12. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Thank you CAROL for a little taste of Paris this morning in California. AWA Catering

  13. Anonymous1:14 PM

    I love the flavor of Paris in my email! Never tire of your photos or sketches, Carol….always bring me sunshine!

  14. sukicart3:18 PM

    Always love my little snippet of Paria via Carol & Bear. How did he manage in the heat?

    1. Anonymous9:02 PM

      No heat
      Just drizzle ☔️

  15. Anonymous3:32 PM

    No wonder they are cutting back on paper. They cut down thousands of big oaks for the rebuild of Norte Dame!!! Ouch!!!

    1. Anonymous9:09 PM

      Like they did originally to begin with…
      Historical records say carpenters first built the cathedral's wooden frame on the ground which helped to get the right dimensions and structure. The frame primarily consisted of oak trees cut down between 1160 and 1170, forming one of the oldest parts of the structure.

  16. Anonymous7:00 PM

    What is the name of the gift shop with the watermelon bowls?

    1. Anonymous9:01 PM

      It’s in the post 😊

  17. I didn't make it yesterday for my swim either -- same reason, rain. Hopefully today. Paris is looking good!

    1. Anonymous5:12 AM

      I am expert at finding last-minute excuses not to go 😳
      But once I’m in the pool I absolutely LOVE it
      Go figure 😡‍πŸ’«
      Will I make it today? Is always the BIG question…maybe we could be pool buddies? 🏊🏊


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