
Friday, October 11, 2019

Map of Paris - Kouign-amann

The Cambridge dictionary says "a piece of cake" means something that is very easy to do. Ex : The exam was a piece of cakeI can say painting the famous butter cake from Brittany, KOUIGN-AMANN (pronounce that 'Queen-A-mon') for OCTOBER PARIS MAP, was not 'a piece of cake'.

Though eating all the samples I bought for research was far too easy.
The impossible to pronounce and spell Kouign-Amann is from the small seaside town of DOUARNEZ in Finistere. I briefly thought of running there but then decided I've done enough damage in Paris alone.

Created by accident in 1860 by boulanger Yves-Renes Scordia when his bread recipe did not work, so he added a ton of sugar et voila.

I missed out on several top kouign-amanns (according to FIGARO) (but not Arnaud Larher's) because I arrived after 2pm. How this is a breakfast pastry is beyond me. Loaded with a 2 bars of salted butter + sugar + flour (that is it period) this could kill your morning easily. But it must be tasted or you haven't lived. A bucket list idem. Try it one time only if you care about your figure. 

Reheat it 10-15 minutes in a pan or oven for the best experience. 

If you visit Paris end of January get it hot out of the fore at the fabulous FETE DU COQUILLE ST. JACQUES, an annual fair from Brittany in Montmartre at Abbesses. Plus there are oysters, scallops, cider, crepes to be eaten. And singing. Don't get me started. If you feel ambitious DAVID LEBOVITZ has a recipe in his book, L'APPART: the delights and disasters of making my Paris home. 

You may want to try a miniature version in many flavors besides caramelized salted butter at GEORGES LORNICOL's 3 shops for his creation 'les kouignettes'. He now has savory flavors like parmesan and Roquefort. Very yummy. I tasted them. I will be going cold turkey for the next few days at least 🤞🏼🤞🏼🙏🏻 Thanks for reading Parisbreakfast. Please share with a friend. You can receive Paris letters in your mailbox 📮. Take a look on ETSY . Xxx Carolg and 🐻 in Paris


  1. Lovely article and painting We have a baker here in Dayton, Ohio, Matt, owner of Boosalis Baking and Cafe, who makes these every day. They are delicious and addictive. Thanks for making me hungry. ;)

  2. Those look so delicious. Your paintings are gorgeous!

  3. I can attest to the deliciousness of these falky pastries:)Love the map!

  4. Sounds positively heavenly!

  5. I tried several while in Paris but the best so far is in Southern California at Marche Moderne.

    1. Please come back and try again. The salted butter is a big part of the delishiousness.
      Hard to believe you have that in So Cal...😳

    2. Actually, Marche Moderne uses and serves Bordier.

  6. Carolyn3:33 PM

    Have you seen them made? Seems like they must pour syrup over the top prior to baking?

    1. No, no syrup Carolyn.
      Just the natural process of sugar and butter caramelizing.
      It is magical...

    2. Similar to a tarte tatin caramelizing

  7. Kathleen4:22 PM

    i love your post on kouign-amanns and can't wait for the map. i love baking but i've never tried to make them. pate feuillettee is not one of my strong suits.

    1. I'm not sure pate feuillettee is anyone's strong suit without years of Pastry school..though you can buy it ready-made here at least. No that I would ever dare to make Kouign-amann in my house. I can't be trusted around it. At all.

  8. I love this map! My goal should be to try every one of the kouign amann on your map...then keel over of a heart attack...I would die happy. I have only tried two, on your map...must get going.

    1. Please, please, please do not make it your mission to try everyone!
      Better safe than sorry 🙏🏻

  9. I love your latest Paris map!!!! I hope you rewarded yourself with the pool and more!!!
    These truly are a labor of love and take time, inspiration and thought—& you pull it out every month for the maps and letters.

    1. I need to stay in the pool all day to undo the damage...may for a week...


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