
Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Les Sapins de Noel Paris, Il Gelato del Marchese

I saw all these sapins de Noel(Christmas trees) yesterday in Paris.

A listing lit tree in Herme's window.

Chocolatier Patrick Roger's snowy chocolate sapin at Place Saint-Sulpice. Perhaps the same price (75 euros) as a real pine tree but no forest was harmed and completely recyclable.
On rue de Seine, Gerard Mulot's golden-wrapped marron glace sapin.
His shop is always a don't-miss in Paris.
And his stub-your-toe, it's so real, chocolate log (buche de noel) has to be a winner no?
Mad hatter Marie Mercie on 23, rue Saint-Sulpice 75006, has an adorable sapin full of her inventive chapeaux(hats).
Yummy no?
Across the street a leather Xmas tree.
Little fold-out paper trees in a kiddies shop on rue Mabillon.
Alternative trees in a fleurist on rue des Courcelles.
Everything you could possible dream of.
Real sapin too by the way.
I fell hard for the Santa rat but Bear back home said NON!

Look! Sapin-green gelato!
In 3-day old new gelato shop, IL GELATO DEL MARCHESE 3, rue des Quatre Vents 75006 I discovered yesterday. I ordered nocciola(hazelnut) and an espresso. When they weren't looking I popped some gelato into my espresso. YUM.
They offered me a complimentary Mandarin gelato which did taste just like the REAL thing.
Molto elegante inside. They are from Roma and I wish them molto fortuna.
I wish you all Molta Fortuna, Bonne Chance and HAPPY HOLIDAYS PBers!!
Thank you so much for all your visits and kind comments in 2014 :)
xxx Bear and Carolg


  1. Joyeux Noel a vous Carol. Thank you so much for your regular delicious visions of Paris. Best wishes to you for a spectacular 2015 in Paris.

  2. Thank you, Carol, for a raison d'internet. Paris Breakfasts is my first stop on my daily surf on the world wide info hiway -- because I love to start the day with a dream of Paris. Merci mille fois, and happy holidays, and a delightful new year full of all the best ice creams and teas and company and adventures and discoveries and art and more art.

    P.S. I want that Christmas rat.

  3. Meilleurs voeux Carol.Je te remercie pour tout ce que tu partages avec nous.
    Ton talent..ta gentillesse..ta joie de vivre..♥

  4. Thank you for the tour of what I would see in Paris right now - made me sigh and brought a happy tear to my eye. I know today is drizzly there as it is here so I can pretend I am there for a few moments - drooling over the chocolate tree and imagining trying on a hat or two.

  5. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Thank you for making my day with this post and for a year of beautiful pictures with delicious details. Best wishes to you and Bear for a wonderful new year.

  6. Please tell Bear that I am absolumement sure that Christmas Rat will grow on him. He will be a best friend when Bear gets left behind and he will never eat Bear's portion of goodies.
    As for you, chere Carol, have a merry Christmas and a happy new year!

  7. Anonymous10:50 AM

    You have given me a year in Paris with your wonderful Art as the cherry on top. Thanks to you and Bear- who although he may seem a Childs toy- I know has a little Bear soul that is pure Paris. A wonderful New Year to you both.

  8. Your Xmas blog is truly joyous!
    Have a Xmas as joyous as your blog.

  9. Anne in Dallas12:43 PM

    Love it! Love it Love it! Merry Christmas to you! You do a fantastic post! Please keep the FABULOUS PARIS BREAKFAST going strong in 2015 ! ! Happy New Year !! Can hardly wait to see what January and February bring!

  10. Merry Christmas, Carol and Bear too. Hope your holidays are spectacular (how could they not be in Paris?). Happy New Year.

  11. Thanks for all the tours you have taken us on this year. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Carol.


  12. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Merry Christmas, Carol and Bear! Thank you for sharing your life with us. MUAH! XOXO

  13. Good grief, you sure get around! Love everything you've sent and hope this is the beginning of the best, healthiest and happiest year so far.

  14. Wish I was there.
    Merry Christmas!

  15. Merry Christmas Carol!!

  16. I loved this post of trees. I'm recently returned from 5 weeks in France and am in bad France withdrawal. I know you can identify. Thank you for all your posts throughout the year.
    Happy holiday greetings to you!

  17. Cynthia10:18 PM

    Beautiful holiday posting, Carole! I’ll bet the sapin green gelato turns your tongue a matching color!

  18. Turns out it's Salted Celery !? I went back yesterday

  19. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you as well Carol and Bear. I too am falling very hard for Santa rat. I hope I will find him when I visit next year. Thank you for all your wonderful posts. I wish you all the best in your future endeavours. Above all health and happiness.

  20. How could I have missed this new store? I walk that street frequently. Thanks for the heads up; it certainly looks like an elegant place. Merry Christmas to you!

  21. Merry Chrismas (Joyeux Noel) to you and Bear. I wish I was Bear to be carried along to all the beautiful places you discover. As the others have said, Happy New Year. So look forward to the posts and the "sketch letters". Merci beaucoup. I love reading Table de nana comments, even when I do not understand.

  22. Merry Christmas to you and Bear! I so enjoy reading your blog and enjoying Paris through your eyes.

  23. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Your posts are little gifts to unwrap and enjoy.

  24. Belated Merry Christmas Carol!!! and Happy New Year!!! I thought of you just the other day before Christmas when i saw some super adorable Nick&Nora flannel PJs at Target with a cute watercolor macarons and tea things design....something you did maybe? Well I paused and thought of you and hoped you were having a Happy Christmas. Jenny N. Valley Mills, TX

  25. Carol,
    Happy New Year! We're hoping to see you again before we leave!

  26. Oh my. Gelato and trees and chocolate Santa Rat. How wonderful!

    Best wishes to you and Bear for a very Happy New Year!

  27. I'm a bit of a tree nut. Don't know if you ever check in on Marmelade Gypsy but if you did around the holidays you'll know that between flu and travel I was bitching that I couldn't get up all my trees this year. My wee house had 14! (Almost all with lights and the one in the hall never got the decorations on it!) And I still felt like a slacker even though people were tripping over Christmas. I'd love to be in Paris at this time of year! And next year, I'm REALLY going to make a Buche de Noel. I was going to this year but with the flu....


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