
Monday, December 22, 2014

Bear's Berthillon Noel

When Solli invited Bear for an ice cream at Berthillon's Salon de Thé this Sunday no way was he going to stay home.

I'm showing the sign as a reminder to myself not to misspell BERTHILLON AGAIN. (Clue - there is no extra i in Berthillon).

There were not so many people when we arrived at noon. By the time we left it was packed. The big boat thing in the center is the pastry case.

Surprisingly, though most don't know it, this ice cream flavor menu is digital. The flavors change daily. Yesterday there were only half as many parfumes available as shown here...perhaps because it was Sunday?

Bear tried to order the 'Coupe d’enfant'(kiddie size) but you can't fool the staff at Berthillon.

So he picked the anniversary flavor '60s' mainly because it was passion fruit + vanilla + spices. Very nice indeed.

Solli's friend Clara got sorbets pammlemousse and peche(grapefruit and peach). While Solli got marron glace( a special Christmas flavor) and the best pistachio I've ever tasted in Paris.
Someone was wishing they could send theirs back for an exchange.

Solli is an expert ice cream taster since her company insisted she taste, shoot and visit every ice cream shop in Paris for a full week and then report back. What a tough job.

Solli says the metal cups(coupes) at Berthillon are preferred to paper cups. They keep ice cream from melting. Who knew?
She also noted the spotted marble tables match the marble floor. Sharp eyes! I completely missed that. Does the marble keep the metal cups cool?

I was surprised the only Christmas decorations - a case full of decorative shiny globes.

A closer inspection revealed silver decorative balls, Victorian on their little pedestals. They do look like scoops of ice cream. Do you know what these are?

On departing a lingering look in the pastry case is essential, though most people only think ice cream, ice cream ice cream when they think of Berthillon.

FYI Berthillon has possibly the best tarte tatin in all Paris.

Another break-your-heart Berthillon Tarte Tatin picture.

Another well-kept secret is Berthillon's tarte fine au pomme - an open tart of deeply caramelized apple slices for a mere 2,50 euros, same price as one dip of ice cream and maybe healthier if you're into rationalizing like some people. What do you think?
My ode to Berthillon's tarte fine au pomme.
FYI it's still possible to get a Paris Sketch Letter gift subscription in time for the holiday believe it or not. Someone requested one yesterday so I scanned the personalized December letter and emailed it, to be printed out in time (with the actual letters to follow). Who knew?


  1. Annabella3:24 AM

    Heart-breaking tarte tatin and lovely watercolors!!

  2. the stands with the balls in the glass case at Berthillon are antique wig stands.
    Merry Christmas wishes to you!

  3. So uncanny daughter had her in-laws over yesterday and her husband's niece with her new baby girl:Marilou:)

    Lucky bear..such a talented maman that takes him everywhere.

  4. Beautiful pictures to start my day. Toast for breakfast. Not quite the same. Joyeux Noel

  5. Thanks for all the wonderful and the lovely you gave us this year.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


  6. ;))
    It's the other way around. Bear calls the shots.

  7. Merry Christmas. Carol.

  8. I always have problems with the spelling too but I just figured out it is bert hill on - now I can remember!!! Poor Solli - my heart goes out to her - not! Is she required to try all the flavors?

  9. Q'est-que ce? No additional i in Bertillon? I find it almost impossible to leave that 2nd one out! Those antique wig stands are so you think antique heads were smaller?

  10. I'm tasting a tarte fine aux pommes and a scoop of ice cream in my dreams.

  11. Solli has a tough job. I'm glad you are thee to help her soldier on. Nice to take Bear. He needs a treat!

    I've much to catch up on here! Merriest to you, though -- and more to come!

  12. What a delightful post. Makes Christmas all that much better

  13. Good to see Bear! Your watercolors are terrific - and a great photo of the marble.
    The pastries look fabulous - and the ice cream!

  14. Bear has such good taste, and seems to mix with a lovely crowd, too.

    That tarte fine au pomme looks like something I would very much like to sample. Only an ocean away.

    Best holiday wishes to you Carol, and many thanks for treating the rest of us to tastes of Paris all through the year.



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