
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Bonne Année Etc. !

Have a lovely wonderful HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY !

XXXXX Carolg & Bear


  1. I have been following you blog for a very long time now, & through the years enjoyed your stories trips, fab art little bear etc very rare do I comment this is to let you know how much I enjoy your blog. May your New Year be filled with health, peace, harmony,
    happiness, joy and love and many wonderful opportunities.

    1. R U the Johnny T from WELCOME TO NY on Youtube?
      Ooops I see it's Joannie.
      THANKS Joannie!!! Mucho

  2. Happy New Year to you & Bear from GeriNJ!

  3. Bonne Annee to you and Bear, dear Carol.

    Merci for the happiness that you have brought to us over the past year...all the way from fabulous Paris.


  4. Bonne année Carol & Bear(((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

  5. Happy and healthy New Year Carol, continue to delight us with your wonderful watercolors and photos.

  6. Happy New Year to the Queen of Paris.
    Were there fireworks over the Seine?
    Wishing you a wonderful year to come.

    with love and WOOFS from Karen & Biff

  7. Dear Carol,
    Happy New Year to you!!!!!!!!
    Grettings from Fort Bragg, California

  8. Now maybe you can make an exception and have a little sip of champagne to celebrate your break-out year of 2015!

    1. May WE ALL HAVE BREAKOUT YEARS Vivian !!!

  9. Happy New Year! May 2015 be spectacular, prosperous and healthy for all of us!

  10. Bonne Année to you and Bear, Carol!!

  11. Wishing you a happy, healthy and fun New Year, Carol. 2015 has a lovely ring to it, doesn't it? All the best xo

  12. Thanks for all the fun and inspiration, and our mini-virtual vacations you took us on. I can't wait to see where we are going in 2015. I hope it includes more pastry. :)

  13. Happy new year and lots of new adventures!

  14. Bonne Année notre petite Carol.x
    Hug Bear:)

    Just read Janice moved to Calgary.. une vraie différence!
    They will be happy wherever they live♥

  15. Bonne Année, Carol and Bear. J' adore le champagne! I raise my glass in a toast to my Paris friends. Thank you for sharing my favorite city though your fun, artistic, musings and art. J' adore suivante long!

  16. Happy New Year to you and Bear, Carol!!
    I hope that 2015 is a great one for you!

  17. Janice H2:22 AM

    Thankyou Carol.. It has been such fun to open your posts this past year 2014..!! You are so talented as artist and blogger! I love the macaroon posters u sent me for my friends..
    Have a fun and adventurous new year!
    Bonne Annee

  18. And a happy one to you and Bear, too! A day late, a euro short, but nonetheless, with a smile!

  19. Merci pour "les amuses buches" que to nous serve chacque jour! Moi aussi, j'apprecie la petite voyage a Paris a travers les images et les commentaires. Bonne Annee, Bonne Sante a toi!

  20. Oui, Merci Carol pour "les amuses buches" que tu nous serve chacque jour! Je me regale avec les images et les commentaires qui m'emporte a Paris quotidienment! Bonne Annee et Bonne Sante a toi!

  21. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Bonne année ! Happy New Year ! My husband gave me the gift of your letters for a whole year and I am delighted to have this to look forward to in 2015.


Love hearing from you