
Thursday, January 01, 2015

What Parisians ate for New Years 2015

What do Parisians eat for New Years Eve?

Champagne signs are everywhere.

Champagne deals galore.

Oysters are shucked in the street to keep them cold. Come and get your trays of fresh-opened huitres,

Monoprix has a full array of luxe,


And volupte.

You can buy caviar at Monoprix.

Sauternes to drink with

Foie gras de canard.

Duck(canard) foie gras is not as strong or riche as goose(d'oie) foie gras.

Or you can have pate of salmon, lobster, scallops instead.

Les hits tres hotte des fetes.

Litchi nuts are hot hot hot this holiday season. Christine says the French love to eat exotic foods during the holidays.

Miniature pineapples and passion fruit.

Fancifully prepared party foods

Lobster, crab, scallops. Miam.

Meanwhile Bear (in his new Christmas sweater gift from a lovely PBer) and I dream of New York HOT DOGS. Frenchies To Go has them.
Yum Yum
What did you eat for New Years 2015?


  1. I ate..tempura Christmas baking.
    We had 3 of our boys over for a sleepover and the menu was planned around a 9~7and 5 yr old.
    Avocado and chips too..a very eclectic meal.
    Love Bear's new chandail.

  2. Well Carol, honoring my Virginia origins, I have this very evening dined upon a stew that contained the obligatory good luck ingredient ... black eyed peas. I prepare a version that also seems to honor near eastern spicing. Over rice, it makes a very comforting dish with which to begin the New Year.

    You've made me laugh with the reference to the NY hot dog. Over at the corner of 72nd and B'way, Gray's Papaya is still clinging to the final days, months, not sure what of its long lease. That building's other long time tenants have gone. The corner is due to be redeveloped ... another tower will appear. And so...should I take a photo of a Gray's hot dog for your archives?

    Happy 2015 to you, dear Carol. xo

  3. I love the opening watercolor, Carol.
    The food looks delicious, especially the "party food." (I'm not sure about the oysters - must be a French thing?) Hemingway would love them.....:)

  4. Take out Chinese food I'm afraid...Italian chocolates and French champagne. That hot dog looks scrumptious! Love the giant foods in your watercolor!

  5. I had some smoked salmon spread . . .from Marks & Spencer!

  6. We had champagne of course. Great to see that they put it on special just when everyone needs so much. The food all looks particularly delicious I must say. I remember tasting some pineapple at a market in October- from Togo I think- it was the best pineapple I've ever tasted. Lichee's are in season here, I should eat some but I've been gorging on cherries while they last. Bonne annee to you Carol.

    BTW I saw an amazing Jean Paul Gaultier show in Melbourne recently that will be at the Grand Palais this year. It's exceptional. Definitely not one to miss.

  7. I made Coq au Vin with roasted Kabocha squash (what pumpkin SHOULD taste like but doesn't quite) a friend made a divine orange cornmeal cake with orange sections marinated two days in Grand Marnier, another made a winter salad with oranges. By the fireplace before the meal we shared smoked salmon and honeyed goat cheese with toasted walnuts. We ate well....and a few bottles of wine ending with Spanish Cava. And in bed by 11 pm!

  8. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Carol, I did a little clarification here. From the pic above, there is this pineapple and passion fruit. May I correct that the red fruit on the right is not passion fruit. It is DRAGON FRUIT (originates from Vietnam). You can get either the red or white flesh type. Happy New Year to you! Carrie

  9. We were at an annual chili cook off. Lots of fun with tables laden with shared dishes of every variety.It was followed with a prayer time, reflection and communion. A beautiful way to end an old year and begin a new one.

  10. Not too different from us Americans (although probably tastier and no, we didn't have lichis!) What a feast!

  11. Hello, Happy New Year!!! Just to comment on the fruit shown here. Its not passion fruit, its dragon fruit :-)
    I love your blog and your art! Keep up the fun!

  12. Carolyn8:34 PM

    To show how unsophisticated my palate is, the hot dog has more appeal to me than the caviar and oysters:))) Maybe when I grow up? Love the pic of Bear in his sweater! He is sooooo handsome! Vivaldi...lucky you!


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