
Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Paris Fluff

While out window shooting I kept seeing bits of fluff hither and thither...
It's true many Frenchmen still apply a fluffy badger brush to their chins. It's also true exactly a year ago I came to a similar conclusion of the prevalent appearence of Paris fluff.

French women have no 5 o'clock shadows to hide but nevermind. Fluff is decorating their chinlines this season.

Fluff + sequins is an unbeatable combo this season evidently...

Sonia's fluffy sleeves will hide a multitude of sins I guess...

Most Paris fluff is fake but this major furry fling looks real to me...

Cuff your boots with fluff...

Or better yet fluff line them for a warming effect...

Christian Louboutin heels with fox bits inside instead of your feet?

Not real fluffy bears cosy up on Bvd St. Germain...

Very real fluff getting buffeted on a coin de la rue...

Fluffy Saint Honores have always been 'in' in Paris.

Remembrances of fluff past - I once had a cat named 'Fluffy' till he peed in a plant on my mother's dinner table. Then he mysteriously 'ran away' I was told.



  1. Interesting... I guess I am not too fond of "fluff" unless it comes on four legs or on top of a French pastry... :-) Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  2. Loved the cat story.
    How did he fit into a plant container?
    My persian cat is named Puff Ruggy or Puff for short.

  3. True it was not a very large plant container, but cats are efficient so no problem.
    The problem was the aftermath.

  4. Love all the fluff!! Those Louboutin fox shoes are covetable!

  5. Love the photos! You really captured Paris. Too bad about your cat Fluffy!

  6. Another very esoteric and creative subject for your post Carol.
    I am saddened by the story about your kitty. But you must admit; you...or your parents, would not have that problem with your friend Bear.

  7. Bonjour PB~
    Loved "fluff"....we even found the same shop that sells all the "vintage" shaving brushes...

  8. Love it, but love it less when eldest daughter asks to be trendy at French school and have fluffy boots - they're also expensive to boot!

  9. I love fluff! My first grown-up dog, a Kerry Blue terrier, ate my ostrich fluff powder puff~! Grrr! But she did not run away. :-)

  10. She ran away, eh? What a riot. I love some of that fluff. Not so big on the fluff and sequins, but the rest I'll take.

  11. Lucinda1:57 PM

    Where is the traditional fluffer-nutter whatever that is?

  12. i need alot more fluff in my life :) love Sonias jacket x

  13. We had some very mysterious 'run-away' pets too as children...or so we were told!

  14. Great photos as always, Carol!
    I'm not sure about the fluff trend. Doesn't do much for me :) Fluff & sparkle?
    The bears in the window are cute!
    Sorry to hear about the kitty!

  15. Ah yes. My mother said my dog "ran away" one time. Much to her surprise, I found him.

    I also think the fox fur likely looked better on the fox, but this is a touchy subject.

  16. Fluffy = Cosy fashion you have to have the look the high and the personality.Cheers

  17. Becs, I'm in complete agreement with you on both issues.

  18. I'll take the fluff on four feet..:))Not sure I would like to be blowing it our of my face all the time. Poor Fluffy...

  19. Porter de la fourrure est tellement vulgaire !!!

  20. I agree Lilidibretagne.
    Let the animals be.

  21. jyoti244:39 AM

    All the fluffs are fabulous especially the Christian Louboutin heels.i looking forward to get one during my visit to Chandigarh

  22. Not to worry. All pets that "run away" end up at a beautiful farm in the country. ;-)


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