
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Signs of Automne

Special Fall chocolate leaf creation at Lenotre.

Paris is well into full blown Fall.

There are even kids books dedicated to Automne.

Full of falling leaves

And the famous French champignons

Fall timbres full of feuilles et champignon ensemble.

Of course the fragrant chestnuts in the street.

Cojean has special autumn dishes like crumble - oui it was delish.

Fauchon has their Fall game specialties.

Which reminded me of these master drawings.

In the Louvre bookstore.

I had a Fall lunch with M. of quiche saumon and dill.

In Jardin Luxembourg joggers race neck and neck with harried Paris moms as the leaves keep falling. I'm racing to catch that Eurostar to London.


  1. My kingdom for those Fauchon jars of rabbit. Not just one flavor but TWO!!!! I need them for my garden - instead of a scarecrow! Only in France do they understand the true place of les lapins!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I love your photos!
    The shot of the jogger neck-and-neck with the baby stroller is great!
    And the shot of Bear in Cafe de Flor is so cute. It took guts to pose Bear & snap away with the audience watching you :) Crazy American......:)

  4. Ah la feuille d'Automne de chez Lenotre! Je la connais PAR COEUR! Mon gateau preferé de chez eux....

  5. Carol - this post makes me very excited about going to Paris in 2 weeks for the first time in several years. Just for a day (I'm based in Brussels), sadly. Lots of inspiration from your posts as to where I should visit. Any particular recommendations?


  6. I love the Mom in a skirt and high heels with three kids in tow off to the park! Only in Paris!

  7. Merci Sweet Paris!
    I never thought to actually taste Lenotre's chocolate feuille...
    Will do and report back.
    It's dangerously close to my place too
    miam miam

  8. It looks like you had a fun visit in Paris. Off to London now, lucky girl? Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  9. Safe travels Carol! :) It finally turned autumn here in NYC, at last!!

  10. Mathew1:38 PM


    Was the quiche of salmon and dill as good as it looks?


  11. Excellent photos! And the Eurostar is super-quick, no?

  12. That chocolate leaf creation looks divine! Way too beautiful to eat. But if I were in it's presence, I would take a nibble.

  13. L just love the word "individuelle" on a cake.... Means it is meant for only ME. As usual so yummy!!!!!!The quiche at CDF looks great too! Maryanne xo

  14. What a beautiful and yet a bit sad review ! Fall turns me melancholic...

    What about the Mandarin Oriental ? Did you like if ? I actually have never been there.

  15. Oh my Carol! that just thrills my heart to see Bear at Cafe de Flore! right in the thick of it and I'm sure enjoying every moment with panache!!
    Those little tarte au citrons made my mouth water.
    Keep safe xx

  16. Guess you will have to boat on the Thammes? I just realized you yesterday mentioned missing the boat! Will you be seeking the best Lemon tarts in London too? Loved the illustrations in the children's book as well as the animal sketches. The food looked perfect for the season.
    Enjoy the last leg of your trip!

  17. Oh your off to London already. Well enjoy it too.

  18. Pantricia and Eric1:37 AM

    Merci for your wonderful posts (as always!)---we are leaving for France/Paris next week and

    PB once again, and ever so artfully, reminds us of what we love about Paris !
    We cannot wait to get ourselves there!

    Best of luck to you and dear Bear on your adventures and travels!



  19. I was in Paris in October one year, heart-sick, disillusioned, but loving being there. I'd get as close as I could to the chestnut roasters so I could smell the wonderful scene but not have an allergic nut-attack.

  20. Stamps+chestnuts+quiche+jardin? very enticing! mmm!

  21. Rich, glorious, golden automne!! Tarte au citron, quiche, falling chestnut leaves, that crisp air.........can't wait!


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