
Friday, October 14, 2011

Earl Grey Classic

Ta-Da! The Eurostar trip was pleasently uneventful and London is sunny! Peyton And Byrne has lemon meringue cupcakes but I'm saving myself for les Paris meringuees.
Off to my digs in Chelsea (I wish I was biking)
A Chelsea 'Yummy Mummy'.
Time for shopping!
First stop Fortnum and Mason.
I'm on assignment. French Girl must have her Earl Grey Classic tea but it MUST be in a bag, not a tin (she's French you know).
Of course they were out of the bags and had only tins. But this kind gentleman emptied out some tins into a bag for FG. That could never happen in France. Doodly, doodly, do.
This gent told me Frenchies come in looking for Mariage Freres tea, which of course, is not allowed to cross the water...ahem
The packaging in Fortnum and Mason is soooo witty and soooo British.
Remember the 'Infinite Jest' exhibit at the Met?
Nearby bookstore Hatchards has tables of PG Wodehouse - I'm tempted. When in London.
The Underground is packed.
No wonder it's called the Underground!
Loved these Fall windows at Mulberrys.
Cath Kidston - another sign you're in England.
Time for bed.
I'll sleep in a Designer's Guild chaise lounge bien sur.
Cheers from London!


  1. Good tour Fortnums,,,especially the toffees! xv

  2. Carol, your photos of the shop windows are pure art!
    I love the looks of that mall & your shots of the underground & the train passengers. At least the train isn't as packed as a NYC subway!
    So, French girl is French? Thanks for clearing that up :)

  3. I love the Plums! (P G Wodehouse books.) I don't think they're in print over here. Sigh. I love those covers.

  4. Love Love Love!! that chaise lounge! oh! and that handsome guy behind the counter at the tea shop - I'm sure you could spent a lot of time talking tea with him!!
    Keep safe.xx
    and for Bear xx

  5. What fun! I love seeing the sites with you:)

  6. I just found your blog and absolutely love it...I lived in France for some time as well as a few other places in Europe and totally identify with your views :)

  7. How fortunate! Sunny in London!
    The pictures are fabulous. You have outdone yourself!

  8. Fun post. A little of everything here. Glad you got there safe and sound and to sunshine. I love that chaise lounge bed. How fun would that be to sleep in. Enjoy your time there.

  9. I adore London - you've stopped off at my favourite haunts, Carol. Fortnum and Mason packaging is so much fun! Enjoy yourself.

  10. Hope you found something fun chez Cath Kidston! Love her style. Visited her boutique on Portobello Road this summer. The adorable handbag (and matching wallet) I got there are sitting on my [Seattle] kitchen island right now... Lucky girl. Can't wait to go back to London! Veronique

  11. So much meringe! (I predict it will be your next cooking obsession when you get home, whippping those egg whites into stiff peaks...)

  12. Thqnks! I can't wait for drinking this delicious tea!

  13. Amy:
    And even more MERINGUE today!!
    I never thought of tackling it a la cuisine...
    The last few attempts met with disaster.
    The egg whites won hands down :(

    The Fortnum & Mason gent is on his way to you (collect)
    but duty-free :)

  14. I can see you're having way toooooo much fun on this trip, Carol. Bear is going to have to reign you in!

  15. One day dear Carol I WILL ride the Eurostar and have to pinch myself that I get to see those same to two cities I love (London and Paris) on one day (plus many more I hope)....but until then I love shuttling (sp?) between the two with you....I would take the chaise lounge too...sweet dreams Carol.

  16. Weeeeee! London is the perfect warm-up to Paris... especially those Peyton And Byrne lemon meringue cupcakes!

  17. Enjoy London!
    I am planning a trip for May and need to know where that beautiful arcade is? I haven't been in 11 years so I am quite excited.
    There is a wonderful art supply place in Chelsea--Green&Stone,I believe.
    They have a collection of vintage and antique art supplies.
    Thought you might enjoy it when you are not haunting the Food Halls of Fortnum&Mason!

    Ta ta for now,

  18. It's just along Piccadilly on the same side at F&M and to the right of it...
    Or was it to the left. You can't miss it really
    I've written about Green&Stone many times at PB - a fav shop of mine

  19. I just have to tell you, I so look forward to each and every post. I love your viewpoint and your excellent eye out there capturing the world. Really makes my day.

    I just ordered stamps with one of your images on them and can't wait for them to arrive. I'll use them when I write my notes to let someone know I'm thinking of them.

    I have a house in Provence that I travel to each summer and I'm planning a sojourn to Paris next fall. So I've been making copious notes on patisseries, etc. from your blog.

    Thanks for your lovely view of life


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