
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Return of the Older French Girl

It's been a year since we visited ultra chic 'OFG' /older Fr Girl, so back by popular request - voila *Note stance and splash of lovely yellow-orange scarf.*Note ruffled jacket -tres flirtie.

Bright bleu punctuates a neutral pantsuit at Gerard Mulot.
A touch of turquoise on this OFG biker.
OFG bikers abound in Paris...
As do racing grand-meres pushing two little ones.
Regarding the OFG's hair - natural gris.
LONG shoulder-length hair is the norm for Fr OFG.
VERY LONG hair is OK.
Ride Paris buses to catch OFGs - the more civilized, scenic way to travel.
OFGs browse apartment ads like the rest of us.
 They walk their petit Parisien dogs.
My favorite OFG-ever-youthful 2nd-cousine, Kristine in Pigalle. Toujour charmante.


  1. I love these posts of everyday people in France. Such style!

  2. Thank you for posting about the OFG! I, too, love the photographs of everyday people. Rose and I hope you are feeling better!

  3. How refreshing and inspiring! Love these photos of OFGs! Give me more.

  4. OFG's are the best. Love the photos--I remember the long-haired one holding hands, and her "long stride," too.

  5. Justine9:30 AM

    So touching...
    and brave these independent French women!

  6. Geri, NJ9:52 AM

    What a gift for today! Thinking a lot about aging I feel better. Needless to say...hope you are feeling better every day.

  7. Bonjour PB~
    I just love the background street scenes...but the photo that struck so true to me was OFG on a bicycle....I should say "fearless" OFG. I do not know how they manage the traffic!!

  8. Thanks for the OFG photos...I love their style, being an OAG (older american girl) myself! Hope your back is better....I had a spinal disc issue this past summer...not fun. Never had any back problem before that and it was terrifying. My chiropractor got me through it. Love your paintings! You have inspired me to get out my watercolors!

  9. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Nice capture! Trite to say this, but it's so true that French women do age gracefully. Maybe partially to do with not trying so hard to hang on to their youth.

  10. OFG's in Paris! So chic!

  11. Please don't tell me that you are an OFG as soon as you hit 40!

    More power to those girls! :-)

  12. Carol, you have an appreciative eye for all things French..and these OFG are fantastique! I'd like to hear more about your dear Kristine (that is actually my middle name). She looks great.

  13. This made me think of my Great Aunt Irene who died a few years ago. I believe she was 92. Our family is Canadian French, and she spoke with this deep voice with a French accent. It was so wonderful to listen to her. All of our relatives around her age spoke French, but unfortunately it was never taught to the new generations. My sister and I learned Spanish in school, as we had several good Spanish friends. Anyway, there is nothing more wonderful than an OFG!

  14. Ah, I can only hope to aspire to that level of beauty in the next few years of my life!

    The posture of the reader on the bus is PERFECT! (she says, slumped down in her chair as she types...)

  15. I like that last shot, too!
    Your available light twilight shots are great.
    I wish I was there right now :)

  16. OFG's are my favourite posts! Thanks Carol.

  17. Thanks for the post! I am in the 50's group and love to look at the details and style of OFG's.

    Get well!

  18. Jeanette, mistress of Longears6:37 PM

    Bless you for showing me role models to really admire!

  19. What a fantastic post! Whilst I love the pastry posts- who doesn't? These OFG's have such style, such panache, such savoir faire. Such great images of OFGs leading the way and showing how life can be.

  20. Great post. So nice to see something fun about older women. Who has earned her wrinkles and gris hair but still manages to look pretty fab. :)

  21. Jan Heigh7:46 PM

    Thank you so much for posting the piece about OFGs! Well done and what positive role models at any age.


  22. C'est vraiment adorable ca!

    Love these photos of everyday, street style with more mature women in the streets of Paris!



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  23. Yay for the OFG!!
    (and can we say yay! for the OAG?! Thanks!)

  24. Loved this. When we lived in Paris, my hairdresser said every French woman over 40 is blonde (Catherine Denueve?). Like the lady with the bike? or your cute cousine.
    Mary Ann

  25. I don't have any french in my background - I am certainly "past 40" - but in my heart I am an OFG. Thanks for these wonderful pictures of our classy sisters - showing us how life can be lived.

  26. Love this post! It would be interesting to see how you'd do an American version. For us OAGs! ; )

    Love your cousin's style by the way!

  27. What about FRENCH MEN?

    Eminence gris.

  28. I love street scenes in the background. What a fantastic post! They have a style of OFG such panache, such savoir faire. These large images OFGs to the head and showing how life can be.

  29. I needed an OFG moment, thanks Carolg!

    It's always so much fun to browse your blog.

  30. YAY for this post Carol!

  31. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Love love love OFG. You make me feel so young at 81. More pictures please.
    Love you Carol. Are you feeling well?
    Please let me know. Bev Kjeldsen


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