
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Au Nom du la rose

Au Nom de la Rose Can there be too many visits to the Paris floral chain Au Nom de la Rose?

I think not.Au Nom de la Rose These closet-sized boutiques spill their wares out onto the street.

Au Nom de la Rose In the most charming of ways.Au Nom de la Rose Who could possibly mind the rose petals they scatter under tables and chairs?

Au Nom de la Rose You get a sac of rose petals when you make a purchase too.
Au Nom de la Rose What's not to love about Au Nom de la rose?

Au Nom de la Rose Is it ever too late for a heart-shaped bouquet?

Au Nom de la Rose Never!
Au Nom de la Rose I'm pretending, between physical therapy sessions...
Au Nom de la Rose That some mysterious someone has scattered a few rose petals around here.

Au Nom de la Rose Au Nom de la Rose,  9" x 11"
Au Nom de la Rose I'm pleased to see you can buy just ONE rose if you so choose...


  1. Charming, a lovely way to spend time at this adorable shop, and better yet for some lucky patron to buy your art of the rose for remembering the lingering fragrance and their time in Paree, or for the sheer joy of it all.


  2. Carol, that watercolor is beautiful--I love the things you're doing lately--really lovely! Never enough roses...

  3. Love the vibrant heart-shaped bouquet and the watercolors!

  4. I love the watercolors, Carol.
    What a nice idea for a chain of stores!
    It's gray and dismal here, so a very nice post from you today :)

    Painting whilst in bed seems to suit me...
    I really should move back to the work table but I'd hate to lose the 'flow'
    Merci Csikszentmihaly

  6. thing I love about Valentines Day is seeing so many flowers and roses are safe around cats, too, if they nibble on them. A friend just gave me some rose scented bath salts and I told her I thought the scent was more relaxing than lavender even. I keep the jar on my nightstand to sniff myself to dreamland...

  7. Anonymous6:47 PM

    These are beautiful - one of the reasons I became a florist is after I had been to Paris and was inspired by the roses! I love the way the French mix the colours, pink, and all shades of red. LOVE it.
    I am also excited to see this is a chain of Florists. I didn't realise as i had seen the name in Montemarte.
    I will difinitely be making a visit. To the one on rue Cherche midi - which I believe is in my neighbourhood.
    Not long til Paris for you ----yaaaay!

  8. Gorgeous watercolor. I spent 5 weeks in Paris in the fall and bought myself a candle at that store. I'd light it in the evening and the next day after returning from errands I could -still- smell it. Silly me, when I left, I forgot the candle at the apartment. I check their website often as I really want to order a couple of candles but they don't ship to Canada as yet. *sigh* I miss my candle!

  9. There are tiny Au Nom de la Rose shops all over Paris Suzi.
    What a wonderful inspiration to become a florist!

  10. Love this rose painting. Your work lately is very romantic in feel. Just Lovely. It has to be those hunky NY firemen!!! :))

  11. a girl can dream! May you wake up with an "American Beauty" moment....surrounded with hundreds of rose petals.


  12. Bonjour Carol!
    The Philadelphia Flower Show theme this year is Paris in Spring! ...I'll send you some pics. I have a really good reason for going (besides the Paris connection) in that my cousin is a designer in the show!

    I'm really looking forward to it! I've been too busy finishing my masters to go over the pond this year...but this will keep me in the spirit! (I hope!)

  13. Last May I rented an apartment on rue du Cherche-Midi and walked by this place every day. Regretfully I didn't go in, but their outdoor display was gorgeous.

  14. Really lovely way to spend time in this lovely shop, and even better for some lucky patron to buy her art of the rose. Love the vibrant industry in the form of heart and watercolors of the!

  15. How gorgeous! Malheureusement, I've only ever "explored" Paris when it was winter time so the flowers were very scarce. It's lovely to such vibrant images of des fleurs

  16. Ces boutiques de roses parsemées dans tout paris sont poétiques ,une belle inspiration pour toi.

    Bon weekend


  17. Wow Lovely and Beautiful Flower's Great idea . Amazing this post i like that and interesting this post .thanks

  18. J'adore Au Nom de la Rose....vos photos sont superbes! Merci bien!

  19. No, there cannot be too many visits to Au Nom de la Rose. Nope.

    Every time I walk past one I have to stick my face into a bouquet. Have you tried the rose petal candies? Heavenly!

  20. Good Morning
    I´m from Buenos Aires, Argentina and I follow your blog. I was surprised today to see this post about "au nome de la rose" and to recognized this place! I´ve been in Paris in October and was also caught by this beautifull shop. I´ve also posted on this shop some months ago on my own blog.
    I invite you to see my post
    I love your watercolous

  21. love love L.O.V.E. this shop.


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