
Monday, December 06, 2010

The White Swan Bendels

Bendels choose not to go with The Black Swan for their Xmas window theme.

Sugar plums and
  The Nutcracker Suite to the rescue

Very old fashioned and delightful

White swan-like ballerinas ride ostriches
Wearing woolen leggings (they were formerly ballerinas of course
A ballerina climbs a ladder to turn on the lights
Multi-ballerinas twirl from the ceiling.
What more could you ask for?
One naughty ballerina takes off her red shoes and goes to bed with the nutcracker.
Macaron Ribbons, watercolor, 9" x 11"
The ribbons were used to tie up this macaron box...
A New York Bendels girl is just in time

To break the piggie bank and buy her pup a doggie snow globe
                         BONJOUR BALLERINAS!


  1. Oooh, I love the ballerinas on the ostriches! Especially the wooly leggings - thanks for posting!

  2. M. in Paris11:16 AM

    I never took ballet lecons..i'm sesitive for playing music but I'm an elephant with dancing !

  3. I love the LEG on the Bendel's girl- getting out of the taxi....and imagine my surprise to see the very inspiration for that leg in your last photo...of the girl walking home because she has no money left for a taxi. Imagine my DOUBLE surprise to find that photo doesn't show up in your blog...only in my emailed version. I'm putting Detecive Oswald on the case immediatement!!! Toute a suite!

  4. Love the ostrich legwarmers - that's rather inspired.

  5. Now I want one of those long, white, feathery skirts to wear when I play the harp! I wonder how it would hold up with three cats helping me get dressed???

  6. Great shots Carol. I love the first one but the girl in pink is my favorite!! Yes my email post is different too.

  7. After this post on White Swans... Are you going to do one post on The Black Swan Movie?
    How's the weather in NY? I am freezing here in OH!!! No good snow though, just flurries!
    Stay warm Carol!

  8. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Not crazy about the dangling ballerinas. It looks like a macabre gallows.


  9. Ah Bendels et ses décors de rêves!

    bonne soirée


  10. Oh how I miss Bendels. Home of all my Christmas party dresses since the early 1970's .. and a present or two throughout the years ..

  11. ah the OLD Bendels was a dream!
    They had the BEST clothes in New York Broad...
    ah yes the good ole days..

  12. Swooning over Bendel's and your painting!

  13. ooh!! the pink ballerina is just gorgeous sitting on her prettily dressed bed.

  14. The second shot must have more sugar in it than anything I've seen lately!
    We don't have store windows decorated like NYC here in Podunk, so it's really great to see your shots.

  15. Simply lovely! I want an outfit like those ballerinas!

  16. Anonymous6:07 PM

    I love the macaron ribbon watercolor is it for sale? It is just precious...

  17. I do love the store windows at Christmas time. Reminds me of when I was small and I'd be so enamoured of all that magic. Thanks for taking me back, Carol! Love the piggy bank, too. xo

  18. I've always looked better in black!

  19. Simony: More dancers coming, none of them black swans- I'm too afraid to see that movie.
    I'll stick with The Red Shoes on Netflix (free this month too)
    New York is freezing too & no flurries yet :)

  20. Dangling ballerinas and sugarplums... I love it!

  21. Amazing displays...very much gets one into the holiday spirit!

  22. Yes, interesting to see that we chose a similar (dancing) theme the same day! How is that possible?

  23. I will not be able to resist seeing "The Black Swan," I'm afraid. Well, I'm not actually afraid,
    but very curious. I enjoyed a brisk walk across Central Park on Saturday, and certainly could have
    used something close to legwarmers.
    Winter seems to be here, at last...
    and alas.

  24. I saw these displays when I was In NY last week and took lots of pictures too. It was stunning!
    I mourn the old Bendel's too - the best shopping in NY.
    Did you see the foodie windows at Barney's too? Hilarious!

  25. Very creative display! (But the piggie bank is too cute to break.) Bess

  26. Whar a wonderful display! I love anything to do with the Nutcracker.

    Great post.

  27. Anonymous12:48 PM

    actually i think the hanging ballerinas are a little creepy. kinda like a real hanging, get what i mean?


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