
Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Lanvin Spr'11/Jan Gossart 1532

Photo by Garance DorePhoto by Grance Dore
While Sunday surfing I came across this arresting photo by Garance Dore of Lanvin's Spring 2011 collection...
Yesterday I went to a press preview of the Jan Gossart exhibit at the Met - can you see where this is headed?LANVIN Lanvin's fabulous flowie drapery... Has Alber Elbaz been looking at Neatherlandish painting?
LANVIN Or is it just me that sees... These complex draperies... Repeated in these paintings of Jan Gossart?
LANVIN Scrunched...
Red pigment was such a rare commodity for artists back in the 13-14th century - vermilion or cinnabar was usually reserved for the most exquisite of painted subjects like the virgin. But here the artiste has deemed himself worthy of the finest. Is that why I see RED everywhere?
LANVIN Of course Lanvin loves black too...
As does this Met preview observer draped in noir...
LANVIN Lanvin designer Alber Elbaz would make a worthy portrait subject for 13th century Jan Gossart don't you think?
Can't you envision the couture sketches pinned to the wall behind his head and fabric swatches/colored threads on his work table..?
LANVIN Bien sur only a 21st century designer could dream up these fantastical shoes-who knows if they bothered with shoes under all that drapery?
opens tomorrow at the Metropolitan Museum - a spendid exhibit.
Back in New York a boy braves the cold with not much drapery at all. He better cover up - it's 54 degrees out there.


  1. Did you know that Lanvin and H&M are going to collaborate this year? The collections debuts in November and I am sure you will like it.
    Greetings from Paris!

  2. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
    It opens on the 20th
    I have my alarm clock set
    I'm ready to rise up and join the line!!
    I'm counting the days :)

  3. Carol, I love the way you have paralleled these historical paintings with what you are seeing on the runway today! Thank you so much for this. Great post!

    souvenez vous de GIA!!!!!!!

  5. Let's see:
    Big dollops of ART with equally big dollops of FASHION, topped off,
    as always, with delicious dollops
    of your subtle HUMOR!
    By golly; you're the Good Humor Girl.

  6. Anonymous10:08 AM

    par contre, j'oubliais, ALBER ELBAZ est bien joufflu!!!!!!

  7. anabela10:08 AM

    Thanks for the Lavin post, I loved it. I was thinking before I saw today's post if you could do something about Parisian women shoes, they wear a lot of flats and still manage to look stylish and glamorous
    I would like to be able to pull that off, as I can only walk in flats ;o)

  8. Fantastic pairings, Carols,
    your eyes and memory, chapeau! :-)

    Love that Met preview observer,
    draped in noir

    Sandal and socks wearing ancient Romans were the subject of a more than tongue in cheek article this past August, by Richard Alleyne in the U.K. Telegraph Science Section:
    Romans wore socks with sandals, new British dig suggests
    "Britons may be famous for their lack of fashion sense and Italians for their style. But it appears we may have inherited one of our biggest sartorial crimes from the Romans.

    Cheers! :-)

  9. I wanted to write "in socks, sans sandals" -
    evidently, Blogger was not amused! ;-)

  10. You have the most fantastic eye!
    As for the modern stiletto sandals - Note the TWO band aids!! I doubt that the ladies in drapes suffered for their art!

  11. This was a very interesting observation, not only the red but the drapery.
    I like the way you see.
    And I'm not hungry after reading the blog!

  12. ALBER ELBAZ est bien joufflu
    very chubby cheeks
    very Neatherlandish!

  13. Heheheee, I have chubby cheeks too. I guess it's true ;) Loved this post so much... Thank you!!!!!

  14. Brilliant post! Love it and you are soooo right!

  15. Gosh, that red and that blue are so rich!

  16. What a connection.....xv

  17. Love this post,,,, drapery is the first thing they have you learn to draw in art 101,,,, held its allure it seems for many centuries.
    Gorgeous red dress for openers, Carol smart choice.


  18. Thank you Joanny!
    Drapery is the first thing you do at Parsons Sch of Design fashion classes and I struck out.
    Give me pencil and paper SVP.
    I was never a draper-designer...
    Strictly a sketcher-designer.
    2-D always :)

  19. This was such a well done post!!!
    I love how you matched up the past and the present.
    Great job!!!

  20. I love that opening shot - a real grabber.
    Very nice presentation of the fashions - great post.
    (Those shoes look a bit too much!)

  21. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Couldn't you have fed those poor anorexic models some sandwiches?

  22. Great post, as usual, Carol. I'm crazy about the red especially. But that poor model's feet in those ridiculous shoes made me wince. She has bandages on her big toes and the skin in the crease of the shoes is red and not in a good way. Very painful looking. She is certainly 'suffering for her art'.
    The plump male designer reminds me of the late, great Geoffrey Beene.

  23. Oo la la I love love love that red dress!

  24. Loved this post. I love how you showed live models with the paintings. I love how the material was painted. Kim said it best.

  25. S.Jersey boy10:30 PM

    I LOVE the way you tied in the visual metaphors of fashion and art here!

  26. I love the way you give each post it's own quirky slant - letting us share wonderful fashions and fabulous shops, not to mention the delicious food!

  27. I have been a long time lurker here but this is my first time to leave a comment, I think. This should be one of my favorite posts from you. Very inspired to connect the paintings with the runway. I really enjoyed this. Thanks.

  28. I think this post is a favorite, Carol - genius!!

  29. M. in Paris5:32 AM

    tres bien ce rapprochement avec la peinture classique !
    A bientot

  30. Elizabeth5:36 AM

    Absolutely LOVE this fashion stuff. A terrific blog post.
    Just wish I could _wear_ it.


  31. Anonymous7:35 AM

    So clever! Great post.

  32. Drapery is incredible and so luxurious, in fashion and art, what a clever connection in your post! Will definitely visit the Met for this, thanks for the exhibit info.

  33. wonderful post and can easily see the similarities...very neat! I have taken photos of that building by the Met with those gorgeous marble you know what that building is or just a wonderful apartment building? Would be so magic to live there and a few steps away from the wonderful Met !

  34. I agree with Yvette - Ouch on the shoes! Not even very pretty. Give me ballet flats any day of the week. Lovely post.

  35. Does the observer in black think he is Aristide Bruant? I hope he has a sense of humour.

    I'm off to Paris tomorrow. Whoopee. So long in planning I can hardly believe it's me that it's happening to.

  36. Pardon Carol, this is the image I was referring to. Now I must walk the dog and pack.


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