
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Remembrances of Fauchon NYC

When your external hard drive breaks on you, you lose a lot of memories. But then when its fixed, they all come back with renewed inspiration. That's how I re-discovered these lost photos of the now long gone New York Fauchon...
Petale de Rose tea, original watercolor, 9' x 11"
I used to buy Fauchon's rose petal tea - Boutons de Rose... Admittedly I never ever brewed it. But it looked so pretty in the bottle - the stuff of Paris dreams...
Of course the macarons were the main attraction at the New York Fauchon and lighting in the case made the colors even brighter than they were...sigh
This is my all time favorite photo I think, taken at just that intense moment of anticipation - waiting, waiting...
New York Fauchon was a pink heaven and everything was a delight to paint.
Fauchon I made weekly pilgrimages to browse and admire, sometimes to buy and taste - my favorite New York Museum...
Fauchon Fauchon's design is so classy - irresistable.
FauchonWhen they were closing the store I got one of these little "porte-etiquettes" signs saying petit dejeuner - very irresistable!
Fauchon I never got to taste this gateaux, but I might as well have, I spent that much time admiring it...

They had the loveliest tea salon at the New York Fauchon, where on special occasions I'd go for hot chocolate. And they would always give you a gratis bon bon at the end of your meal...

Please come back to New York Fauchon! I miss you much...


  1. what great photos! I love Fauchon....I spent one Valentine's Day at the one that was on Motte Picquet in Paris. Thanks for the photos.

  2. Thanks for the daily info on Paris,I love your pictures,we will be back in May...

  3. Lawrence9:30 AM

    Pink dreams of Paris today...even if it was New York - can't get your Paris Pinks out of my mind.
    Lovely watercolor too!

  4. Fauchon is really the one that got away...I got into macarons too late to enjoy them there...and it was a quick ten blocks from my job! Only the good die young.

    Have you been to the French Bistro in Astoria? (47St, 30th Ave.) Not really a pastry kind of place, but the waiter is surly enough.

  5. lovely, delicate images, Carol. I'm in Indiana and opened up my email to your pretty photos and painting. Have a good one.

  6. I can't believe you got these photos. I was in the Fauchon grocery store when they had it and was taking photos of the fabulous displays. The sales woman was very determined to make me put my camera away. Kept saying no photos, no photos!
    I am really enjoying the bit of Paris every morning.

  7. Don't worry, in a few weeks, you will go to Fauchon PARIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. The closest thing we have to anything like Fauchon down here is a Paul shop....not quite the same at all. I love those pink Fauchon boxes, Carol! Stunning! XO

  9. well you are way better off than NYC Anne which now has neither PAUL or Fauchon.
    Go figure
    c'est la vie

  10. I love this post, carol! Such great photos and arrangement.
    Your favorite photo is beautiful!

  11. Estelle11:46 AM

    They are showing three locations in New York.


  12. Yes one of the Food Emporium does carry their choco bars and cookies and tea...not the same thing at all :(

  13. Moi aussi! Merci pour le post, Mademoiselle! J'ai une grande boite a Fauchon, une cadeaux a Catherine Malandrino! A l'interieur, il porte tous les choses pour les repas: marmalade d'oranges, seule (dans un pot tres charmante, et qui et en haute de ma four maintenant), lavendre, et tous les autres. J'ADORE Fauchon!!

    A tout a l'heure!

  14. All I can say is that it is a good thing that I am still full from my lunch!! All of that looks so yummy! I have never been there and it's sad that I'll never see it. Maybe you'll find another one someday.

  15. Foodwalker5:06 PM

    love scrolling down the colorful pictures.

  16. I love your photography. Long live les macarons!!

  17. When I was much younger too many moons ago, there was a 'LeNotre' restaurant on East 59th St. One day, I went in and ordered 12 pastries and went to the park and at them. Ahhh, those were the good old days. Love the post and I am jealous of your trip. Eat many many pastries for me.

  18. Your macaron shots are some of my fav pics.

  19. You have such a beautiful blog. I love the pictures of the macarons! Glad to have found you...

  20. French accent1:23 PM

    Your watercolor is very lovely, but unfortunately marred by a gender mistake: as "confit" is a masculin noun, it should be preceded by "mon" (instead of "ma").

  21. You have already had them. Send them to Northumberland please.

  22. Oh those macaron pictures are delightful. Fall is coming to Paris soon if im correct, and soon there will be more les gens having chocolat chaud in the cafes. I miss it.

  23. That pair of pink and yellow on the charcoal napkin - or is it a card? - !!!

  24. is there any where in new york city to get fauchon tea? or la petite marseillaise lotion? i shuda bought more, much more, of both when i was in paris...


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