
Friday, June 12, 2009

The Marshmallow Test

If you haven't tasted French marshmallow/guimauve in Paris.

You have a treat in store - chocolate-covered marshmallows at Pain De Sucre...

Called Nounours after the kid's treats shaped like bears - here they're made into a lollypop for adults!

I'm fascinated by French attachment to the penny candy of their childhood - they never give it up! It's transformed into the most sophisticated of treats like this pink pack - $12 bucks for a stack of pink marshmallows.

 Gerard Mulot's stack of mallows is only 6 euros... You'll find marshmallows high and low-end everywhere in Paris. 

Stacks of them at the Salon du Chocolat...
 La Mere du Famille gets me every time (4.50 euros) and worth every penny/centime! You taste the delicate flavors and the sugar is an undertone - hard to believe I know.

Pain De Sucre creates exotic flavors-cassis,mango, safron. 

High piles of chocolate-covered marshmallows at the Salon.

 High-end chocolate bears/oursons/nounours.

Back to Fr kid stuff.

 Hello Kitty pops...
As a kid I roasted marshmallows on the stove burner till they blackened outside and were deliciously gooey inside, always when my parents were out of the house.
Have you tried Parisian guimauve?
It's a whole new experience.
Watch The Marshmallow Test - food for thought.


  1. PEEPS!
    Cooked over the gas stove. The sugar caramelizes and the insides get gooey!

  2. I set my friend, Buddy Miller, on fire while toasting marshmellows over a smudge pot in the stree. His mum was none too happy.

  3. Anonymous12:24 PM

    I don't love marshmallows (probably not even French guimauves) but I DO love Paris Breakfasts! How do you keep coming up with these ideas? What a fertile mind you have, and what a fantastic eye.
    Berkshire Tsarina

  4. What does it say about a culture that can take everyday foods to such culinary heights for our taste buds and create breathtaking eye candy for the soul?

    One day.. I am buying a studio in Paris.

  5. PS
    Merci for the Marshmallow candy movie

  6. Great painting!
    I love the colors of the marshmallows in this post, very nice. And it does make you think of childhood!

  7. The chocolate covered marshmallows were my favorite. I miss all the wonderful treats...sigh.

  8. I like american traditional marshmallows, especially for the BBQ they are the must!
    I will be off to Paris at the end of this month, so I will try the french marshmallos.
    (Not the Kitty ones; too pity to eat.)

    Thank you for your wonderful posts!

  9. Yorkie3:16 PM

    I'm hooked.
    How do I order any of these to try?

  10. Diane G.3:18 PM

    I discovered your blog about a month ago, as I was planning our current trip to Paris. Every day, before my husband and I left the States for another Parisian vacation, and after we arrived here (we're staying in the 6th), I look forward to Paris Breakfasts.
    We feel guilty for indulging in the pleasure of your excellent photography, art and clever points of view.
    If you are currently in Paris, we would love to take you out for a drink.

  11. Anonymous3:29 PM

    interesting. i have never seen so many types of marshmallows! and cute ones as well.

  12. I've never tried French marshmallows but now I must! Cassis, safron, I would want to try those at least once. Though probably not in my usual way of eating marshmallows - in hot chocolate!

  13. I am a huge marshmallow lover and had no idea that they were also a French treat too. Love your blog as always! For future reference, do you do custom paintings?

  14. Oh my yes. I have a big thing for marshmallows. I used to do the same thing as you, Roasting the marshmellows over the stove burners. Yumm. :))

  15. When I get the craving for roasted marshmallows, I will sometimes stick one on a metal grilling skewer and roast it over a candle! Nothing like that charred sweetness. Have a great weekend, Carol. Beautiful illustration as always!

  16. I am drooling! and pleasantly reminiscing...

  17. such pretty marshmallows! your paintings are fantastic.

  18. Oh, I do want to try to make these sometime. Love your sweet paintings of 'em! I love marshmallows--they're mostly air, but they're fun. You gotta' remember the fun element...;))

  19. Yummy pictures!!!!


  20. Thank you for sharing these marshmallows. I saw them for the first time last year when i went to Paris and fell in love with them. I then tried making some at home and ordered from different American companies, but i think I will have to go back to Paris to "savor" the marshmallows again. I have not seen any Parisian style marshmallows in L.A. yet.
    Are there places in New York?

  21. Well I learned a new French word for marshmallow, what a cool word! Guimauve guimauve guimauve.

    I would love to toast one of those long marshmallow strips.

    I swear looking at the food pics on your blog have made me put on weight.... ;-)

  22. I love the guimauve, the nounours... the macarons... and all the rest! Your way of describing it all make it even more appetizing!!

  23. Well, I have made excuses to go back to Paris(got a run in my Wofford hose) but how do I justify going to buy marshmallows?? LOL! It's on the short list now. Thanks.

  24. Such divine food and stunning art!

  25. Hello
    I love your blog and I know you're a fan of Laduree macarons, can I please ask you if you have to pay for macarons boxes at Laduree and how much are they?

  26. After reading this post, I really need une guimauve maison! Fabulous pictures Madame!

  27. Another great post...they just keep on coming. Can't wait to try the Parisian marshmellows...who knew there were so many kinds!

  28. I see marshmallows everywhere when I visit Paris but have never tasted one. This is on my list of things to do on my next visit.

  29. bella.5:58 AM

    i love guimauve! it's so much better than regular marshmallows.
    i make my own guimauve, but it's never as good as the stuff you get in paris. i think parisians are magic - they can make anything taste otherworldly. even a simple salad or hot chocolate.
    i was actually planning on making lavender guimauve next weekend. or chocolate-covered raspberry nounours?

  30. What a great painting! I love the colors of the marshmallows in this post. The chocolate covered marshmallows is my favorite. It looks so beautiful!

  31. Loving the marshmallows! Will be making my own Rose scented marshmallows next Saturday....


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