
Sunday, October 23, 2022

La Galerie Dior

Thursday I went to La Galerie Dior enfin with my sister.

I was a little reluctant after the amazing Dior exhibit at MAD a few years back.

How could they possibly top that?

I am happy to tell you they have. 

Tickets are 12€
and must be reserved online - easily done in advance.

When we arrived there was a very short line. There are lines everywhere in Paris these days, so go 30 minutes ahead of your rendezvous. 

You take the elevator to the top floor (3rd) for historical background on Christian Dior. Yes he was a dandy from the get-go. That’s him in the military outfit with beaucoup gold buttons. 

Christian Dior retained happy memories of the blush-pink shade of his childhood home in Granville, stating it “was the gentlest of colors, that of happiness and femininity.”

He also said,“every woman should have something pink in her wardrobe.”

I dream of visiting the Dior museum in Granville in Normandy (4 hours by train).

chapeau/hat exhibit on till November 13. This charming illustrated ad was on the top floor at La Galerie in Paris.

Perhaps because entrances are timed, the gallery did not feel crowded. Terrific to see what the kids are wearing to Dior. 

My sister reminded me, Dior designed Grace Kelly’s wedding dress. (This is not Grace’s dress).
“White is pure and simple and matches with everything”.

Stunning fashion photos from the 50s, 60s. 

Dior does the ‘Little Black Dress’ or rather gown. Is 
that just one dress reflected multiple times? Dior was big on bows
You can wear black at any time. At any age. You may wear it for almost any occasion; ‘a little black frock’ is essential to a woman’s wardrobe”.

What a great sketcher ✏️ he was. 

Christian Dior made the trendsetting debut of leopard print in 1947.  
Leopard prints
quickly became sensational. 
Dior’s quote,”If you are fair and sweet, don’t wear it”🐆 

On one floor, a perfume testing station was giving out

Classic Dior grey and white scented ribbon samples liberally. No sales.

A woman’s perfume tells more about her than her handwriting
I added more pink washes to my bottle on Etsy.

Drawing by Rene Grau
Just when you reach the point you can’t take another step. 

The Dior Cafe magically appears. We got the salad panier. 
FYI the restaurant, Monsieur Dior, designed by Peter Marino, is booked weeks if not months in advance. 

On the way out, I loved seeing Dior’s work station. It reminded me of Yves Saint-Laurent’s studio.Both so immaculate. 
Whatever you do- whether work or play- do it with passion”

So unlike messy Karl, a guy after my own heart ❤️ 
Outside, longer lines. A toute-en-noire Frenchie with red cuffs & Louboutins. I go off to see Art Basel. What a day! 

🥂🐆❤️Bon Dimanche PBers❤️🐆🥂


  1. Anonymous3:57 AM

    Hi Carol,
    We tried to get tickets, but they are all gone until after we leave (two weeks from today). Oh well. Your description is lucious

    1. Anonymous5:04 AM

      So sorry to hear. I did order the week before. I guess tourism comes in waves…unpredictable and best to order well in advance🙏

  2. I was there on Thursday as well, Carol, and followed it up with the Musée Yves Saint Laurent, which is holding an exhibition on all things gold in YSL’s world. Loved both. When I bought tickets last week, I had to book about 10 days out.

    1. Anonymous5:05 AM

      Dying to see the YSL Gold exhibit…I hope to get up there today.

  3. What your wonderful site makes me realize is that as great as it is to visit places, it is much nicer to live in them. Thanks for making Paris and its special treasures available for those of us who can't live there. I wouldn't even have dreamed such a place exists (never mind Dior's family homesite).

    1. Anonymous6:16 AM

      That’s very kind of you to say, but there are some days I don’t leave the house, addressing Paris letters or other nonsense. I have to make myself go see things. Isn’t it true anywhere? Effort is required to experience your surroundings. If my sister hadn’t asked me to get the tickets…

  4. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Bonjour, Carol - This was such a lovely post! I almost didn't notice Karl working away, engrossed and entombed as he was at his desk. And Miss Dior! I wonder if you will be offering your Miss Dior painting on Etsy. I have worn Miss Dior since 1971 - my first "real" fragrance and still one of my three faves. Thanks for such a nice Paris treat; so glad your sis gave a push.

    1. Anonymous7:03 AM

      Yes, thank you.
      I just added it to Etsy
      French Perfume Watercolor

    2. Anonymous10:15 AM

      Walk away for just a few minutes and shazam! gone like the wind. So sorry to have missed this one.

  5. I am so happy you were able to go to this exhibit which I have been reading about for months. Did you see the movie "Mrs. Harris goes to Paris" I didn't care for the film but the gowns were heavenly. Your lunch looks delish in a very chichi setting.
    Happy times with your sister.

    1. Anonymous7:12 AM

      Thank you! How did I miss this - adorable

  6. Replies
    1. Anonymous7:05 AM

      You would love it LuLu next time you visit

  7. Carol...I like the idea of those perfume scented ribbons. I will do that. As usual, a wonderfully nostalgic post. Thanks. S.

    1. Anonymous7:05 AM

      Thank you Sally, yes it was a charming surprise and no selling either

  8. Welch schöne Impression, besten Dank dafür;)

  9. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Great photos! Loved Mrs. Harris goes to Paris! I wore Miss Dior when I was a teen ( I’m now 71 and still wear it occasionally) :)

  10. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Hi Carol, It’s Suzy from Grosse Pointe, Michigan. Your posts are so beautiful, and have been an education in itself. I first found you in 2010 when researching an upcoming three week trip to Paris. And have followed you ever since. Quite a few of your paintings are right here in our French-inspired home, in this French-founded city. This morning, a nice lazy Sunday, I decided to start reading your blog posts right from the beginning, April 2006. It’s so interesting to see how this started, and evolved, and how you followed your dream! Congratulations on a life well lived, and so generously shared with all of your fortunate followers! Very much love to you, dear Carol ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    1. Anonymous12:57 PM

      Wow! That’s quite an undertaking. I love many of the early posts. Like reading an old diary…Thank you for the kind thoughts Suzy

  11. Anonymous12:15 PM

    What a treat to tour this with you!

  12. Anonymous12:37 PM

    I have been a fan of yours for years, I was very moved by a photo today, I could swear Karl's desk is the one my husband sits at daily including the orange cat. I had him come "take a look at this photo" we both had a good laugh.

    1. Anonymous2:21 AM

      It is mine also and on the floor…minus a cat =^^=

  13. As we saw the Dior exhibit at MAD, we decided to skip this one but recently decided to add it to next years trip-you have just reinforced that decision. I saw Mrs Harris Goes to Paris and thought it a fun movie, the kind we all need every so often. Love the hatbox serving plate/dish in the cafe the salad looks delish/

    1. Anonymous2:24 AM

      Oh I thought you went Suki…maybe why it is not so hard to get ickets…Everyone is thinking the same thing. Dior is a universal fashion icon. Mrs Harris can’t hurt. It is coming to Paris in November 👏🥂🍾 🎉

  14. Anonymous3:24 PM

    we had the same feeling after seeing the show at MAD a few years back but it did not disappoint. one of the best show we saw a in sept in paris.

    1. Anonymous2:25 AM

      So happy to hear 😊🎉

  15. Anonymous2:26 AM

    You are a master at capturing the exhibits. You give your wonderful little commentaries and also little quips which relate to your PB audience. Plus give us historical perspectives CARLA

  16. Bonnie L9:31 AM

    Another fabulous exhibit, Carol. You have inspired me to get tickets for this one. Just beautiful! ❤️

  17. Carol: I've been enjoying Paris Breakfasts for several years (thank you for helping me through the pandemic!) We went to Paris a couple of weeks ago for the first time in 5 years and followed many of your suggestions for small museums, cafés, lively streets and parks to wander, etc. October is a wonderful time there. We brought a picnic to the garden at Giverny (as you suggested) and saw maybe 4 or 5 people as we sat and luxuriated in the fall flowers and colors. Thank you so much!

    1. Anonymous8:48 AM

      You’re very welcome

  18. Jacquelyn Goudeau7:20 PM

    The original Mrs. Harris, with Angela Landsbury, I find much better than the new one. Much more true to the book and the times. C'est la vie, JG

  19. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Exquisite, what a fun day! I actually just saw Mrs Harris goes to Paris, which is a great movie, I wonder if i's true. Desiree


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