
Thursday, October 27, 2022

Les Gourmandises de l’Automne

Fall, Autumn, l’Automne…whatever you want to call it, came in early October this year in Paris 

The fleuristes’ windows are full of it. This new shop, Studio Maison Ciero just opened near me. Their specialty - creations végétale.

Chocolate is BIG every l’Automne in Paris

This chocolate ‘leafy’🍁 gateau appears every Fall at Lenotre. It was created by the most revered of all French pastry chefs, Gaston Lenotre in 1968. A lovely alliance of meringue and creamy dark chocolate mousse. 

Lenotre never had cookies before but they do now like everyone else. 

Cookies are big literally and figuratively, with plenty of Autumn hazelnuts 🌰 These are from Fous De Patisserie. 

Alain Ducasse Biscuits jumped onto the cookie bandwagon trend. His cookies gluten-free. And maybe butter and sugar-free? Sorry, I found them taste-free.

A new addition in pastry Paris is Takumi, Japanese cheesecake at Pyramide. They make cheesecake right in the window. Huge buckets of Philadelphia Cream Cheese. I’m from Philly, so it warms the heart ❤️ But they only sell whole cheesecakes. No slices - individual slices are ‘messy’ they said. Takumi give out free sample slices of the ‘flavor of the day’. For sale - individual eclair-shaped pastries. I got Yuzu. Yummy

Another new Paris patisserie addition, Pages Blanches. I was just passing by. They will be at Salon du Chocolat opening tonight. Full report to come🍫

Impossible not to do a little research and taste their very lush Matcha flan. Extraordinaire! 

Flan is always a good idea in Paris in the Fall. Even if the Festival de Flan did not deliver to late-comers 😬 It took me a while to learn to love Flan -
like quiche but slightly sweeter and very filling - a good lunch substitute. Poilâne was my favorite so far. This flan is from new HOT boulangerie Frappe Urbaine

Their OTT Paris Brest with Fall noisettes/hazelnuts🌰 is a must. 

Anything figue/fig = is a Fall must-eat. The lines at Frappe are a little daunting. And so is deciding what to buy. Their red quinoa seasonal salad with sun-dried tomatoes + pumpkin seeds was terrific. 

My no longer fav Fall restaurant, The Oyster Club. Good  moules and razor clams, but VERY rude 😟 

Paris fleuristes have delicious displays

Plenty of pumpkins/potiron

The pumpkins/citrouille at Patrick Roger are chocolate and edible (59€). 
Yes, Parisians celebrate Halloween 🎃 The French are famous for celebrating anything at the drop of a hat🥂🍾

Speaking of pumpkins/citrouille/potiron

I fell hard for the pumpkin beanie hat on Arcimboldo Fall portraits at Louvre’s Les Choses exhibition. Please play Vivaldi’s Four Seasons (Autumn) 🍁 now.

I’ve been grappling with Giuseppe Arcimboldo all week for the October🍁Paris Letter. The Louvre owns the Autumn painting. 

Last year’ Autumnal🍁Eiffel Tower was so much easier. 
Enfin,io finito! 
Voila - version #888 October Paris letter

We (1 chat, 2 oiseaux,1 escuriel and 1 pumpkinhead 🎃) 
are off to the printer👏🥂🍾🎉 I spotted this magpie last weekend and he/she made the cut.


  1. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Ah Carol. You make Paris so much more colorful. I too visited the Louve for the new Les Choses exhibit, but it was the pastels exhibit that reminded me of your art!

    1. Anonymous7:35 AM

      Which pastel exhibit? I must go and see 👏

  2. I love Paris in the fall! The new shop in your area looks interesting. It is fun to decorate with gourds, pumpkins, etc. I see they have used bittersweet. 🗼❤️

    1. Anonymous7:36 AM

      Bittersweet…I’m going to have to look that up. I know nothing about foliage and plants

  3. Bonnie L8:23 AM

    Everything looks simply yummy…visually and in the traditional sense! Flan?? Yes, please! ❤️

  4. I've always loved the ruffled cake:)

    1. Anonymous11:44 AM

      Hmmm…Bernachon calls it the ‘President’ and says they invented it. Who done it is the question?

  5. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Love seeing Paris decorated for fall. All your photos are wonderful Carol. Your Paris letter is gorgeous! Just stunning. Suzanne P.

    1. Anonymous11:44 AM

      Thank you Suzanne ❤️ It took a bit of effort but now I am happy too with it 😊

  6. All that glorious chocolat - can't wait for your report on the Salon du Chocolat.

  7. Anonymous3:21 AM

    I’m walking in your 👠 thanks to your vibrant amazing Pictures…….! Gorgeous. It’s your Paris, Carol! CM

  8. Anonymous8:11 AM

    If I’m feeling blue, reading Paris Breakfast puts me right back in Paris feeling happy once again! Miss it!!!

  9. Bobbye Trotter12:36 PM

    Per your suggestion I immediately listened to Vivaldi’s Four Seasons. I skipped ahead to Autumn while looking at your Paris Autumn photos.

  10. Oh that fig tart looks delicious! Well, everything does. The pumpkin hat on your fall letter is excellent. Impressive to have the idea and work away till you get it!

    1. Anonymous12:05 AM

      A very abundant fig tarte indeed. Paris tells you what to wear and what to eat in Autumn 🍁


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