
Monday, October 04, 2010


Dalloyau Have you ever been to Dalloyau?
This picture is from Dalloyau's party catalog.
DalloyauA quite traditional Parisien insititution?
(Pronounced Dall-why-o or however you like it...)
DalloyauThe Dalloyau family has been making gateaux, ice creams and bread for over 200 years for French royalty. I went to Luxembourg branch at 2, place Edmond-Rostand 75006
There are 7 Dalloyau boutiques around Paris
DalloyauI got The Works.
Dalloyau*Have you noticed how the French like to drink their OJ through a straw.
Exquisite jams too. You go upstairs for petit dejeuner at Dalloyau.Dalloyau There's something about a messy table.
Do look at Dalloyau's splendid dessert catalog.
Some Dalloyau factoids: They have 97 cooks, 100 pastry cooks, chocolate makers and confectioners, 4 ice-cream makers and 4 bakers. In a year they make 55 tons of macarons, break 1,300,000 eggs, bake 1,500,000 Viennoiseries, and create 50 tons of chocolate candies !
You often ask me about Paris restaurants. Since I mostly exist on breakfast, pastry and salads in Paris.
I thought you'd like to check out restaurant recommendations of David Lebovitz, who lives in Paris full time.
ate lunch at one of David's favs, Christian Constant's Les Cocottes, 135, rue Saint-Dominique, 75007
It was formidable.BONJOUR LUNDI PB readers!


  1. Oh Carol,
    I shall dream of these gorgeous pictures and food!
    The food AND the dishes too,
    the light, the colors,
    I am totally smitten!
    I think I may have to go to Paris.
    Summer 2011.

    Merci for the pleasure of traveling and eating virtually while tied to the desk and a wonderful week to you,

  2. Franchement, I don't think you should wait.
    Fly out today!!

  3. Fly out today, to never return!
    Who cares about two more semester before freedom?

  4. I wish I've been there! What delicious treats. Particularly like the first snap

  5. Oh PB~ I wish I had known about Dalloyau 2 weeks ago!!
    It goes on my list for next time...bien sur!

  6. Ooops
    I didn't take the 1st picture of stacks of macarons.
    It's from Dalloyau's party catalog

  7. More travel motivation from you is very welcome on this rainy New York Monday.

    I love what you say about existing mostly on breakfast and salades in Paris!

    Best wishes, Carol.

  8. I am SO glad you mentioned a messy table. Last year our first breakfast (with crusty bread and croissants) I had crumbs (and spilled hot chocolate) all over the table - looked like a disaster zone! Those little pots dribble - had to be them since it couldn't be me! We get one the plane Wednesday morning - can't wait to be in Paris again!!!!

  9. Please correct my spelling previously!!!!!

  10. I had two macarons today after breakfast. And I thought of you!

    Love this post - it's so yummy. As is your artwork, Carolg!


  11. I'm wondering how that shot came about: l'addition avec les pristines jams? Do they bring the bill as soon as you order - before you even have a chance to dip into the jams?

  12. I'm wondering how that shot came about: l'addition avec les pristines jams? Do they bring the bill as soon as you order - before you even have a chance to dip into the jams?

  13. Such a great great Post!
    Love these photos, so cute.
    And the food looks so gorgeous.;)
    Lovely regards,

    xx, Jana from petit fournil de paris.

  14. Looks delicious, Carol!
    I love the cover of their dessert catalog - very vibrant colors :)
    That dinner looks great, too.

  15. Anonymous3:28 PM

    I'm interested to know, especially your preference(s), as I have yet to try, how or where would you rate Dalloyau Macarons?

    Do they compare to Ladurée & Pierre Hermé? Or are they "meilleure"...?

  16. Ok!! I need ...all..know!! xx

  17. BENNIE-
    I refuse to committ!
    Macarons are all different like dating...
    A bit of this and that and variations there of.
    Best to go up to Galeries Lafayette Gourmand and get 1-2 of a variety of brands.
    And then over to Printemps food floor for more and do a taste comparison.
    There are some corner neighborhood patisseries that have excellent macarons as well..

  18. Jeanette,
    in cafes they often bring the bill along with your coffee or tea..
    In restaurants you HAVE TO ASK for the bill/l'addition. It's not automatice.
    Going to jail IS automatic if you refuse to pay your bill in France.
    Doing the dishes is not an option.

  19. Anonymous4:19 PM

    oh - thank you for this! - will be popping it in my file for sure. x

  20. Anonymous6:35 PM

    I first heard of Dalloyau through Chocolatier magazine. I had my first 'chocolat chaud' there. I had gone to my mentor Erte's apartment and lunch at the Dalloyau in the Boulogne area. The most delicious lamb I will never forget and OH the 'chocolat chaud'. My first sip told me that God wears a beret.

  21. I love the restaurants of Christian Constant, especially his little café. When I'm in Paris each time, I usually eat there at least twice a week. It's great fun and even better food.

  22. What a yummy looking dishes pics..I wish I have been there with you and you take pics and I eat those things ha ha..Hey tell the truth what you eat there and found more tasty?


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