
Friday, October 01, 2010

La Nuit du Gateau

I opened a Pandora's box yesterday, in fact 2 of them... I went to a preview tasting at La Maison du Chocolat for their Nov 3 La Nuit du Gateau event and you are ALL invited.
So PLEASE mark your calendars !They are celebrating their 20th anniversary by inviting you for a free tasting of their cakes including the New York launch of their divine eclairs You will get to taste their exquisite 'Salvador' cake of chocolate + framboise. This is every bit as good as it looks and simply melts in your mouth...
miam-miam And the chocolate ganache tarte...
A plate of what we tasted...
And of course there will be MACARONS on Nov 3!!!
I left La Maison floating on a chocolate cloud...
Everything was chocolate as I walzed down Madison Avenue like this belt- a reminder I must show some restraint this weekend...
Dreamy chocolate shorts at Juicy Couture, with an emphasis on the keep dreaming...
Stacks of chocolate dresses at Morgan Le Fay-I must be dreaming...
Dior has chocolate boots, bags, leggings...
A chocolate mommie as wall decor...
A celebrity mom (Serena's mom, Kelly Rutherford of Gossip Girls) with her kids in tow wearing a chocolate feathery coat!
And a chocolate New York dog bien sur...
I'll remind you again when Nov 3 draws closer, but do mark your diaries.
7pm - midnight all the New York La Maison du Chocolat will be celebrating with tents, tastes and jazz.
And Thank you for your suggestions yesterday.
Bon Week-End!


  1. Elizabeth9:51 AM

    Second photo down:


  2. This HAS to be the reason I love eclairs...

  3. What's Kelly holding? A parasol?

    Merci pour yet another fun post, Carol!

    Christine Hueber

  4. Great post! I would love to try all the cakes but I am not sure if I could wear then the brown belt:)

  5. Fall, October in particular, always has a special was of reminding me how much I love chocolate.

    It all looks so alluring, I might just have to find a Seattle fix!

  6. You know how to top yourself, showing us all those tempting chocolates, fabulous clothes and boots, celebrities and then, the highlight of it all, your painting! Wow, I am smitten, love it, so unique!
    Now, why don't a have any chocolate around here? ;-)

  7. i die! and the moody colors of those macarons!

  8. New York!!! why not MARS or Venus!!! I live in Amsterdam :(
    Mayby I will win the dutch lotery in october and show up in New York!
    Or...I will check out your post...make a lot of pictures please.

  9. God, that looks so delicious!
    I love chocolate and that is very good looking chocolate :)

  10. It all looks SO delicious! I'd have no self control.

  11. Is it my imagination or do those eclairs look like les ballerines?

  12. Aren't you the Lucky Duck!

  13. Elizabeth--excellent ballerine-spotting!

  14. So rich! They look good, don't they, but for someone with no willpower, I don't some for me, Carol!!! Fun...

  15. Melissa10:31 PM

    Oh wow.. I was just there on Wednesday buying some delicious raspberry and chocolate macarons. Must write 3 November into my planner!! Merci, Carol!

  16. Hello Pastry chefs out there!!
    PLEASE do a BALLERINA Eclair with a little faux bow and the gathers etc.
    Called having your cake and eating it too.

  17. Even better yet...
    Why doesn't Repetto sell eclairs?

  18. Hello. I just love your blogg. Me and my daughter are soon going for a weekend visit to paris, it is 12 year since I was in Paris...and i am so exciting. We are going to stay in Marais, at Hotel Gabriel Marais. We only have 2 days, and we want to have so much food and cafe experience as we can...we have seen all the tourists attractions before, so we do not wnat to use time on that...PLEASE do you have any help for us to find the best places to go, wich arrodisement, part of town is the best. We are really "in to food and cafes" ...kindly regards from Norway. Wilhelmines.

  19. ...sorry for my english...;-))

  20. Hi Carol- My husband and I are heading to Paris for a week long visit on Thursday and during my online research I found your blog. I absolutely adore it!!
    Your photos, water colors, etc. are beautiful and inspiring. You really capture what I love best about Paris.

  21. Sorry, can we just talk about that Salvador gateau?? I know where I am going one evening this week!! Chocolate cake for dinner, anyone??

  22. I will wear a restrictive belt when I go so I don't 'accidentally' load my plate up with so many divine goodies. Or maybe the belt will stay at home...

  23. Coup de cœur c'est "falling in love"

    là I am falling in love pour l'éclair au chocolat....

    Bonne journée


  24. The pics and scenes and everything is amazing!!!

    I like your blog very much!!!


  25. Anonymous9:21 PM

    I am a long-time lurker. never post to anything...But without your wonderfulness I would not have known about or attended this event! Just returned and am cramming my bouche with all manner of french chocolate!!

    Thank you and I think your blog is wonderful! No, it's not just
    the chocolate talking...




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