
Friday, June 02, 2023

Jardins, Jardin 2023

Yesterday I ate a hot air balloon 🎈 cookie πŸͺ 

I sniffed beaucoup beautiful roses 🌹 

I tried a new perfume,

La Fleur d’oranger 🍊 from Chanel. 
Don’t these perfume touches remind you…

Of Matisse paper cutouts? πŸƒ 

The orange 🍊 trees in the Chanel jardin

Remind me of Winslow Homer orange 🍊 watercolor 
Yesterday I went to the annual Paris Jardins, Jardin show . 
Always 4 days in the beginning of June. Summer has arrived.
I’d love this forest green summery dress..wouldn’t you?
The garden show always takes place in the Tuileries jardins. This is the 18th year & my 5th attendance 
Designed FYI by the renown French landscape designer, ANDRE LE NOTRE
The show is on through Sunday πŸ‘
A wonderful escape from city buzz & Something for everyone 
I would love a petit greenhouse Wouldn’t you?
Bouygues Immobilier gave out delicious, healthy snacks and basil seeds for your petit balcon if you have one…I wish πŸ€”
You can order authentic chaises πŸͺ‘ from Edmond & Fils for your petit balcon
They provide all the green chaises we love ❤️ so much at the Tuileries and other parcs. 
Plus they made my miniature green chaise. 
I proudly showed the grandson my chair watercolor ✏️ ☺️ 
Fun garden coverups to protect your nice shoes from mud
I talked shop 🎨 with flower artist, Jean-François Gaulthier from Pont Aven.
His first year at Jardins, Jardin. He’s done flower murals and even painted a harpsichord! 
I plan to attend πŸ™ if I can figure out how to get to Chaalis.
These are called la rose dentelle because of the little bites 🦷 in the petals? Or maybe because they are lacy?
I bought peonies from the stand. 2.50 a stem πŸŒΈπŸ‘πŸ€Έ‍♂️
You could sign up to become a fleuriste. 
I came home after 3+ hours, exhausted & happy with peonies 🌸 to paint 🎨 
I put up my legs for 20 minutes & felt instantly refreshed (*my newest health tipπŸ‘) 
Don’t miss out on Jardins, Jardin if you’re in Paris
Thank you PBers for all the LOVE ❤️ you showed the Paris breakfast post. 15,000 views! More cups of coffee ☕️ coming up πŸ‘
If you like ❤️ this post, you can support Parisbreakfast by 
buying my letters πŸ’Œ and watercolors from Paris ❤️
                                🌸Have 🌸 Happy 🌸 weekend 🌸


  1. Anonymous3:13 AM

    It all looks so lush and lovely ❤️I would love to attend LB

  2. What a simply luscious post! Gaultier’s flower paintings are irresistible! Merci pour la petite sortie!

    1. Anonymous8:25 AM

      You are welcome Jeri ❤️

  3. Wonderful. My favorite things, especially the greenhouses.

    1. Anonymous8:24 AM

      Yes greenhouses are enchanting πŸͺ΄

  4. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Wonderful weather in Paris! The Gaulthier paintings are perfect. I'd love to be there next weekend in Chaalis.

    1. Anonymous8:23 AM

      It was a perfect day for the JARDINS, JARDIN 🌞

  5. Bonnie L6:59 AM

    What a lovely time to be in Paris! Imagine one of Gaulthier’s paintings in your home…it would always feel like spring. ❤️

    1. Anonymous8:21 AM

      Very joyous paintings 🌸

  6. WOW! What a sensory explosion! So glad you had a beautiful day.πŸ—Ό❤️

    1. Anonymous8:20 AM

      So glad you enjoyed it Ga It truly was a sensory explosion πŸ’₯

  7. Anonymous8:16 AM

    You and balloons 🎈 Karmic destiny meeting up that way ?! Sardine

    1. Anonymous8:18 AM

      I know πŸ€” And it was a gift 🎁 from the biscuit lady ! How did she know ??

  8. Of course I would love a conservatory/greenhouse..of course! Just wondering how much cleaning the windows would need in my climate..But yes.. Offer me one and yes:) That cookie is a work of art!Chic chic gals..Love the dress .Very popular right now.

  9. PS LOVE his paintings sooo much.

  10. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Yes! I would love one of those mini-greenhouses. The more ornate the better. It would become my tea house. A small table, two chairs (Edmond & Fils?), flowery china, lots of flowers (preferably peonies!). Heaven. Lars

  11. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Parisiennes in their summer sun dresses, white jeans, straw hats…always elegant and cool as a cucumber! πŸ₯° Dorrance

  12. Stone Well Gardens9:45 AM

    Oh my, looks like. heavenly way to spend a day, or two? What a treat for you.

  13. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Fleur d’Oranger has always been one of my favorite macaron flavors. Would love to e av Chanel scent. That is most definitely Matisse on the perfume cards. Sonia

  14. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Yikes on getting to Chaalis! RER D to Fosses…but then what??
    Is Fosses even big enough to have a taxi to get you to the ChΓ’teau??
    Even Chaalis website ONLY gives driving (by car) directions. πŸ™ Chelmsley

    1. Anonymous9:47 AM

      I know πŸ€” I have not figured it out yet
      Maybe they will send a limo ☺️

  15. Anonymous9:48 AM

    I go NOWHERE when it’s hot…just can’t tolerate the heat anymore. I try to get everything accomplished during the cool morning hours.
    BUT, I’d brave the heat for Jardin Jardin!

  16. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Yes but there was oodles of shady areas 🌳
    They plan well for that

  17. Anonymous9:49 AM

    That St Regis breakfast brings back memories of breakfast with YOU! Such a nice place to have a relaxing breakfast! Bonnie

    1. Anonymous9:50 AM

      You introduced me to breakfast 🍳 at St. Regis πŸ‘πŸ‘ crazy & I live so close !

  18. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Love this yoga wall pose! πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ¦΅πŸ»
    So good you included it in your post.

  19. Anonymous10:47 AM

    wonderful! I loved the green dress too -- I assume you would have to count on having an "assistant" to tie the bow in back....!

  20. Marilyn Peretti12:24 PM

    Totally splendid!!!! Thank you so much for the photos. Paint those peonies!!! and show us!!!

    1. Anonymous3:33 PM


  21. Madonna11:20 PM

    That is a lot of beauty in one day. Thanks for taking us along,

  22. How lovely! It looks divinely inspirational. I love your new health tip!

    1. Anonymous11:22 PM

      It works a charm Jeanie espec after being out in the heat…but I think anytime☺️

  23. Thanks for such a beautiful post! And for reminding me about the Garden show! We have been away from Paris for a couple of years, and I had forgotten that this is the week! I plan to go tomorrow - and hopefully I there will be a balloon cookie!

    1. Anonymous11:21 PM

      🀞 🎈 LES ADVENTURIES DU BISCUIT They were just behind the potted plants area Bon Chance I may go back again today 😊

  24. The Jardin show looks like so much fun - I want one of everything, please. I love peonies-remind me of my childhood- but, those roses are stunning.

  25. Anonymous11:24 PM

    What a nice childhood you had Suki growing up among peonies ☺️
    They are really loved ❤️🌸 in Paris


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