
Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Paris Outside

Yesterday Paris opened. Yesterday all Parisians ate on a TERRASSE.
So many restaurants found space on the PAVEMENT for tables.
Eataly now has an active patio in back.
L'Orangerie on Ile Saint-Louis set up tables and a take-away bar.
Some small restaurants set up tables across the street on alleyways.
Shops moved their merch onto the street like Au Nom de la Rose.
Fancy fruit stands loaded with Spring produce spill onto the street
Even the flower MARCHE AUX FLEURS was open.
The bouquinistes opened.
The pigeons have never stopped eating on my tiny bit of roof. 
Le CHARIOT à Glace appeared everywhere in a flash.
On Sunday Berthillon was mobbed like old times. It was so hot coming home yesterday I dropped my mask and indulged in a coffee cone. I ended up going to PICARD for a bag of glacons (ice cubes) clutching it to my chest to cool down on the walk home. Yesterday in the US was not such a good day. My heartfelt thoughts are with  you ❤️


  1. Such chaos everywhere but also some great people fighting to help do the right thing.
    I see cafes are opening in France. Thank god. One cannot remain sane without coffee.

  2. Hillary5:02 PM

    Somehow when shops and cafes are open life seems to come back to a place.
    I just love what you do and so admire the fascinating and ideas you constantly come up with.

    1. It is true...such a sense of (false maybe?) normalsy when shops are buzzing

  3. Bonelle5:06 PM

    It is disconcerting to see so few masks on people. Is that because we are mostly looking at people eating? Are most people that are walking about wearing masks? I hope so. We need to get back to Paris tout de suite!

    1. Hard to tell on the masks. It was very hot that day...
      I have given up trying to keep track of masks.
      Mine is on and STAY AWAY FROM ME!

  4. I’m so glad you posted today..we need it right now

  5. Yes! We Love Café Varenne!
    And Love lurking in your Etsy never know what you’ll find ❤️...
    Adding to my “Gillot Café Collection”

  6. Victoria6:52 AM

    Love the idea of Paris tables for one.
    Love today’s posting.

  7. I agree Carol a much needed post from our talented aquarelliste that brings color to our lives.Me too mask ..back off:)

    Sweet song..Sous L'aquarelle

    It's still the flower shops I love the most..and the cafés.
    Adorable ones you painted.

    1. Aw..Thanks Monique
      I love the things you notice.
      Mother's Day was postponed to this weekend post-Lockdown
      There are flower bouquets everywhere

  8. Jennifer10:23 AM

    Beautiful post.
    Thanks again for your amazing contribution
    to our lives!��

  9. I love seeing these pix of Paris coming alive. I was there mid-March, leaving the country as the lockdown began, and it was surreal to look out at the deserted city from the back of a cab.

    1. What a poignant image Charlotte...
      Yes the streets are much more lively (in the Marais) than its been in months.
      Celebratory might be the word. I was running errands to bank, post etc. just capturing glimses

  10. Kathleen H11:40 AM

    Loved all the Paris photos!!

  11. Not one person in front of Berthillon , all within 15 feet of each other had masks; and all not eating ice cream-WOW

    1. I beg to differ 🍦
      No one stops in front of Berthillon except to eat ice cream.

  12. Allie in NYC11:45 AM

    How great that Paris has reopened !!!
    You guys over there are lucky. NYC is behind in.efforts to normalize. June 8 is the target date for phase one ����

  13. Always good photos!
    In the one of the cherries, can you please tell me what in the world is that green "stuff" up in the corner? I have never seen it before.

  14. It all looks lovely, Carol. The crowds by Berthillon without masks worry me a bit but oh, to be out like that. I adore those cafes making the most of their space and delighted that the Marche aux Fleurs is back. All the blooms! Be safe, take care!

  15. It looks glorious, can't wait for next year and our visit - we're researching apartments now. Thanks for such an uplifting post, Carol. Hugs to you & Bear - enjoy your freedom.

    1. Thanks Suki,
      Its hard right now to know what is appropriate to post..


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