
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Notre Dame, this and that

Its hard to believe it was just a year ago that Notre Dame was on fire. Last night they played the bells at 8 pm. Yesterday I went out at 8 am for a short walk and groceries.
The Seine was smooth as silk, full of reflections and the air was crystaline.
The trees have burst into green.
On a wall nearby someone pasted up a photo of another dire time in Paris - the floods of 1910.

I heard from Bonnie in Boston that I can get ice cream from BERTHILLON delivered. I think I'll wait for a single dip. 
Do you find yourself watching endless cooking videos on Youtube? I finally dragged myself away from my tablet and made this easy, savory tuna pasta with capers, garlic, lemon, arugula, plus a few anchovies from GENNARO CONTALDO.
Mine does not look as stunning but it tasted great. 
I also rediscovered WALK AT HOME WITH LESLIE SANSONE on Youtube but its um way too fast. Look for 3 white dots in the upper right corner. Then lower the playback speed setting to .75  
Then Leslie's 'walking' is doable. Don't forget the COOL DOWN
Since I'm now 'working out' (for 2 days so far) I decided I could get some goodies at the supermarket. I may have gone a bit overboard.
My haul yesterday. The oatmeal is for the birds. Popcorn you make on top of the stove. So vintage. All the staff were wearing plastic face shields I'm happy to say. In the past I might have minded the broken cookies
. Now I'm grateful for small mercies. Stay well dear readers πŸ™πŸ»❤️🐻Xxx


  1. Bonnie5:25 AM

    Carol, the pictures of the Seine are so lovely. So still, no boat traffic! When this is all over, will we ever get used to the pollution, traffic, hoards of people, again??

    1. The boats that deliver jam etc are still running.
      No bateau mouche of course. Yes, the clear air is a wonderment.
      I'm even getting used to the August ambience in Springtime

  2. I like when you let us know what you are up to:) I see minous in your future;)

    1. Its not that different from usual except at a much slower pace and no museums ❤️

  3. Thank you for the beautiful Paris photos. They brightened my morning!

    1. So happy to hear that Jen
      Paris is still beautiful.

  4. It's good to see what's happening in Paris, Carol. And I like seeing your groceries. I might have to try your pasta dish -- it looks delicious. No blooming trees here; even a bit of snow. It makes staying in easier.

    1. The pasta dish was Terrific. I had it next day with sardines. Still good πŸ‘πŸ»

  5. I love this post. I felt like I was right there. Grocery shopping is one of my favorite things to do when I'm in Paris. Thank you for bringing us into your world. And YAY for the staff wearing face shields! Whew!

    1. So glad to hear Lulu. Its almost embarrassing..we have so much to choose from in French supermarkets compared to reports from the US. I dont want to flaunt it..
      I am a grocery shopper nut too. The first thing I do on any trip is head there!

  6. Dorrance10:41 AM

    It is interesting to see how you are spending your are so productive, creative! Cooking! and exercise! videos, and your artwork! You put this couch potato to shame.

    1. Dont worry. My couch has such a deep dent in it.
      My sense of urgency went out the window.
      Except when I go shopping πŸ˜„❤️

  7. It is hard to accept that it has been an entire year since the fire at Notre Dame. Apparently they had a mass on Good Friday. Only 7 people were allowed inside...they had to wear hazmat the video I saw two priests, a singer, and a violinist. It was certainly an act of faith to do that.

    1. I know !!
      I want to turn back the clock to pre-April 15 2019 πŸ™πŸ»

    2. Did La Table de Nana let the "cat out of the bag?" Two sweet little kittens would be very entertaining while one is "locked down." We used to have very good cat named "Minou." She lived to be 16 years old. Cats are fascinating, wonderful beings! Thanks for this very interesting post, Carol.

    3. I would LOVE a cat ❤️😺❤️😺❤️😺
      Especially right now though the open window and roof situation is tricky.
      No more feeding the birds either 🐦

    4. Don't worry Carol! Cats will always come back to those who love them in my experience and they would absolutely LOVE exploring your rooftops :):):) PS very funny that you lowered the walking speed :P I didn't know that was possible...

  8. Gwendolyn11:07 AM

    Thank you for the lovely photos and for the meal idea - we'll make it for lunch! Merci.

  9. Susan M12:29 PM

    Love your coping strategies.
    Will try the pasta recipe.
    And I’ve worked out with Leslie’s videos for years!

  10. Thanks, Carol, for the beautiful pictures of Paris - they really brighten my day. I wish I could shop in a French grocery right now. I haven't been out for 35 days & cabin fever is really setting in. The pasta looks super - I have a tin of sardines brought back from Paris so I may have to try it. Hugs to you & Bear.

  11. Carol, it is hard to believe that the fire was a year ago. I can only imagine what the sound of the bells was like. How is the restoration going?

    I love Leslie, it is a great way to move inside and at this point we all have to do whatever we can to exercise our bodies and minds.

    Stay safe and enjoy your cookies.

  12. Sarah T10:04 PM

    Thank you so much for this wonderful update on your life in Paris. I can’t wait to go back.

  13. Meredith M11:05 PM

    Thank you, once again, for introducing me to some new concepts (especially in the time of corona). I’m surprised I haven’t passed you on my multi-circular island walk each day.
    Now, though, in addition to that walk, I’m going to “Walk at Home.” And, boy are you right about adjusting the speed.

    1. We havent passed cos I mostly supermarket-hop rather than walk. Do you go out around 8. Its quite empty until 9 am and all the faux runners come outside. Like the angry Italian mayors said, "These people never walked in their life till now under Lockdown!"

  14. Glad to know you are surviving the Great Lockdown of 2020. Your haul included healthy choices too, so you are forgiven a splurge. Thanks for keeping us in touch with Paris. I look forward to your post each morning. Don’t know if we will make it back this summer. Waiting till the last minute to cancel tickets and apartment if it comes to that. Meanwhile, bon courage!

    1. Don't you love that expression,"BON COURAGE"
      Something we all need right now ❤️

  15. Love that photo of your groceries!
    I see this time you didn't bring home that mighty Roquefort. I like that so much and the Parma ham they sell in France.
    Your posts are always uplifting, original and enjoyable. Thank you so much, Carol.
    Please take care.

    Cheerios always!

    1. I just snacked on my Roquefort and carrots - so yummy together and no crackers in the house except cardboard WASA...

  16. Hi Carol, I love seeing your groceries! Shopping in foreign grocery stores and supermarkets is something I love to do on my travels but I always buy too much for the time frame!

  17. More groceries coming up as requested πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»


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