
Thursday, April 09, 2020

Hector Guimard Paris Map

Every month the subject of the map is a tussle. I sketched at least 2-3 ideas when a book of PARIS ART NOUVEAU fell on the floor. Please click on link
I much prefer drawing curvy lines more than straight ones.
For Art Nouveau immersion I went back to my posts on the fabulous PARIS 1900 exhibit
At Petit Palais in 2014. 
Between 1890 and 1930, HECTOR GUIMARD designed and built some 50 buildings, in addition to 141 subway entrances for the Paris Metro, as well as numerous pieces of furniture and other decorative works.
If you've visited Paris you've surely entered one of his iconic METRO STATIONS. Who can forget?
While researching I discovered a fun way to you can travel anywhere from your armchair..
Put an address into Google search. Click on the square photo labeled STREET VIEW.
Paris is a click away.
I did a little time travel.
Back to where I grew up. This morning I want to Santorini (on Google only)...Bon Voyage A reminder March Paris maps are now being sent out by EMAIL till post-Lockdown. Hang in there PBers 🙏🏻 Stay well ❤️Reston chez nous🐻💋💐


  1. Is that your childhood home (in NY?) Love that pinafore-starched bien sûr! Birthday crown?

    1. I grew up in Philadelphia and my mother made that dress (back in the day). She studied fashion design and made many of our dresses. Including the crinoline. Of course I only wanted store-bought clothing 😳 like the other kids.

    2. It's your little Dorothy/Oz dress.

    3. Oh you're right, though I much preferred to play in the dirt in the woods.

  2. Bonelle2:07 AM

    Beautiful Guimard map, Carol. How lovely it would be to live in one of his buildings. His metro entrances are so iconic.
    Loved looking at the images on the link that you provided!

    1. Thank you Bonnie
      The ART NOUVEAU video is an unusual combination of music and old postcards.
      During Lockdown I am finding so many hidden treasures on youtube!

  3. Love the photo of petite Carol, the magical cottage, and cute puppy!

    1. That was Taffy, a caramel-colored cocker, who mysteriously 'got lost'. Returned to sender is more like it. Same deal with Fluffy, a white cat we had for a very short time...

  4. Dorrance2:25 AM

    I use “Street View” on Google Maps a lot. It is very useful when renting an scope out the neighborhood. And, now of course for lockdown-armchair-traveling. Be well, friend.

    1. I have to admit I'm new to STREET VIEW. I usually go to Google images...
      SV is so much better, more fun !

  5. Funny you should mention the virtual travel. I’ve been to Paris & other parts north & south 3x now & have collected many addresses all on my phone.
    I LOVE to look them up over & over....sigh

  6. Jack Russell2:41 AM

    I’m not surprised you love curved lines.. all of Paris is curved-except Montparnasse! As always I enjoy your process

  7. Yes so Dorothy! And so cute. So you got your love of fashion etc from your maman..I think her watercolors too?A tiny bit of Gaudi non? HG?
    I recognize a building..walked right up to it:)
    My caramel cocker was REEKO..(he came with the name..was about 5 yrs old when my dad came home w/ him for Christmas..he was a retun to sender too when he relieved himself on our white plastic Christmas tree).I sobbed.My only ever pet as a child apart from a stinky turtle and goldfish that never lived.
    Great map!

  8. PS love your house too..we have a similar..a in my little town..have you painted it?

  9. Bonellle8:31 AM

    My caramel cocker was named “Lady””. Disney’s Lady & the Tramp had just come out (1955). She was prone to nipping at children, and alas went off to a new home with only adults. ��

  10. I've loved Guimard for a long wile. And I love your map, too. But what makes me smile is you with your sweet dog in the way-back machine. Just enchanting!

  11. It's extra wonderful to receive your emails during this time. Light-hearted and so pretty, always. Takes the mind off the devastation all around us. A special treat. Thank you, Carol.

  12. Your photo cute...are you wearing like some kind of crinoline??

    1. My mom made the whole outfit, crinolin included

  13. Bill T2:50 PM

    Love the sketches of figures, Carol.
    Very lyrical, methinks.

  14. Hope you had a nice google voyage to Santorini. Thanks for sharing the Paris photos (as always). Art Nouveau is so Paris. Thanks as always!

  15. Anonymous11:56 AM

    thank you


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