
Friday, November 01, 2019

Salon du Chocolat 2019

I'm still in recovery from so-called 'browsing'. 

The chocolate jewels at LA SALON DU CHOCOLAT 🍫opening tonight.
As an extreme early bird (up at 4) who keels over at 8:30 pm, I was worried I would keel over mid-way salon. I arrived at 8 and left near 11 pm. No problem staying awake.

The SALON at Porte de Versailles (ligne 12 stops exactly there in about 20 minutes from Le Bon Marché) is on through Sunday. Entry is 15€ It seemed better even this year. Were there more new companies? Plenty of international chocolate companies too.

LAST YEAR there was a definite trend for 'ruby' chocolate. This year I wasn't aware of one particular trending 'tendance'. But there is still plenty to interest any visiter of an age. And its not just chocolate. Wines and other seasoned drinks were on offer. 

There are foie gras sandwiches and related duck goodies to stock up for Christmas. What I bought was mostly serendipitous. I did get my bank lady the small HUGO AND VICTOR chocolate box.

And while so-called departing I stopped for a look at TEO&BIA from Piedmont, Italy where the best hazelnuts are grown.

I ended up with a jar of Sicilian almond spread (1/2 gone) and a bag of nuts(gone). I'm going back for their tartiner de noisette (hazelnut spread) me thinks. They grow their own hazelnuts! 

There is so much fabulous competition for Nutella you could go nuts tasting all the samples. 

Winter in Europe = is time to stuff yourself full of hazelnut spread. Summer not so much. Maybe it goes better with your morning hot chocolate on cold winter mornings? I saw adorable mugs at CHOCOLAT BONNAT, at the traditional French chocolate bar company. 

I always buy a small box of little matcha ganache squares (gone now) from TOKYO CHOCOLATES. Delicious! I saved many tasting samples in my pocket(now all gone- another reason to return to the salon). Not shown is the knockout croissant with strips of dark chocolate (gone 1st thing the next morning). 

The famous 'Le President' gateau from BERNACHON, la creme de la creme of French chocolate is always at the salon. They finally opened a shop in Paris recently on 127, rue de Sevres. For the top you must visit.I could go on and on. Do you want more SALON chocolate news? If you're here just go!

More chocolate reports going way back-Paris Salon du Chocolat
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With love ❤️Paris Xxx🍫🐻🍫


  1. Absolutely stunning! I can live vicariously.....

    1. Please do...sometimes I wish I could too..

  2. Lois F1:28 PM

    OH My God… love this post…chocolate watercolor is great

  3. I've never wanted to visit Paris in Nov but it might be worth it for the Salon du Chocolat alone. It all looks so good - I think I would spend a whole day there, tasting and wandering & shopping, of course.

    1. It is a very worthwhile experience.
      You can learn a lot about the process of making chocolate.
      A day there would be easy. I'll go with you 🍫

  4. Watercolor and chocolate, what could be better?

  5. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Fabulous post, dear Carol!
    Thank you so much.

  6. Bonelle1:06 AM

    I followed the link to Bernachon. WOW! Their pastries look exceptional...and they have you can try them all! And, they have chocolates filled with liquors! Glad to hear they are opening a boutique in Paris. Wouldn’t Le Président Gâteau make a great Bûche de Noël substitute this year?!

    1. Oh dear...I didnt notice they had minis. Le President is always at the Salon every year.

  7. I would be leaving that Salon with armloads of caramels and pâtes à tatiner! Everything looks so appealing. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I know...that's why I'm afraid to go back...
      Those caramels and more tartiner..

  8. Janine1:16 AM

    Just love to look at the beauty achieved by the artists designing the "chocolate".
    You etes formidable!

  9. I see bear is sort of sneaking around in the background there taking surreptitious tastes of things?

    1. Bear does not miss a trick Lynn.
      He is always ready to taste.
      He never seems to gain either...unlike some people...?

  10. I was just thinking that it would be grand if they combined the Wine & Chocolate Salons and then you report that they do serve wine here to savor with your chocolat...heaven!

    1. If I drank at the Salon I would be toast instantly

  11. How do you survive the Salon du Chocolate year after year?! Ha! I’d weigh five hundred pounds.

    1. The free samples are mostly miniscule, but not all. Thats why I save them in my pocket.
      And scarf them down the next few mornings.
      There are Much Bigger samples in New York Chocolate show!🍫🍫🍫


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