
Thursday, February 01, 2018

Fete de la Coquille St. Jacques à Montmartre

The French are gifted when it comes to celebrating. Right this minute I should be eating crepes for Chandelier. Last weekend the annual Fete de la Coquille St. Jacques à Montmartre took place.
Bretons storm Abbesses ready to sing, dance and imbibe the winter favorite, Vin Chaude.
So many enticements.
Especially caramel beurre salé in a multitude of flavors.
Tartiner/spreads are always big in winter. Last week's Nutella sales caused riots in the stores
Caramelized, buttery Kouign Amann come in all sizes and shapes from Brittany.
A very hearty Breton stew.
I had a bowl of warming soupe de poisson with croutons and a dollop of rouille on top.
The piece de resistance is the sweet Brittany scallops.
For the past few years I've been investing in a pound box of scallops.
This year instead of wolfing them down within days, I divided them up and froze portions for that rainy day. Wait, its raining every day!
This is a wonderful way to raise your spirits end of gloomy January. A definite don't-miss.
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Bonjour Fevrier and pancakes!


  1. Another wonderful. BLOG!! Great job with the copper pots!!

    1. My first time painting copper. I had to do them a few times to figure it out!

  2. Everything is caramel color! YUM
    Except fo the scallops of course ��

  3. I agree ..the copper pots♥ Told ya on IG..LOve.

  4. Yummy and inviting!

    Your watercolors are always superb!

  5. This was not only delightful but very yummy too!

  6. Oh, the scallops! That gets me right where I live. And the copper pots and caramel... oh, biggest sigh!

  7. Judi H7:42 PM

    Wow! You nailed that copper color ������������

  8. wonderful!

  9. Monica3:06 AM

    i just love love LOVE IT!!!!!

    Thank you for sharing your amazing talent!

  10. The French sure know how to eat their way through the winter...spring...summer...fall!

  11. There is certainly something about Brittany - I can't explain it but you've captured it. Oh, the smells.....

  12. Ooooh, the glow and shine and rich color in your copper pot!! Thanks for sharing all those enticements!

  13. The fantastic food never ceases to amaze me! When my husband retired and started doing the grocery shopping he kept saying, "They have so much!" I wonder if I'm just nose-blind to our local foods.


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