
Wednesday, February 07, 2018

Europain Intersuc 2018

Last weekend was the annual professional EUROPAIN INTERSUC fair held at Parc des expositions a short RER train ride outside Paris. I have been munching and painting bread ever since.

I did not expect to fall madly in love with DANONE yogurt at the boulangerie fair but I did. Danone cleverly brought back their original 1919 glass jars. The yogurt inside tastes very creamy and the fruit on the bottom is not too sweet. Perfection in a jar. Plus they make lovely water jars for painting. You'll only find these in your local boulangerie come Spring, not the supermarché.

Europain is huge yet intimate at the same time since you're constantly tasting. No breads are for sale sadly.

But you can munch like mad on the enticing samples provided by the big flour (farine) companies.

Where can I find these breads in Paris is the question?

Dozens of tastes. I don't thnk I've ever eaten so much bread in my life.

I want her job.

They do give out baguettes freely. People on the train home were loaded.

My free baguette is now weapon-worthy. Hard as a rock 4 days later, but still good for modeling.

The best baguettes of tradition - look for large aerated holes inside.

Ah...the smell of bread baking. Nothing else like it.

Viennoiserie forever.
I ate my croissant model. In fact I ate several croissant models. No scale this week.
Thanks for reading Paris breakfast. If you enjoyed this newsletter, forward to a friend. I wish I could send you a baguette from Paris. Get Instead a painted letter of a baguette or other Frenchie things in your mailbox and memories too.
Bonjour French bread!


  1. I will always think of the movie - Rear Window-
    Looking out of yours
    Yummy breads...drooling

  2. This post is delicious!
    You certainly get the most out of your life in France!

  3. Françoise3:24 PM

    How to revive a stale baguette:
    Step 1Run Your Stale Bread Under Running Water. Don't be shy here. ...
    Step 2Wrap Your Wet Baguette in Aluminum Foil. ...
    Step 3Place Your Wrapped Baguette in a Cold Oven. ...
    Step 4Heat Your Baguette for 10-12 Minutes. ...
    Step 5Heat Your Uncovered Baguette for 4-5 Minutes. ...
    Step 6Enjoy! ...
    Step 7Eat Within 15-20 Minutes. ...
    Love your bread watercolors!

  4. Love the bear in the snow. Brrrrr! Those bread smells would have driven me crazy.

  5. Years back, I brought back several of those Danone jars as :souvenirs" - love them!

  6. What a fabulous exposition!

  7. Love Bear in the snow and every single bread picture.

  8. So funny, cute and delicious looking post!
    Love your art!!

  9. Your work is utterly charming.

  10. I love the little jars. I brought back two last summer. Wish I had more.

  11. CM @Danone5:22 AM

    Thank you so much for your lovely article. I am glad you found inspiration at the Europain show with our little jars.
    Your painting is absolutely magnificient.

  12. Meryle E.5:24 AM

    I'm jealous. Wish I could have been there this year!
    Looks great

  13. Your paintings of the yogurt jars♥I have a fondeness for glass yogurt pots.. glass mini dessert pots..
    Our Riviera is sold like this and of course I save the pots..we can buy colored plasic lids for them..and a new kind has arrived..OUI in glass jars too..cute as buttons.
    I have a need to send snowpants to bear:)
    And all that bread:)♥

  14. Aw, this picture of Bear in the snow?! Perfect! I want to kiss his ears

  15. Barb in CA10:05 AM

    Love those jars !
    Enough to bring me back to Paris
    to collect!

  16. Gwenellyn10:07 AM

    What a great event! Thanks for sharing - and how clever of you to place your 'model' on your art for an additional art piece in photography!

  17. Ahhhh! Nothing like a Paris croissant and French yoghurt!!!

  18. Clarity Artists2:09 PM

    Yogurt in glass jars, beautiful!

  19. Lynn S2:11 PM

    You really hit it for me! I absolutely love bread. I could live on bread, fruit, and cheese.
    Yum yum yum
    Hi Bear

  20. Normally I almost never touch the stuff especially baguettes...
    But I have turned a corner in my life!
    Bread is great. 🥖🥖🥖🇫🇷

  21. WineWalker2:15 PM

    OK,I'm ready for breakfastl

  22. Bonnie in CA2:18 PM

    Enjoying his winter wonderland.
    So precious.
    Thank you...great letter for us all.

  23. Tough work, but someone's gotta do it. Enjoyed reading this & could practically smell the breads.

    1. Yes the aroma of bread baking is a killer.
      Complete loss of self-control.
      This is my 3rd Europain and it really hit home this time🥖🥖🥐

  24. Yum!! What lovely looking bread! Pity you can’t buy it but at least you can eat it. Also love th yogurt and croissant. Enjoy and don’t pay any attention to the scales :)

    1. The SCALE is in the closet!

      Well-hidden...maybe when Spring comes?

  25. Wish I could have joined you here, Carol, and absolutely LOVE your sketches and the colours you evoke of the baguettes and croissant. You have a knack of making us hungry just looking at your artwork!

  26. Carol, You made me hungry for bread now. Thankfully when I return to Paris in May I will have a chance to attend La fête du pain. Do you want to go with me?

  27. Next year I'll go with you and eat a lot of everything ;-)) BRAVO !


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