
Thursday, September 21, 2017

Irving Penn, EclairWeek2017

Tuesday morning was the preview 

My photography professor friend, Sardi Klein 

Always told me to study Penn's still life, "After dinner games" (top picture) for inventive arrangement & depth of field.

I vowed to do still life thumbnail studies 

Every day after seeing the original.

Post-exhibit I ran over to Fauchon for still life painting (and eating) ideas.

They are celebrating the 10th anniversary of Eclair Week september 14-23. Hurry up.
You have just 48 hours to get this delightful 10-eclair box and upstairs their savory eclairs await.

House pastry chef, Patrick Pailler created a daunting array of flavors and designs. Hokusai's Great Wave is included.

I went for plain fraise/strawberry. Anything red wins my vote. Pretty to paint.
Fauchon's pastry graphics are the best in Paris.
Oui or non? To paint at home I got their classic chocolate eclair with tiny gold sprinkle decorations.

Rush over to Fauchon to celebrate their annual #EclairWeek 2017 Take a selfie in front of the eclair backdrop and win a trip to Paris or an eclair. 
You can receive Parisbreakfast letters, mapand eclair watercolors in your mailbox📮 Just look in my Etsy shop. Thanks for reading parisbreakfast.


  1. Eclairs are my faves ... these are amazing! Oui to Mona Lisa's eyes��

  2. Eclair perfection!!!! Love it.

  3. Anonymous2:54 AM

    You write such an enchanting blog, Carol! Every time I visit it I feel wonderful!
    Anyone subscribing to your letters and art shows some very good taste.
    I wish you every kind of success and happiness.
    Thank you so much!

    Wait staff eyeballing a valued customer for helping herself to a little paper tray and plastic fork? How careless is Fauchon in its level of hiring...and for such a place? Sounds soo third worldlish to say the least! Hmmm...indeed!

    1. I hope you're joking. Pastry souvenirs are the Best in Paris.

  4. Anonymous3:05 AM

    I forgot to sign in the above comment, Carol. I'll be shopping at your Fauchon myself, around Christmas time. Their smoked salmon is superb! Too bad I don't have a sweet tooth, though...
    Maria O. Russell

  5. Gorgeous watercolours as ever of the éclairs. Reminds me of the most beautiful artwork you did for the opening of my book, Teatime in Paris. Very lucky to have had you illustrating it. Thank you!

    I'm feeling so guilty now that I've completely missed Eclair Week since haven't been able to pop into Paris - so thanks for posting the eye candy, Carol.

  6. Great washes in each of the Éclair paintings.

    Ditto the color.


  7. Kathleen H1:06 PM

    Love it (including lovely water color at the end). AND just found out the Denver Art Museum (DAM) will be getting the Dior exhibit - November, 2018 -YIPPPPPEEEEE!

  8. Good advice from your friend! I should heed it, too....
    In LOVE with your top (in more ways than the location) painting!

  9. Clarity Artists4:12 PM

    Ah, love it all, the last image being our favorite. :-)

  10. Katherine G9:47 PM

    Looks amazing and delicious! Just thinking... isn't the Great Wave off Kangawa by Hokusai? I'm just picking on you because I'm jealous!

    1. I should know better...going to change it.

    2. I got the H part right...

  11. So enjoy your postings and sketches! Thank you for sharing your creativity.
    Scrolling through today's post--Eclairs/Irving Penn/Eclairs (now there's a sandwich!), I noticed a reference to "The Great Wave off Kanagawa. The artist is actually Katsushika Hokusai from his 36 Views of Mt. Fuji.
    BTW, I travel to Paris next weekend, and your Breakfasts have served to increase my excitement for all things French. Merci!

  12. Anonymous1:18 PM

    We've drooled over your pastry photos and paintings for years. Now drooling over the colorful watercolor box. Where did you get it?

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