
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Pub Mania

In this very hot weather can you think of anything better to do (besides sleeping in a darkened cool movie theatre) than go to a couple of fan/eventail exhibits?
The exhibit in the musee des arts decoratifs is titled 'Pub Mania' so if you love trivia, you'll have a ball. There's loads more than just advertising fans but I was captivated being a longtime fan of fans. They're so femme aren't they?
Fans were the one thing I did not leave behind in NYC you better believe it.
Paris' reputation for unbearable heat goes before it...
I just read on MyLittleParis today how wonderful it is that TWO Metro stations have air currents flowing! Voila:La station de métro spéciale courants d'air 10 mois qu'on se les caille dans ces stations à rhume. On peut enfin les remercier d'exister : réfugiez-vous dans les stations Colonel Fabien, et à la sortie 5 de la station Hôtel de Ville.
Definitely something to write home about no?
The innovation and fab designs of these fans is quite delightful in my opinion.
It can't have been too comfortable to wear all that clothing back in the day.
Thank goodness for fans!
Just a few doors down at 111, rue de Rivoli 75001 in the museum's library is another fan exhibit honoring La Maison Duvelleroy.
Dating back to 1827 and founded originally by Jean-Pierre Duvelleroy, the house has recently been revived by two young enterprising eventaillistes, Raphaelle de Panafieu and Eloise Gilles.
They are doing some very snappy, fun fans I can tell you.
I spotted their fans in Bergdorfs a while back and swooned but they are in the museum's gift shop as well as 67, rue du Bac 75007.
I wish I'd known. I was on rue du Bac today and tried to buy this paper parasol at la Nom de la Rose but they said it was just for decoration :(
Another person with a fan besides myself on rue du Bac.
I planned to double-dip at the pool today but they close at 5pm the meanies so I'll just have to fan myself and take a cold shower.
Who knew that Evian conveniently makes water misters to spray yourself and others? This is news to me.
In the London Underground they made an announcement (at least at Covent Garden)
"Please carry a water bottle with you at all times. And if you do feel faint on the train, do get off at the next stop"
(and don't collapse and inconvenience others I guess). Fortunately the Paris Metro provides nice vending machines at every station (which London does not). Note the bottle of Badoit in the upper right corner did not make it down to the tray. Sometimes bad things can happen to good people when it's hot.
The Paris Metro also provides you with chilled chips (or 'ships' as they call them here) for a mere 1 euro. Quelle deal no?
I checked out the fans at Castorama yesterday, a huge home depot kind of place. They had exactly 5 fans on display and no one was giving them the time of day except me. Go figure.
I think the boucherie across the street should give this poor cow a break and remove those knee socks don't you?
Stay cool PBers


  1. Such beautiful fans, so many different materials. Sadly I do not think they would do much to keep one cool. I hope that you have a great week!

    1. You'd be surprised how satisfying it is to have a fan along in the heat. one feels like one is doing SOMETHING proactive and they are so pretty...

  2. What a great exhibition- I'd completely missed any sign of this one. I've been wishing for a fan the past few days, and fanning myself with any piece of paper that comes to hand. I don't know where Parisians find all their fans I haven't really seen any in the shops. Although I did see a black version of the orange, ovally Bourin one at the Opera Garnier the other day (35 euros! No I didn't buy one)

  3. Evian mist:) My fave..I am still nursing an Italian can..yes..I brought a blue topped one home from Italy..along with a now favored face and hand cream..Luckily I can find the latter at my Italian grocery store in Mtl..
    I am a big fan of fans:)
    They look mysterious and glamorous and feminine..especially the aquarelle one ..Looks like it would be fun to paint..

    I have a dear dressed up cow a dear son-in-law brought me back from Chicago many moons ago:)Quite similar!

    Carol maybe when that window dressing is done.. they will sell?

  4. PS sometimes I am SHOCKED I get the spell check thingie right especially when followed by obsure blurred letters and my fancy to typos..

  5. Oh how I love fans. I collect them. Loved all the photos and love that people still carry them. So useful and pretty! Stay cool

    1. Oh you would really enjoy those two exhibits then Marie!

  6. Hmmm.. about that bottle that did not fall all the way: I have never seen a vending machine with the bottles oriented with the top of the bottle down? Is that just a midwestern convention that all vending machines store and deliver the bottles right (or should I say top)-side-up? I wait with bated breath while you make a survey of French vending machines.

    1. Oh all the French vending machines are oriented that way
      No drips, not to worry
      I guess everything is a bit bouleverser/upside down over here...

  7. OK, in the interest of fairness I had to come back....I looked up the Paris temp today...the forcast is for 74, with some 80's in the days to follow. In Kansas, yesterday was 98, with heat index of 107. You're going to have to endure a whole lot higher temps to impress moi!

    1. Don't forget city streets, pavements, body heat (wasn't that a movie?)
      It's been in the 80s admittedly but it can get quite intense by mid-afternoon

  8. I can sympathize with PB, the Metro gets as hot as hell and when you are stuffed in a train like bananas on a bunch it's very uncomfortable. So many homes in the US have AC, not so in Paris, so fan away, do whatever you can to stay cool.

    1. THANKS Joyful!
      I love yr metaphor...'like bananas in a bunch'
      How a prop po

  9. Anonymous11:57 PM


  10. I love the fans, in Italy we have a beautiful silk .. I will use the wood-scented incense that comes from China .. with the hot weather it is essential to always have one in your bag.

    in London in the subway have been banned machines with drinks and snaks x fear of bombs attacks ...

    1. I figured as much coco...
      I have a sandalwood fan I bought in Japan that still has its scent.

  11. Carol, the fan exhibit does look like a winner. It's so much fun to see how many ways a useful article can be made in a lovely design.

    Heat and humidity continue to contribute to NYC lethargy. My subway platform fan is a laminated take out menu from Pain Quotidien. It works rather well.

    Hoping a cooler front arrives soon. xo

  12. Welcome back! That's a fabulous exhibit -- I would love that one! And I would have been buying that fan (the electric one!). Times have changed, haven't they? We don't see fans much here except for little party fans -- I had a summer gathering years ago and bought a bunch of cheapies from Oriental Trading Company -- and still use them! A beautiful post! Happy day!

    1. It's breezy here today thank goodness

  13. Love those fans! I collect them--and one of our Chinese students added to my collection this past year--it's beautiful. I'll cherish it. Fun, Carol--stay cool!

    1. Wow I didn't know!
      I've always collected the free Broadway fans they give out in the Summer...OK when else would they ;(

  14. Anonymous1:44 PM

    ILOVE these fans!


  15. What a wonderful post today,Carol!
    These fans are both beautiful and enchanting,not to mention just capture our imaginations!
    Thank you!!!

  16. Anonymous10:38 PM

    this was a great blog. Sounds like you are as hot as we are in Walnut Creek Calif. (80+ degrees). If you are ever in our area, you must check out the Hand Fan Museum in Healdsburg CA (in wine country) - maybe you've already visited it?
    Stay cool!

    Have a grand day,

  17. Anonymous8:34 AM

    I love reading your posts from London, and also the Fans in Paris. They are something that I once collected. I still have a few.

  18. Anonymous8:39 AM

    The cow is so damn original...loved those fans too....our hot weather goes u til Nov. growing up here it was air conditioner works April to Nov.....

  19. How lovely look all the pictures, just beautiful!

  20. Hi Carol , I have been using Evian Water spray for a while , how wonderful they are , you can get other ones too , from most pharmacies in France .. great for use on the metros are travelling .

    Oh yes the vending machines in Paris , aren't they just great!! Yes shame on you London .. we don't have nearly as nice metro stations as Paris ,, event the seats are better there LOL


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