
Monday, December 17, 2012

Boissier Bleu

 This morning I've been trying to capture Boissier bleu in watercolor.
 The blue reminds me of the Eiffel Tower seen through the window as the bus raced by.
 Boissier has a pale bleu too. I know. Boissier gave me this pretty tin with the golden tree on it. (bois = tree..wood)
 A similar bleu waits at the end of the escalator at Metro Ecole Militaire - L'heure bleue.
 Marron/chestnut flavored tea in these inimitable bleu tins - how to capture it?
 A similar blue lights up Galeries Lafayette for Christmas
 Touches of Boissier bleu at their stand at Salon du Chocolat
 Hmmm...not unlike these blue yogurt cups, but blue is everywhere in France...
 Lavender pretty round boxes full of rose + framboise confiteur. I got one. It lasted 1 day only.
 Chocolate petals with a signature Boissier sticker...
I got a mini size box of these petals. They went in maybe 1 hour. Ooops, I forgot to notice how the bleu petals tasted unfortunately...


  1. Lucinda11:50 AM

    LOVE all yr bleu posts!!

  2. Beautiful blues. I think the tea tins are my favorite shade.

  3. Très beau, le bleu Boissier... Très jolie, l'illustration de Carol! Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  4. I love the way you ZONE IN on certain things!!! This bleu is so lovely, so calm. Very sweet watercolor.

  5. Gosh you've made like more boxes..est-ce possibble?

    Mais oui.
    J'adore ton aquarelle~

  6. Mary Ann Walker3:37 PM

    Ah, you did capture the Blue!!!!
    So lovely.

  7. Marie de B3:39 PM

    You absolutely did a wonderful and gentle softer look representation of their products… very impressive,
    you are very talented Carol

  8. Love the different blues. I haven't seen those chocolate petals before, what an extraordinary surprise to lurk in those pretty blue boxes.

  9. You have done a wonderful job capturing the exact shade, Carol. I know what a challenge that can be. I am working on a "Smythson" blue! Similar color, but it's not easy to reproduce. Merry Christmas!! xx

  10. I want to live in your photographs, I want to dive in all those shades of bleu. If I could taste the bleu of a French twilight, it would be as luscious as your pictures. Ahhhhhhh....this was a sumptuous post. Merci Mucho.

  11. Posted too quickly after a long day~
    Apologies..accepted ..I hope..
    You've made ME like more boxes.
    Ahem as you would say:)

  12. Beautiful visual storytelling!
    Wonderful Carol.

    Merry Christmas to you and Bear! xx

  13. Anonymous9:04 PM

    So beautiful. Is there anyway to purchase Boissier here in the United States? I went on their website, but I could not access their online store.

    I used to live on Rue de Rome in the 8th arrondisement. I miss it a lot and hope to return some day.

  14. My God those lovely packaging! not to mention the goodness inside!

  15. The blues are lovely as is your Painting but I want the pink boxes. I'd take one of the lavender ones too. :)

  16. Alison9:44 AM

    To me that blue is like Cerulean with verditer added
    Do you think?

  17. I think you captured the blue perfectly! Love your painting.

  18. Such beautiful blues (my favourite colour). Love the look of those petals, too!

  19. Gorgeous watercolor! Love the blues and this post!


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