
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Must-Takes to Paris

 *ALERT! Travel Infomercial today.
No Paris nostalgia on the menu so you might want to pass.
I got my new TravelPro Crew4 suitcase this week (made especially for flight crew members). You can see how fatigued my old darling is on the left. Too bad the pullout handle gave up the ghost after 19 years...
 The new TravelPro looked really big to me so I called StopOverStore for confirmation it would fit in the overhead compartment. They assured me it would.

 Back to back...
 And belly to belly. This new bag is a sturdy number. Everything is more ample.

 Inside too. I like the see-thru compartments. Time will tell. You get a FREE crew baggage tag of the airline of your choice when you buy. Weeeeeee

 Now for the Canon face-off.
My old fatigued S90 vs. the new Canon S100.

 The LCD screen is bigger on the new camera though why did they move the replay button or whatever they call it?
Why do they have to change ANYTHING I wonder...

 The S90 is somewhat smaller and lighter. The picture-taking button is shinier and more obvious and it has GPS (not sure what I'll do with that?). They said the senser is bigger so it's sharper and the colors are brighter. Yay! I'll take both and get a better idea through practice.

 I never leave home without my L'Occitane sachets perfect for your shoes overnight. You can find these in the airport duty-free. I'm addicted to Arcopedico molded shoes for travel. Though you must add foam liners inside to avoid blisters etc.

 I always take my Metro dish towel to use on the train but this time I'm taking along a Metro placemat. Then I can plot journeys over morning hot chocolate. This is from the La Vaissellerie chain in Paris.

 For onboard I bring Earplanes, those special travel kneesocks and headphones with volume control since airline headphones suck.

 For swimming in Paris piscines I bring along an Aquis Microfiber towel from Amazon.

 It may seem like taking coals to Newcastle but I bring along a macaron box

 Jean-Paul Hevin makes the perfect 5-mac box with plastic liners so you can buy just 1-2 macarons they won't get crushed in a paper bag. Just pop them into the box. Oh well not everyone is this nutty. The chocolate macaron is a wax candle so stop drooling svp.

Of course Bear is coming. Don't worry! Plus my giant macaron bracelet from N2-les Nerides. Even AirFrance attendents flip over this monster. The ladybug is for some French good luck.
What's your 'must'-take alongs for a trip?


  1. TravelPro Crew4 looks very nice. Is that the Eiffel Tower on the top pocket?

    1. Sure that's always been TravelPro's logo Robinita

  2. It is AWESOME that you actually pack a MACARON BOX. But of course! Bon voyage, Carol.

    1. Boy scouts motto:
      There is nothing sadder than a crushed macaron in a paper/cello bag let me tell you :(

  3. Love your new bag.
    I always take my long and wide pink scarf, as it folds into a small carry on, is perfect to wrap around the shoulders, and adds color to an almost all black bag full of clothes.

  4. I don't think I've told you, but I'm going to be taking a macaron class soon. The next time she offers it, that is. I've never had a real French macaron, so I don't have anything to compare Cecilia's to, but they are so good it's amazing! Once I get to take the class, I'll only be 3/4's insanely jealous of all your trips to Paris.

    1. Oooooo I shall have to work harder Bill to keep you jealous
      Mon dieu!

  5. Carol! I am leaving for France this afternoon! Rose the Rat Terrier will be happily taken care of by our beloved Mr. Bill. In the meantime, I'm still packing, and my airport ride will be here in an hour and a half! Good gravy! Spending a week in a Carcassonne (house rental), followed by a weekend (just a tease, really!) in Paris. Perhaps I shall run into you! Safe travels, my friend!

  6. ... agree with all .. I never leave without my battery powered white noise machine. Great bag, I think I had the very early one also, and upgraded a couple years ago. Bon voyage.

  7. I, too, take almost all black clothes so adding colorful scarves is a must. I take my Dansko black clogs. They keep my feet from hurting. I take a purse large enough for the camera, metro maps (although I now have a great app on my iPhone!), lavender sachets, travel size cosmetics in ziploc bags. I take lots of extras of those, too. My Paris map from Galeries Lafayette and a highlighter for the places I want to see. I love the new suitcase and camera! Bon voyage!

    1. What PARIS MAP AP do you use Sabatical??

      Yes a yellow highlighter is an ESSENTIAL Must-Take!

  8. Love the new Travelpro carry on. It looks much bigger tha your old one !! Hope you don't get the same guy I had on my last trip, that made me put (or should I say push) my flightcase in the frame to check for size. I don't usualy use naughty words but I did that day !! Bon Voyage have a great time. Can't wait to see your photos taken on your new camera.

    1. I live in fear of that baggage frame!!

  9. Anonymous3:47 PM

    I MUST always carry a mini atomizer of Evian water to mist my face when I wake up on the plane and my eyelids are glued together. It always brings me back to life!

  10. There are some overhead bins on Delta that are impossibly small and my carry-on and many others were threatened with the baggage compartment. My clever husband found a storage spot for my bag (with the FA's consent) it worked out OK for me. Did the same thing on return. So, bon chance, bon voyage!

  11. I will be following your lead:)I have only been to France and Italy once on a combined trip..One month..I had that huge suitcase and a carry on..
    I guess the huge thing was too much..but we had a car ..visited many many many towns..My friend travels like you..
    Like your new toys Carol..well deserved..they're not toys actually..they are tools:)
    Love l'Occitane products..La Ferme De La Huppe..had them in our bathroom..and we have a little shop in MTL..♥
    I bring black and white..except for FL.. and then I add beige:)My computer and camera.. and a straight iron..and a cosmetic bag.

    Never saw those shoes..:)

    1. Arcopedico classic slip-ons designed by an Italian architect. I've been wearing them for YEARS - addicted to the comfort.

  12. AWESOME post....thanks, Carol!! Just what I needed. I'll be bringing my cat too when I move!

  13. It looks like you have this down to a science!
    I like the new luggage, but I was really impressed with the camera.
    GPS, wow; I haven't shopped for a camera in a long time, I wonder if that is very common?

  14. Arcopedico molded shoes for travel are the best for happy wearing sweaters on your feet.....! Great Suitcase, Great Shoes, Great Camera.....editing down everything to fit into 1 carry-on is amazing!!! how about a " trèfle à quatre feuilles "* (*a four-leaf clover!) It's small! Have a Great Trip, Carol!

  15. It seems like such a short time ago you got your new Canon and it's already being shoved aside .... by the way, what did you use to take the picture of BOTH cameras?
    My very tender feet must investigate that shoe brand!

    1. My S90 is least 3 years old with very hard wear.
      The Canon people told me I shouldn't be taking THOUSANDS of photos on a 2-week trip!?
      HMPH try and stop me

  16. You are the Go To Person for traveling and cameras. Fun reading about all this even tho I'm not traveling. As much as you travel I imagine you have this all down to a science. Happy travels.

  17. Oh, Carol, I am such a travel nut that I like info like this too. For flights, I definitely have to wear slip on shoes that allow for socks and my Merrells have served me excellently. And a tube of carmex for my lips because they always seem to get so dry. Also some face wipes because for whatever reason after a few hours on an overseas flight I feel grim-y (sp?) and the wipes clean my face and leave me feeling refreshed. I like your tips and love your sense of fun with your travel accessories. Bon Voyage dear Carol.

  18. So happy for you with your new suitcase & hopefully camera. Even though I take a roll aboard I find it easier to check because it's too hard for me to lift into the overhead. It's fun to hear about travel stuff from one who travels as much as you...For me: pens, colored pencils, small watercolors, carnet, & earphones for the plane. Bon voyage!

  19. Great post, Carol. I always wear my good luck shirt (I have a history of being a chicken flier);the same purse, regardless of the season, because it holds everything I need for wandering around Paris all day; a pair of dark socks (I don't want to SEE what's on the floor in the plane's bathroom); my fave Paris Circulation map; and comfy flats. My next trip to Paris is in March ;( and I will definitely take my Repettos along.
    BTW, how do you store your zillions of pictures while you travel? My poor iPhoto is feeling overwhelmed...

    1. I store them daily on my (PC) computer or I would be a wreck.

      fave Paris Circulation map
      ??? do you dare to drive in Paris?

  20. Hi Carol... I always take a spare camera battery .. and a extra card too , in case |I take too many photos.

  21. I'm not familiar with those shoes--must look up. I always take neutral clothes and several colored tops and scarves, and mix 'em up to make them look like a lot more clothes than they really are. Oh, and always a big tshirt to wear with sweat pants in the hotel room. Oh, and I always put a bright colored ribbon on the handle of my suitcase so I immediately recognize it as mine coming out of baggage claim. (I check a bag, Carol.)

  22. Louise2:30 PM

    Always Minnetonka Deerskin moccasins for the plane or sore feet days,Loro Piano giant Cashmere scarf ,Evian water spray, a tupperware box for Macarons or other delicate delights,Dr Hauschka Lip balm and the usual other bit n pieces.

    1. Loro Piano giant Cashmere scarf !!
      Do you have an extra
      I could use it next week :)))

  23. I take a book that I've never read written by a person from the place I am going to.
    It is always good to start each new adventure with a head for adventure (new words, new thoughts, new ideas, new anticipations).

    Thank you Carol for energizing my morning with thoughts of PLANNING for my trips and adventures. Today I go to life drawing class near the beach. HMMMM, that's an arsenal of take-alongs (sunscreen,watercolors, brushes and bathing suit)

  24. Annabella6:13 PM

    A macacroon box! excellent idee......i always end up eating my macaroons toute suite so they don't end up in little pieces......well that's my excuse anyway! Bon voyage :)

  25. Anonymous12:13 AM

    Your packing tips are always helpful,and fun!
    And they give me hope that I will be packing again for Paris some day. I like 16G memory cards (and I really hate it when people tell me I am taking TOO MANY pictures) I always take a tiny flash light.& I bring zip lock bags of different sizes.& I must have my noise cancelling head phones. I just bought a new suitcase and I think I will make bright marks on the bottom by the wheels so I can see it on the baggage carousel even if it is upside down or backwards . I will look for those shoes,they look interesting & comfy . Have a fun trip& enjoy the new macaron flavors! Merci~fan from rural Oregon

  26. So exciting that you're going again! :)

    x Milla


    Great ideas!
    What kind of paint do you put on the bottom of your suitcase?
    And the different sizes of Zip-Lock bags!
    Veggie bags are good to bring too.

    1. Anonymous10:07 PM

      I haven't painted the marks yet, but I think I will do it in silver metallic or white spray paint,in a stencil,some fun shape.Light color or bright so it shows up. But any oil based paint will probably work. Have fun!

  28. I absolutely love that you take a macaron box! That's such a fabulous idea. I may not take one all the way from Australia, but I think I'll be able to reuse them whilst I'm there- although travelling with a family I often buy a box of 6, rather than one or two. I can see why you're excited about your new bag and camera. Your metro teatowel idea is inspired too. Have you tried those crushable maps? I'm thinking of getting one of those. I must check out the shoes too.

    1. The great thing about the J-P Hevin box is the plastic liners = no broken macarons !
      Useful if you want to bring some home too.
      The tea towel is more practical than those crushable maps IMHO - hard to read & too small.

  29. Bonjour Carol!
    The app on my iPhone and iPad is called ParisByMetro. I LOVE it. You select where you are and where you want to go and it gives you a route- least stops, quickest, etc. There is also a map of the metro. It was cheap, too. Not free but inexpensive. There are lots of others, too, some free with good ratings.
    Bon voyage! Can't wait to follow your adventures. I love "seeing" Paris through an artist's eyes.

  30. Carol, you are the true Travel Pro!


  31. sallyinthealley3:19 PM

    Just to let you know, I love my canon s95. In fact I bought it in Paris after walking through a turnstile in the Metro and breaking the screen on my Olympic which was in my pocket. Don't buy one in Paris, it cost a fortune.
    I have traveled with both kinds, 2wheelers and 4 wheeler bags. The extra wheels take up space and also if you are slightly heavier on one side, it tends to fall over. This may just be mine, I suggest you try wheeling them around in the store before committing.
    Love your blog.


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