
Monday, October 22, 2012

International Fine Art and Antique Dealers Show

 Bowers of white orchids...


 Very priceless indeed Cartier watches at The International Fine Art & Antique Dealers Show yesterday at the 67th Street Armory.

Each dealer setup his area like a separate room you could practically move into on the spot.
Very elegant indeed.
I was quite smitten with this half-finished Cezanne watercolor from art dealer Thomas Colville.
And drooling over these Delacroix Moroccan sketches too.
Not so enticing this ceramic plate of bacon and eggs from Picasso.
Though very inticing Francois Payard's macarons in the refreshment area at the show.
Do you write or draw? You definitely need this fabulous desk from UK dealer Apter-Fredricks of London.
And of course the essential Staffordshire cat from Brian Houghton Galleries to sit atop your papers and drawings.

Do you long to work for an international art dealer?
Then start working on your posture ASAP.
I noticed sales people from the various galleries had perfect posture. I wonder if they use Backjoy?
As I was leaving the show (which continues until 25th October Thursday) I spotted high fashion designer Carolina Herrerra, whose posture is pretty perfect don't you think?

My new little Canon S100 did a pretty good job of capturing her.

A few blocks away a little dog who's posture could use some improvement but I loved his 'side-car' gizmo
These lion-cut poodle's posture is positively regal.

New York fish watch their posture when they're swimming in Barney's windows on Madison avenue.
As objet d'art go, New York Sabrett hot dog stand are priceless forever don't you think?



  1. ... lovely pics and great of CH ... thank you

  2. Only you could link antiques to posture, made me smile...And to dog posture, hahaha! the Cezanne & Delacroix, I wonder who will buy them, I hope a museum...the hot dog stand, great!

    1. You see right through me Sketchbook!
      Ahh...making connections is so much fun

  3. The new Canon is taking fab photos! Get it warmed up for Paris. I, too, take thousands of photos every time I go. I dare someone to tell me not to! Pas possible!

    1. Thank you Sabbatical for my new ParisByMetro app!
      GREAT travel suggestion.
      I'm Loving it.

  4. I love antiques but these are a bit out of my price range!
    Fun post!


    1. They are SO out of my price range they shouldn't even let me in there. I had a free pass btw

  5. Fun post Carol. New York is such a fantastic city! So much happening there (Sadly, Seattle can't compete... Yawn.) Unrelated question but I have to ask: Are you in NYC on November 20? If you are, call Carnegie Hall today!!! You do not want to miss this show: Fah-bu-lous Patricia Kaas sings the great Edith Piaf! I can't make it (Thanksgiving week) so you have to be there and report! :-)
    -- Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  6. Perfect capture of CH.. her makeup is just perfect..:)
    No ambition to be an art dealer:)

    Jacques is looking forward to his Back Joy.

    My husband loves Patricia Kaas.

  7. Hola!!! Cada vez que estoy triste o de mal humor, visito tu blog! Es todo tan lindo que me pone contenta!! Besos

  8. I'd love to try to perfect my posture in those pink pumps!

  9. They must perfect their posture while waiting those endless hours waiting for the deep-pocketed buyers to arrive.

  10. I love the orchids in the opening shot, and then you just keep racking up good shots :)
    I'm glad that you like the camera...
    The sales-ladies look pretty bored -and boring!

  11. need to work on my posture ASAP! those women are indeed very classy, especially CH. hope to age as gracefully as her.

  12. Wow.. that new camera is amazing. Great close up of CH. All that lovely posture. I really do need to get one of those Back joys. I need to find your blog post about where you ordered it. If you could see me slouching right now..not good. No wonder I am spending so much time at the Chiropractors these days.;o

  13. What a fun post, PB ...
    Fancy, fish swimming in Barney's windows !
    I love NYC - hope to return there next June - it's been too long.

  14. O`wow! I am so sure you did buy that half-finished Cezanne... :D Teddy will Love it!

  15. Nancy C5:56 AM

    Your new camera is a star - great pix!
    As always, thanks for sharing.

  16. Great picture of Carolina
    Love the new camera!

  17. Only Carol would combine an elegant Cezanne half-finished painting and a hot dog stand! Love it. And love the Cezanne and Delacroix, too!

  18. Wow, C.H. looks fantastic!! What an eye Carol!!

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