
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Cafe de la Paix!

 Bear has  arrived in Paris safe and sound if a tad sleepless.
 He takes the scenic route into Paris on Roisseybus.
 Bear spots his first French woman, walking her small dog, wearing a red coat + possibly carrying a vrais o faux Hermes Birkin bag...Ah Paris.
 Place de la Opera is looking pretty gorgeous this morning!
 Bear, feeling his oats. He remembers his not-so-hot breakfast(extremement crummy) on Delta decides to have petit dejeuner at famed Cafe de la Paix. What the Hey!
 Bear looks inside. Who can resist?
 Lovely French script on the menu too...
 It's day 1 and Bear is feeling flush with fresh euros...
 This is some grand place!
 Tres grande indeed.
 Possibly a little too grand for Bear. He immediately dribbles his thick, unctious hot chocolate (certainly a contender to Angelina's).
 Fortunately other savvy breakfasters don't lift an eyebrow at Bear's faux pas.
 It's time to catch the Eurostar/Gare du Nord for London.
See you tomorrow PBers with London tales!


  1. Ahhhh--there you go! Have a great trip, Carol and Bear. Rest up tonight!

  2. Cafe de la Paix for his first breakfast in Paris: Bear likes the good life! Bon voyage, Carol and bear! Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  3. Yay! Welcome to Paris, Carolg and Bear!

  4. Wow.. That was a short stay in Paris.. You're onto London already? A good start to your trip tho I would say. Looking forward to more.

  5. I hope that you have some money left after that breakfast:) That place looks very posh.
    London so soon?
    Have fun!

    1. Good point Nikon!
      Bear does like to play fast and loose with the euros beginning of the trip.
      Later on he is counting every centime and yelling at me for pastry extravagances :(
      c'est la vie toujours

  6. Anonymous10:26 PM

    i love bear

    1. Je t'aime aussi Anonymouse!

  7. Carol, I am looking forward to more adventures that you and Bear will soon be having. (That was some elegant breakfast spot!


  8. Geri, NJ11:21 PM

    Delightfully yummy breakfast no doubt...thanks for taking us along.

  9. Tomorrow in the very early a.m. I'll be having
    my breakfast at "Jim's Lunch,"in a little South Jersey town. Obviously way at the other end of the spectrum from your first "Paris Breakfast" of this trip.

  10. You really hit the ground running... and Cafe de la Paix first thing? What a lovely way to start the trip. I cannot wait for the next post. For some reason I am living vicariously through you this trip. Have a fabulous time.

  11. M.Bear will be BACK IN PARIS on Saturday evening!
    Not to worry.
    His apartment in the BOBO 11th isn't ready until Sunday so...he's going to eat some London cupcakes at Peggy Porschen's Parlour and meet Vicki Archer (French Essence) today bla bla bla
    Please forgive!!

  12. Merci et Bonjour PBers!
    Oui, Jetlag can make you do foolish things...
    C'est la vie :)

  13. Isn't Carol lucky that Bear lets her tag along?

  14. Carol, I so love reading your posts. You write and illustrate beautifully. God bless, have safe and fun trips!

  15. I'm off to Paris in two weeks, im definately going to hunt out Cafe de la Paix. looks delightful! :)

  16. ... how very exciting ... Carol and Vicki ... can't wait to get the updates and (I hope) some pics ... have fun ... Karen in CT

  17. I love bear, he deserves every extravagance!!! Can't wait for more adventures!! XXXOOO

  18. Une belle balade... merci pour le partage photographique...
    gros bisous

  19. Enjoy le tunnel and London. Somebody looks remarkably like hubby in that breakfast shot. Hm. He works around the corner. Could it be?

  20. It's glorious here in London – enjoy!

  21. I LOVE Bear!!! I do hope he gets to be re-united with his long lost lost brother this time round. Wouldn't that be tres exciting!! Carol, adopting is ever sooo wonderful and double the fun for both you and our cherished BEAR!!! Love to you both. Take good care, have fun, get rest and see many doggies everywhere and do show them to us please :) xo

  22. Loved it looked like a very yummy breakfast. Should I put Cafe de la Paix on my list??? I think so. A bientot.

  23. Wait, wait!
    Will the next post be here, at Paris Breakfasts? Or is there now a sister site: London Breakfasts? I am so out of the loop.
    Waiting with bated breath...

  24. Alas, right now I can only afford to travel to Paris via Google Earth and PB! But, in the spirit of throwing caution to the wind, I took myself down to an authentic French patisserie in town today, and had an exquisite little cake and cup of coffee ... in Bear's honour (as one does). Hope you're enjoying the trip as much as Bear is :)

  25. Anonymous5:17 AM

    Wow a breakfast with steak. best café in London
    It looked a pretty good plateful and a very sensible idea to stoke up with a good ..


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