
Monday, June 13, 2011

Almondine Bakery

Almondine Bakery Fraisier by Carol Gillott Le Fraisier Classique, watercolor, 9" x 11" Almondine BakeryOn Saturday I just discovered Almondine Bakery in Dumbo on Water Street - a patisserie loaded with Frenchness... Almondine Bakery They even have an ardoise/big blackboard and write out the specials by hand.Almondine Bakery And homey made lemonade perfect for a summer day.
Almondine BakeryWhen you buy a croissant or other vienoisserie, you get a REAL French boulangerie paper bag straight from France! That's a first.
Almondine Bakery You can buy Chef Herve Poussot's macarons just one at a time freshly made rather than pre-packaged.
Of course Almondine has many classic French desserts.
Almondine Bakery Like the very Summery Fraisier.
Almondine Bakery The French version of our strawberry shortcake...
Almondine BakeryParisian chef Gerard Mulot's fraisier with a checkered 'Vichy' topping.
Almondine Bakery A rather grand Fraisier a la Dacha at Cafe Pouchkine in Printemps.
Almondine Bakery The Japanese adore le Fraisier - they add to the mix a delicate touch of Matcha green tea.
Munch..munch miam...miam
Why not watch my favorite General I mean chef from L'atelier des Chefs show you how to faire un fraisier?

Almondine Bakery
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  1. Justine1:45 PM

    J'adore that Frenchie chef too..
    I would love to jump to attention on his line dans le cuisine..

    What a good lecon in Francais he provides too. He speaks clearly and slowly if a bit clipped.
    miam miam

  2. Oh my goodness, you have discovered a French Paradise in the middle of New York City! The pastries look finger-licking good and your painting is exquisite!

    Wish I could have a bite of that strawberry beauty right now!

  3. Wow some of these pastries look like abstract art! Amazing find you have here!

    The Wanderfull Traveler

  4. Hi Carol, all your work are eye candy<3 makes me happy (and hungry>_<).

    Love the strawberries, always my favorite!<3

  5. Wow--if I get back to NY I'll have to look for that place. Sounds and looks delicious.

  6. Anna-Maria A.4:45 PM

    Awesome find!
    A little piece of Paris right in your own backyard so to speak.
    Some ppl. have all the luck.
    Who needs to go to France when you can hop on a subway and find these treasures?

  7. Laurel in CA4:54 PM

    I would kill for one of those little Frenchie croissant bags.
    Mine always get greasy in France, so pointless to bring home..

    Bet you could auction it off on Ebay it's so mignon!
    Love your blog!!

  8. Now I would buy a croissant just to get my hands on one of those gorgeous bags! Oh! and how fortunate you now have another little pallette of scrummy pastry's to paint - utterly delectable- utterly french!

  9. I've never heard of that neighborhood, but you made quite a find!
    The "vichy" topping looks sooo good :)

  10. Oh my, if I ever found myself in Almondine, I'd probably be unable to leave until closing time. HA! What delicious looking desserts!

    As always, Carol, I love your watercolors and your photos.

    It's all just too, too much...sigh!

  11. That Frasier!!!! I could make it for my book club this week! How hard can it be? :-) Of course, since we're reading a "BITTERSWEET" chocolate dessert......what to do? What to do?

  12. What a beautiful and visually tantalizing post! Everything looks sooo delicous:) Love the video too - Merci!

  13. Lovely and beautiful place!:)
    it looks delicious! amazing pictures! I'm hungry now..haha!!:)
    xxxx darling

  14. A post purely dedicated to French desserts and sweet that's what I like to see! Just gorgeous! I wish I could have bought one myself.

  15. Hello Carol.
    Je suis japonaise.
    Japanese Fraisier is made from Crème mousseline or pistache crème.
    Neither Mâcha nor green tea are used.
    "シシリアンフレーズ" is made from pistache crème.

  16. Yummy indeed. I'll be making a (Betty Crocker version) strawberry shortcake for my Dad for Father's Day on Sunday. Not nearly as pretty as the fraisier here, though....

  17. Anonymous4:30 PM

    yes, but they need someone with good calligraphy skills to write the signs.

  18. Lovely blog! It is an inspiration! Almost every post feels like a small trip! Thank you!:)


  19. Anonymous5:02 PM

    I LOVE Almondine, but you HAVE to go to La Bergamote, you probably already have. I love the one in Chelsea.


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