
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Paris Jonquille Yellow

These Dafs are YELLOW, watercolor, 9" x11'
Merci Marie for translating daffodils into jonquils yesterday...
Sue's daffodils inspired me to run out and buy some to paint...

Cris in Oregon has daffodils growing in her own garden, even if they are facing away from her window - naughty daffs. If I was in Paris now I'd be wearing this jonquil jaune/yellow cardigan I would... David Lebovitz is smitten with jonquille yellow bergamots.
I've never had one, have you? All Paris adores yellow disks, especially their famous tarte au citron... More yellow disks, this time at L'Epicerie...
Here's a yellow-obsessed French woman about to fall into a case of tarte au citrons at patisserie Gerard Mulot. Oh to be in her shoes...
In Paris it's nothing to cook your dinner in a miniature jonquil yellow cocotte. If you can't make your own do stop in at Les Cocottes, 135, rue St.Dominique 75007
Or eat under a yellow awning at 17 Avenue de la Motte Picquet.
Petit Bateau's vitrine are full of yellow right now if you hurry...
Just some yellow walls I captured on the run in Paris...
In a weeks time I'll be boarding AirFrance for Paris. Miam-miam
Je t'aime Jonquil Yellow!


  1. I love the yellow ballerina flats. So cute!!!

  2. Since yellow is my favorite color, I am swooning here. Those yellow ballerinas are making my heart sing.

  3. Oh, tres bien, these daffodils, Carol! I have to try them again. I love this image--such wonderful color here! Take a bow, M'lle!

    You are too funny.

  4. Now that you both mention it, mine heart is swooning too for YELLOW ballerinas..
    I'm so easily influenced :)
    Merci Marilyn & My Fashion Dolly!

    Sue, you're a BIG influence too!

  5. Anonymous1:32 PM

    In a weeks time, I too will be on my way to Paris! ... and for the first time. Je suis très excité!

  6. Justine1:54 PM

    Loving your Springie posts this week!
    And the flowery watercolors too.

  7. Carol C3:12 PM

    Love your Paris Jonquil Yellow post on PB today!
    As always PB--- is a delightful way to begin my mornings!

  8. You are providing comfort to the weary with your Spring posts.
    I just wish the greens would start appearing here!
    I love those tarte au citrons - I'd love to be munching on one right now!

  9. I'll tell you the same thing I told Sue. If I had known that I would one day like to paint the flowers in my garden, I would never have planted daffodils! I try again to paint those yellow tricksters every year, never any closer to my dreams.

  10. A beautiful blog, I arrived here via Flickr.

  11. Hi Carol, oh, but some of us in la douce France have lots of jonquil yellow around: just today, my friend gave me a big bunch of jonquils. To come in the house, she had to walk past my jonquil yellow Kangoo, which looks an awful lot like the postman's vehicle...And she probably had to step over my jonquil yellow sneakers...No chicks hatched yet, but the eggs cracked for the 4 heures cookie break are very jonquil inside. It's an exuberant color, good to have around, it reminds you of the good things in life: lemon curd, legos, silk robes...and spring. Thanks for helping us dream!

  12. We'll all wire money. Yellow ballerina flats for all of us,s'il vous plait!

  13. love the yellow items.
    yummmmmm citron!!!

  14. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Loving the yellow today --- yaaay for Paris!

  15. Adore the shade of Yellow to your post, such beautiful water-colours too. I would love to own that sweater in shop window.!

    What better way than spending Paris in the Springtime, lucky you.! Enjoy your vacation.

  16. what a pleasant surprise to see my Daffodils here today. Dont they just sing Spring!? Lovely painting you did. I might end up cutting some of mine to bring in the house since the heavy rain today knocked some over. :( They got so tall this year. I did go out to stake them up and hope that helps. Now I need to go find something lemony to eat.. you've got my cravings going again. :]

  17. oh and....I want a pair of those yellow ballerina shoes. :)))

  18. Gorgeous! Yellow is such an underused colour as well. That tarte au citron looks particularly beautiful...

  19. Absolutely delicious looking. I am using the same shades of yellow for my wedding, you take the most wonderful photographs!

  20. Bonjour PB~
    I love the "yellow" blog today. It is such a happy color. After touring Giverny, I came home and painted my bedroom the same color as Monet's fabulous yellow kitchen!
    Where did you find that cute little magnetic clever.

    the tarte au citron makes my mouth water....

  21. Stunning yellow post!!
    Carol, I am fan of your paintings!! They are great! When I find the one...I will run to Etsy and it will be mine!!
    Have a nice week end! xx

  22. I would love that jonquil-yellow sweater, too, as spring is really not happening here in Minnesota anytime soon and the color and the warmth would do me good.

    But there's always hope, right?

    In a week's time I will be so envious of you and your trip! But I can't wait to see what you'll share with us.

  23. Yes, yellow ballet pumps for me. It is my favourite colour too - I am stashing daffodil bulbs to plant for our Australian spring. They grow very well in our mountain area.
    Just wanted to say I have loved your blog for a long time, and it's a pleasure to view your posts.

  24. Anonymous2:53 PM

    just stumbled across your fun blog...I too travel to paris (first time), one week from Tuesday... love the bunny video, have had 3 mini lops, love them! merci ~ lucy

  25. To come in the house, she had to walk past my jonquil yellow Kangoo, which looks an awful lot like the postman's vehicle..

  26. I am fan of your paintings!! They are great! When I find the one...I will run to Etsy and it will be mine!!

  27. It's an exuberant color, good to have around, it reminds you of the good things in life: lemon curd, legos, silk robes...


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