
Thursday, October 07, 2010

Paris Signs of Automne

Does anyone do up their windows for automne/fall like the French?
One lone apple tells the story.

Falling leaves..?


Even better - chocolate leaves for Fall.
Best of all leaves at Place des Vosges.
Or just one fallen leaf beside an orange Pierre Herme bag of goodies


Toujours/always signs of Fall in Paris.

And plenty of real cepes in the Paris marches.

Venison, lapin, wild boar - more tastes of fall.

And what will Bambi wear this Fall?
Toujour l'orange!

On Monday Jan Gossart's fruity autumnal wreath made me think of

Or should I say made me dream of

JAM! Pain Quotidien's jams on the communal tables are left unattended! miam-miam

No, I showed restraint and did not eat them to the last drop...
You may have to go to Boston or New York to see a real one.


  1. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Great one today!
    Art, clothes , food, and seasonal..great pics too.

  2. Justine10:22 AM

    all the delicious things of Parisien Fall..
    Missing one pumpkin!
    The French DO make some nice fusses don't they?

  3. For sure Fall offers the best colors in nature! Are you inspired for Fall watercolors yet? A stroll at Central Park, shopping for a new sweater, eating a home made pie?
    I can smell apples and cinnamon as soon as I think of Fall!
    Here in Ohio is all orange and red already, what about there?
    Enjoy you day!

  4. Geri, NJ10:28 AM

    My favorite season...but it's off to an odd/slow start across the Hudson so far...and some leaves have withered and fallen before turning! Charming images, as per usual. Love your photo in the park...very nice.

  5. Simony-
    I'm getting inspired for Paris NEXT WEEK!!!
    not ready :(
    comme d'habitude...

  6. love all that "automness"!....especially the chocolates...

  7. lovely! sure the autumn offers great colors but I miss the summer. greetings from Germany

  8. For me; Autumn means pumpkin pie, any kind of soup...and scaring the
    bee-jubbies out of my neighbor's kids, when they visit my old Victorian house.(haunted, of course!) at Halloween.

  9. Ah, ouais. I do decorate for autumn, though the leaves aren't ready to be collected here yet. While I wait, having an autumnal hued leetle cat hopping around helps immensely. A roving exhibit. Pretty pictures & cute squirrels--just what I needed. (Really.)


  10. I love fall--this time of year is so beautiful--lovely images, Carol! I'm hoping I get to see some pretty fall foliage on my travels!

  11. Oh, how I love Autumn. And you have given me a peek of the city I love in a season I have never seen her wrapped in. How lovely you captured her.

  12. Fantastic pics!! Wonderful colors!! I want to be in avery place you showed!!kisses and hugs!

  13. You sure captured the essence of Fall with your photos - the colors are fantastic.
    I especially like the girl on the bike shot in Place des Vosges...perfect!
    That food looked great, too :)

  14. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Wonderful post today on automne! It's my favorite time of year and usually when we travel to Paris.

  15. Do not believe for one minute that because I am old and retired you can try to dazzle me with fall leaves and squirrels and expect me not to notice a rabbit in the bunch! However, for once, I approve of your rabbit because it is LAPIN! Yay! Let's hear it for the gardeners!

  16. Lots of lovely images here. I ADORE that wooden squirrel. You can find lots of the gray ones, you posted, in our yard daily, and soon we will be knee deep in those pretty fall leaves.

  17. I think this is my very favorite posting ever! I realized as I look at the image of Place des Vosges that I was in Paris exactly a year ago today, taking in the scene at Luxembourg Gardens on one of the last days of a fall trip. Your images took me right back! Oooh, I am drooling! Thanks for the instant vacation.

  18. I am in Paris untill Monday, licking up the memeories of sweets, macarons and the most beautiful city in the world :-)
    When are you comeing Carol?

  19. Anonymous2:37 AM

    Perfect! Aah.. I miss Paris..

  20. Anonymous2:53 AM

    Gorgeous pics. Thank you...

  21. I've been in Paris in spring and summer, but not autumn so far. It's spring in Australia so I just adored this glimpse of Parisian autumn. Thanks Carol. I hope to be there for the real thing one day.

  22. Anonymous5:44 AM

    I love Paris in the autumn and your pictures brought back so many nice memories... I wish I was there now. Thanks.
    Luna Loves...

  23. I love a good nut more than a mushroom. And red more than orange. And summer more than fall. But still, you charmed me with your ode to autumnal colors and themes!

  24. Your posts are always inspiring!


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