
Thursday, January 07, 2010

Paris Soldes

Last Sunday Parisien Anne was telling me that the Winter Soldes start on Wednesday - yesterday in fact.

Who wouldn't JUMP for GLEE, since Paris officially has only two big sale periods every year. I met Christiane 10 years ago whilst standing on the Sonia Rykiel line out in the cold. Back then a little heater was put outside and coffee was served to the patient attendees. Inside boxes were jammed full of SR goodies marked with a flat prix. Those good ole days are gone I bet...sigh
Would you like to be in these shoppers shoes..?
Perhaps you are supposed to arrive naked/nu at the sales..?
At 70% off who wouldn't?
Sale days are called "The Days of Passion" at this boutique. Here's what I don't get. Don't you think there should be a community effort and EVERYBODY should join in Les Jours Passion and have sales/soldes? Why doesn't Jean-Paul Hevin put his chocolate bars/tablettes on sale just for a few days? Or Angelina do the same with their Mont Blanc desserts?

Where is the team spirit?

One thing the French do GET is post-sales/solde you need to
DETOX! even if it's not on sale.
And here's how to do it care of BHV


  1. Carol,
    I'm an admitted Francophile, and love your blog...especially the pictures of shops in Paris. Your paintings are a delight to the eye, too! Thank you for brightening my days with your blog.

  2. Janinne11:34 AM

    I would definitely be JUMPING for joy to be in a pair of Parisien shoes RIGHT THIS MINUTE!
    Merci for the GLEE JUMP song...
    So a propos...

  3. Kristiane11:36 AM

    The French ARE very fixated on their detox and healing ablutions.
    Still shopping the Paris sales must be soooo exhausting.
    Can you blame them, though they do have all year to get into shape for the onslaught..hmmm

  4. Bethany in PA11:46 AM

    Boxes jammed full of goodies marked with a flat price!!
    I AM jumpin up and down!
    US sales are like everyday..who cares

  5. See excess then repent...or detox..'tis the season...:)))
    Sennelier too! I think they should join in the spirit.

  6. Anonymous1:14 PM

    You can all jump up and down ... in SNOWBOOTS !!!
    It's freezing cold and snowy here - from minus 10 to minus 7°C.
    Just want to stay in !!!


  7. Ooh, I do like the Soldes.
    If only I could snap my fingers and be there!

  8. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Good questions being posed here. I wholeheartedly agree.

    Happy shopping!

  9. I love that bathtub shot :)

  10. Rebecca Ramsey, don't you live in Kansas?
    And wear red shoes?

  11. Misha in Paris3:02 PM

    "chercher l'erreur" : pas de manteau d'hiver sur la photo !
    il fait très froid and more tomorrow with the north wind
    (oh my teeth!)
    I'll cover all my face!

  12. I wonder who it is peeping behind the model in the bath,
    Jil xxx

  13. I wonder if the French make such great leather boots as the Italians do. I live in boots since I am in V., I'd get in line for a pair that's reduced (original prices here are at about 300 Euros).

    I can see why someone would need a relaxing bath after spending the day running after sales! ;-)

  14. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Absolutely, I SO agree! What better way to break a day of shopping than with a bargain bun!

    I've never tasted the Laduree macarons ... they sell in a very exclusive shop in Dublin (very pricey). I'm gona wait to visit Paris for the real experience ... maybe I will ask for 20% off. I'll say ParisBreakfast sent me ;-)

  15. No sale on les chocs??Clearly, the French lack a sense of fair play!
    However, if they're still doing the box sale at SR, they might be forgiven!


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