
Friday, January 08, 2010

Best In Show

I have a query to put to you dear PB readers...
Do you think there are too many dogs featured on PB?
I have a history of putting dogs into everything including this catalog cover from 4 years ago. Do I suffer from OCDD
(obsessive compulsive dog disorder)?
Over the holidays I happened to watch Best in Show while painting and became fixated even moreso...
Granted it is pretty hysterical...
But I started drawing dogs like crazy!
Have you per chance noted the dogs at PB have gone upscale of late?
I've moved on to Champs from the lowly any ole dog of the past.
I even went so far as to take an ad in the catalog of the upcoming...
Monday and Tuesday, February 15-16, 2010
Madison Square Garden
Pennsylvania Plaza
Seventh to Eighth Avenues and 31st to 33rd Streets
New York, NY

And I plan to be onsite soaking up all the dogs I can :)
I tried to put in one of those polling widgets in this post but no-go.
So would you be so kind as to please let me know your opinion in the comments. Can you find the hidden dog in this picture? This movie poster was ALL over Paris. I didn't make it up honest.
Oui o non?
Bonjour Chiens du la monde!!


  1. I like the dogs in the pictures. If you're in Paris, you see dogs everywhere!

  2. Your dogs are wonderful--is that Scout I see there? ;)

    That movie is hilarious--I could watch it over and over. Did you seriously take out an ad--what a fabulous idea!! Hahaaaa! If you didn't, you should!

    keep 'em comin.' Woof.

  3. Oui, absoluement to the dogs. The more the better! (And much preferable to the all the miniatures you were featuring a while back!)

  4. sonnypunch10:23 AM

    Your paintings are fabulous and I love each and every dog...the more the merrier...

  5. William Ternay, Jr.10:24 AM

    Or should I say "Bow wow."
    Just came in from walking with friend Nancy, and her doggie, Leah, in the latest East coast snow fall.
    And here on PB; even more doggies, galore.
    You seem to go through phases re subjects that interest your artist's eye, Carol. But the constant is always the Paris theme, in one way or another. So dogs, Macarons, chocolate or baked gooodies in still-lifes; each adds its' own bit of zest to your wonderful blog.
    That's my 2 cents worth of opinion.

  6. too many dogs?! mais, non!! they are delightful!!

  7. Never too many dogs!
    Never too many macarons!
    I love getting everything you send.


  8. WMT III10:36 AM


  9. I love your blog and your pictures with or without dogs.

  10. Well, I wouldn't mind if les chats got some coverage as well, but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy the dogs!

  11. Well... I wouldn't have said a word. It is your blog and your choice. But, you did ask. I haven't been here in quite a while.

    Maybe time to balance out a bit with other things too on this very beautiful site you have created? Just a (very honest) thought. Only since you asked.

    Back to the woodwork...

  12. Hi - I love your blog and your photos and your artwork. I have a beloved maltipoo and love dogs. Best in Show is one of my favorite movies of all times ! Having said that, I would prefer to see fewer dogs in your work. Please focus on Paris monuments, vignettes, food ..... thanks, Mattie's mom

  13. oui les chats...
    There are some Chat Parisien at PB but in the minority
    If only one could take them for a walk!

  14. Love the dogs! Scout is the daughter of a Best-in-Show at Westminster. Best in Show, the movie, is also one of our favorites. As you may know, aside from the featured actors, most of the people showing dogs in that movie are real people with real show dogs.

  15. My darling cat, Shine, would look so at home in Paris -- black & white is always chic!

  16. Carol your blog inspires my art, work ethic, sense of humor and constant scheming to return to France. Django (my dog) often gets an impromptu romp with 20 or 30 other dogs all off leash in our small-town park - it's even better than the woodsy trails near our house. Your work is the only other place I've seen such doggy heaven lately. Focus on what YOU love! Vivent les chiens!!

  17. your work is so delightful... do not ever worry about anything... dogs, pastries (yum) we love it all!!!!
    xx pam

  18. Carol~
    It is YOUR blog, we are just along for the ride.

    We find fascinating what interests YOU. And frankly, the doggie theme is wonderful. I think with you getting all your shows together, it is miraculous you have any time for us at all. Not only do you make time, you keep your quality and high standards. Viva la Paris Breakfasts. Yum.

  19. tracy in MN11:12 AM

    Your dogs are great! I would like more street pictures, if you are asking, I have never been to Paris, I live in MN, where it is "dangerously cold" today. I would love street paintings of Paris in the spring, your paintings are a breathe of fresh air- so light and crisp.
    BTW, I have a corgi, I don't recall seeing a corgi on your site yet-
    thanks for a great site.

  20. Everything you do is brilliant! You have superb taste, and you should never question it.

  21. Vicki in Houston11:22 AM

    I love your dogs! Seeing the dogs makes me feel happier.

  22. Anonymous11:32 AM

    I LOVE every post you do......and looking forward to you posting. FYI: I have saved every post of your macaron watercolors and the doggies I forward to a grandchild who loves animals. O your style is like a "diamond of the finest cut with many facets."

    (I can't remember my password so I will sign off "Anonymous.")


  23. There can never be too many dogs!!!

  24. Anonymous11:57 AM

    There can never be to many dogs. Besides the macaroons it's the highlight of your blog.

  25. Yes, you do have obsessive compulsive dog disorder but you are forgiven, they are way too cute and we don't have to pick up after them : )

    Have a great weekend!

  26. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Love dogs!! What I'd like to see is your version of the painting of dogs playing poker but instead of poker chips, they're playing for macarons.

  27. I love your dogs!! They remind me of favorite books from my childhood and always make me smile and feel mumsy :-)

  28. I love all the dog paintings and drawings. In my opinion it is impossible to have too much are about dogs, Paris and I think PB is just perfect!

  29. Although I am a dog lover, and dream of having my own small one some day, it is two cats who I call my furry companions right now. I love the parade of dogs in your blog and don't see any reason to put a stop to it. Good luck with the dog show ad. Great idea!!!

  30. As I read down today's issue, I thought "Westminster Dog Show" and was happy to find you there already. Pampered pets are as Parisian as patisserie. Your charming blog is the highlight of my morning email now, bringing happy memories of Paris and New York.

  31. Misha in Paris1:54 PM

    J'adore tes dessins de chiens ! again, more dogs !
    frensh lesson : " oui OU non "

  32. hi....there is no such thing as too many dogs....they are like pastries....too many? such thing....and best in show is beyond hilarious....i can watch it over and over...g.

  33. Hi Carol. I think it's wonderful for people who love dogs and even though I'm not a dog person it doesn't bother me at all. If you don't know about this you should check out "Madeline's Rescue", a children's book with one whole giant picture of people walking dogs in Paris.

  34. carol...i dont know how someone could tell you to change things... your posts make me smile all the time...
    dont change a thing!!!!
    it is truly who you are and where your heart is..
    xx pam

  35. Yes, I do think there are too many dogs in your paintings and its not because we are a cat family.....
    I have always read/heard that while the French adore their dogs - they do not feel responsible for cleaning up after them and just leave the 'poo' where it falls. For a culture that thinks it is tres chic - I must say that leaving your animals poo where others can step on it or children could fall into - is not what I consider chic, good taste, good sense or being a responsible pet owner. Cleaning up after your animal is part of having an animal - just as feeding them good food or giving them fresh water - it just comes with the territory.

    If Frenchwomen think it's not chic to bend down and clean up after their dogs, then they should consider getting a cat since the litter box is indoors (so noone would see them doing the chore) and usually very easy to care for. Jean

  36. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Yes, we LOVE the dogs and your page. Keep them coming.
    John & Joan

  37. The dogs are so much a part of Paris; thank goodness they are doing a somewhat better job of cleaning up the little "souvenirs" that dogs leave behind. I love your paintings of shop fronts with the dogs patiently waiting outside.
    Your blog is a bright spot in my day. Thanks!

  38. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Love the doggies!
    However, I don't understand why dogs are not allowed in the parks in Paris, but they are largely allowed in stores and restaurants!

  39. I love it when you add a painting to the posts - if they happen to have a dog in them, so much the better!
    Beautiful art work, Carol!

  40. Brilliant! Great ad and great ringside you will have!!! Will have ears pricked, nose on point and tail slightly wagging in anticipation of very classy dogs to come.. Too many dogs? Is there such a thing? :)

  41. Carol -- At 41 posts already, you hardly need my humble feedback, but since I love PB so much you get it anyway: Please keep on posting your artwork, dog-related or otherwise. It's the combination of your photo and illustrative artistry that gives PB its special flair. (I really must have my colleagues in our French Dept. give you commissions for our French books!)

  42. William Ternay, Jr.3:04 PM

    Looks to me like the dogs win.

  43. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Your dogs are just right. Actually more than perfect!Thanks for all the smiles that you bring to my breakfasts.

  44. greenbarnantiques3:40 PM

    I love that in France dogs are everywhere. I have a Jack Russell and an Italian Greyhound and love taking them places. Keep up the good work - France, macarons and dogs- what more could one ask?

  45. J'aime le chien - especially the short, pudgy, liddle legged punk face sort. keep them coming !
    merci pour PB


  46. I really love your dogs but I prefer them in your paintings : they are just...right!

    Marie-Paule in frozen Paris

  47. Gone to the dogs .... *giggles*
    Oh well, just hand me a macaroon while you walk them, then all's well with me.

    I should send you a Maxie picture.
    He's so cute. My boy. Does everything I want. Even roll over. Good boy.

  48. Gone to the dogs .... *giggles*
    Oh well, just hand me a macaroon while you walk them, then all's well with me.

    I should send you a Maxie picture.
    He's so cute. My boy. Does everything I want. Even roll over. Good boy.

  49. There can never too many dogs, but this comes from a person that has two AKC champion Silky Terriers who have visited Paris thanks to you!

  50. Oh I am loving this dog craze you are going thru. dont quit. I cant believe all the work you have done thru the years. You just keep throwing us a little tease of your work here and there. Love it!! & love all your paintings here.

  51. Nik - Brisbane7:55 PM

    More dogs! I have just this week returned from 2 weeks in Paris, took photos of dogs - walking down the street, waiting outside shops for their owners and even one that had it's own bed in a restaurant. More dogs I say!!!

  52. There are never too many dogs. BEST IN SHOW is fantastic, poignant, and great for us who don't have dogs in our lives right now. Keep up the dogs!

  53. Anonymous10:08 PM

    There are NEVER too many dogs on PB. It tickles me to see your doggie pictures, drawings, paintings, anything dog or about dogs on your site.

    Thanks to you, I have seen French canine citizens, although I have not yet been to France.

  54. J'aime des chiens!!!!

    My husband and I are avid dog lovers and visited Paris for the first time last summer. We were so happy to see dogs EVERYWHERE. It was wonderful. A blog about the wonders of Paris must include dogs!

  55. Dear Ms. Breakfasts,
    I would be much obliged if you would do me the favor when you're at Westminster and scout out a refined Airedale of the female persuasion who might be interested in leaving behind the glare of the spotlight to settle down with a distinguished mature Airedale entering his retirement years, yet still in top form. I can offer unusually good rabbitting, a cupboard always full of treats and a regular bath and grooming schedule. Note: She MUST be a sharp dresser!
    Oswald Airedale

  56. I love your dogs, you do them so well, I have a Bearded Collie & I hope you'll paint one in the future. I always enjoy visiting your blog.

  57. keep the doggies!!! love 'em. I can't have one, so I have to get my 'fix' elsewhere! They are adorable!

  58. Your dogs are so cute and well done. Please don't stop painting them!

  59. We LOVE DOGS,
    Keep up the good work

  60. A Parisien12:59 AM

    If only the dogs don't eat and drink ! Paris will be clean ! and I should have many pets...

  61. Billye1:01 AM

    The Westminster Show is a great avenue for you (no pun intended) ... I had a dog or two at Westminster (one that went in for Best in Show) and we LOVE our dogs ... had no idea OCDD was a concern!
    Best of luck in being Best in Show!
    That show is total material.

  62. Gracie1:02 AM

    which do you prefer....

  63. dogs are fine.
    I enjoy all your pictures, photos and comments.
    Keep it up as inspiration strikes you--it's all good--
    tres bien.

  64. LOVE the dogs. And the occasional cats. Good luck with the Westminster ad~I'm sure you'll get lots of commissions!

  65. Yes dogs and more dogs. Have you ever been to a dog competition? It is very serious stuff - cut throat!

    Definitely worth attending for fun one weekend. Check out the list of exposants, most dog shows have certain breeds that are featured more than others.

  66. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Dogs or cats?...they're all wonderful and welcome...what's more important is the story you are telling with each painting, photo and post. You are selling us your beautiful renderings of Paris and the French way of life (with a little New York thrown in just for fun!). Thanks for everything. :)

  67. Hi Carol - three of us just arrived in Paris yesterday and we noticed some very handsome dog wallpaper in the window at Pierre Frey. We'll snap a photo for you if we get back that way.
    I say keep the dogs - and bring us even more in 2010!!!
    Bon vendredi!

  68. I absolutely adore your dog drawings & there can never be too many on your blog or your Flickr page or anywhere else!!
    Let's all go to the dogs in 2010, shall we?!

  69. NEVER too many puppies!! I love them. I have a Shih-Tzu who is the light of my life....oh yea, and I have three children too who run a close second! HAHA just kidding. Come visit my blog anytime, Dear!
    Stacy Mayer

  70. Never too many especially when they're this delightful!

  71. Carol

    I stumbled across your blog a copy of years ago and signed up for the morning emails sent from you, eventually I got hooked on blogs and just started one of my own.. Your blog is what inspired me to do so,,, all of your is 'great' the art - the stories- the trips -- the photo's and I love the dogs... would like to have my dog painted by you...
    A good read is a book called Why My Third Husband Will Be A Dog: The Amazing Adventures of an Ordinary Woman (Hardcover)
    Lisa Scottoline (Author)

    Now I can see you writing a book about your adventures in Paris , New York -- featuring your work, your blog stories and all... I think it would be a great success with dogs and macaroons and mini-birds and all
    the dowsers daughter

  72. Linda Robeson10:18 PM

    There can never be enough Paris Breakfasts, and there can never be enough doggies therein! Throw some cats in too! We'll love them all!
    Linda Roberson

  73. Anonymous11:08 PM

    Love the dogs! Don't stop!

  74. Anonymous1:14 AM

    Don't ever change what you are doing, or what inspires you to blog daily! Jamais s'il vous plait!!! I get your blog emailed daily, and it's my fix, my inspiration to get back to Paris, love the dogs, love your paintings, love your words, love the patisserie's (even though my hips don't)and sometimes keep it unopened so that I can make a cup of coffee and read it and pretend I am at a cafe in Paris..... You bring to my memories of my visit alive.... Thankyou Susan (South Africa)

  75. So glad to note you included Papillon dogs in your last posting!
    My Papillon is very beautiful.
    Good for you including them and I hope you see a lot of them at Westminster this year!
    woof! woof! yip! woof!


  76. Margaret in Atlanta5:54 AM

    In response to your question about having too many dogs in your paintings... One can never have too many dogs. I LOVE dogs! And I so enjoy all your paintings that include dogs. Don't stop painting dogs.
    Thanks for such a darling blog. I read it everyday and love it.


  77. Just crazy for your sketches, love doggies.

  78. love the dogs - keep on doing what you are doing - it is wonderful - one of these days i am going to order a special sketch - great idea about the ad in the westminster dog show booklet... more trips to paris will be generated by that smart move

  79. I like the dogs, all animals for that matter. Maybe you should mix in some birds or cats. Good work, keep it up.

  80. It's your blog! That means you can put as many dogs in it as you want!!

  81. Of course you should have as many dogs as you wish!!! Now macarons....I have to tell you I was gifted a box of Pierre Herme macarons this weekend as a hostess treat..Love the box, love the colors but we haven't tried them yet. thought of you toute de suite!!!

    Carol bis

  82. Aw! I saw the video… the dogs are darlings these dogs deserve to win best show on their categories. .

  83. No. 27 looks adorable. Russell I love that dog so cute very petit.

    rsa training

  84. The dogs are GRAND! So says my poodle, and I agree.

  85. There can NEVER be too many dogs in anything or anywhere! And I love your "put your dog in Paris" concept.

  86. Anonymous1:43 AM

    I never would have thought a person could get so attached to a dog. However, my miniature Pomeranian is now so much a part of me and my wife that it is difficult to fathom. Our do has so much personality and everyone who comes into contact with her, well it's instant love.


Love hearing from you