
Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Mother and Child Reunion

Bonjour December 1, 2009 Is December the most nostalgic month of the year? I'm reminded of making gingerbread men and rabbits and Scotty dogs with my Mom when I was 6 or 7. My mother died when I was 24. She was too young and so was I. I don't think I've ever truly grown up, or so others tell me. Maybe it's why I feel such an affinity for the French. They're so attached to the things of childhood.They even take their penny candy, available all over Paris... And serve it at the most sophisticated of tea salons in the Musee Arts Decoratifs. Here they've covered a car with the same tagada candies!And kid's ballerinas. Is there a French woman on the planet who does not own at least one pair of ballerinas? I love the way they take a child's toy, make it into an art object and pop it right in the street.
How about the kids scooters you see everywhere?
Including inside Galeries Lafayette. Boy would I love to ride one of these into Bergdorf Goodmans.
They take our everyday campfire marshmallows and make them mango and saffron-flavored!
I'm glad I can find the best hot chocolate in the world where ever I turn in Paris. Maybe that's why I feel at home here.
No I would not give you false hope
On this strange and mournful day
But the mother and child reu-nion
Is only a motion away, oh, little darling of mine.


  1. I think this is one of your finest posts... perhaps the french know that most important is keeping that childlike wonder alive eternally. :)
    Scooters all round!

  2. I am so touched by this post. Thank you dear.

  3. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Yesterday's post, "End of Overeating"
    and today's, kinda' touch on the same theme. Habits ingrained in us when young, nostalgia for gratifications realized. Giving pleasure, big and little. All gently pushing buttons that make us smile, or make us sad, and contribute to making us who we are, for better or worse.
    Thank you, Carol.

  4. Thank you Carol, the post was beautiful today as always but
    there was something different today.
    One thing l noticed was the little tot in the first picture,she had a
    French grown up scarf on,
    wasn't she lovely,
    I could have given her a big hug.
    Jill xx

  5. Bonjour Carol! What a lovely and inspiring post. Your memories of making gingerbread with your mother are so special. Kids are a wonderful part of French life, they are buzzing about everywhere and all dressed up so cute!

  6. You 'r right, frenshies love the things and food from the past ! childhood like a lost paradise (not for me !)


  7. Sue Otto10:50 AM

    Love your blog! This one really touched me. Can you tell me where the first photo was taken? Would love to visit that shop pn my next trip. Merci!

  8. It's a beautiful touching post! Thanks ...

  9. A very touching post..I love the shop in picture 2,very nostalgic :-)

  10. What a beautiful post, and so true! My kids have such great memories of stopping by a penny candy shop in Clermont after school on Fridays. It was always a delight!

  11. The shop is-
    Au Petit Bonheur La Chance
    13 rue Saint-Paul

  12. I’m writing to ask you if you know the name of the store and/or where it is with the writing in the window “Objets de Notre Mémoire.”

    Best regards,


  13. Lovely sweet post. Sorry about your Mom leaving you so soon! I think you really did capture the French tenderness towards their not-so-inner-children. We were in Paris with friends' 22 month old years ago. We took him to l'Esturgeon in Poissy and Julien, among others. They brought him little plates of the best stuff to eat. Have I already told this story? In a cafe we gave him the "leftovers" of a proper cafe cup of chocolate. He was so in love with it, he turned it upside down on his face!!!!! He has been a passionate foodie every since. I would love to take him back to Paris.

  14. "Genius is the ability to recapture childhood at will." Picasso

  15. I cannot remember how I found your blog but I'm pleased I did. Very touching post you wrote.

  16. Kristin6:52 PM

    I've got Mother and Child reunion playing in
    my head after work today - thanks to checking your delightful site!
    Your site brings me beauty, amusement and discernment.
    Your perspective through the lens
    and through the brush is enchanting.
    I've been receiving your e-mails
    for over a year now and never thought to respond.
    You seem to be a top notch combo of sophistication and heart....
    I would never say that you seem not to be grown up.
    Beauty is abundant and for all of
    I go to your site to bring me back to my spirit and senses after
    a difficult day.
    Thanks for what you share.

  17. Very sweet post- thanks for sharing.

  18. Cecily5:41 AM

    I just wanted to thank you for the Paris Breakfast posts. You have taken many beautiful pictures in Paris and I really enjoy seeing them and reading the descriptions. I love Paris as much as you do.
    It is a colorful city, and your pictures truly reflect this.

    Cecily in Hong Kong

  19. To quote someone we all know and love: "Ahem!" An outsized blue plastic rabbit effigy is not art. Not. It is an affront the sensibilities of gardeners everywhere. Ahem.

  20. I really really want that car


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