
Monday, October 19, 2009

Paris Sunday Morning...

Sunday morning I went out early to meet M. to go the marche Bio on Bvd Raspail....
The light was so glorious, I got off the #39 bus early to walk the Pont du Carrousel and take in the crisp, cold morning air...4 visiting Malaysian bikers asked me to take their picture - Voila!The only other people out were Parisien dog walkers and crazy bare-legged joggers. I record the dog walkers for posterity.
The smaller the dog the better in Paris tends to be the rule...
A hound at the Marche Bio with a fallen leaf...
2 small dogs seems to be quite common here...
On rue des St-Peres in St Germain....
Another Parisien pair with a red beret on rue Madame...
No dogs but a small pastry box is perfectly acceptable for a Sunday morning promenade...
There are so many dogs in Paris vitrines (windows).
These painted hounds by French illustrator Izak Zenou are decorating Samaratine's windows
In the art galerie windows on rue des St.-Peres plenty of French bulldogs..
This solid dark chocolate life-size chien at Jean-Charles Rochoux, looks like he's snoozing when he should be...

Out chasing the foxes...
Another snoozing Parisien chien on rue Madame.
I'd like to keep on snoozing in Paris, but I've got a plane to catch!


  1. je découvre votre blog en venant de chez l'ami Peter, vos dessins sont magnifiques, bravo et bonne continuité

  2. Bonjour Carol,
    Sorry you have to leave. Just when the weather is so nice.
    I'm wondering if you know about renting those little velo-bikes. I know you need a credit card but someone told me the card has to have a special chip in it. My card wouldn't work. Have you ever rented them or do you know how to do it?
    Au revoir and bon voyages!

  3. HelloCarol,
    I open just now my milbox, thanks for "mon chien qui dort !" et bon voyage

  4. Katrina2:34 AM

    I look forward to your posts first thing when I wake up. We share a love for Parisian Macarons. I've had the pleasure of my first taste of Laduree Macarons. My cousin had a choice of stopovers and she chose Paris even if it's just for a few hours. My request was for one macaron, and she bought me a box of eight...
    Thank you very very much. You have no idea how you make me smile. Please keep those posts coming. Looking forward to the next one!!!

  5. Oh what a cute post! All those petite chiens! Have a lovely Monday Carol. : )

  6. I'm with the guy and the cake box. I prefer cakes to dogs as you may already have gathered

  7. heureusement je file prendre le TGV pour une escapade Parisienne!!!
    tes dessins prouvent que tu es douée.



  8. Melena4:45 AM

    THE BIKES also nice non...

  9. Asuncion aranda4:46 AM

    Today, you've remembered when I walked to the Bd.Raspail to buy "my"pain aux noix,fromage,fruits...I think I recomended it to you a long time ago,didn't I??

  10. Already time to leave the dogs and the macarons? I'm sure you have again a nice collection of photos to keep them going here for a while... until your next visit - when I hope to meet you again!

  11. Looks like you're having some beautiful October weather in Paris. Lucky you... And what a treat to see French Bulldogs, my favorite breed!

  12. Superbe !!!!
    Tes dessins sont magnifiques et tes photos tout autant !!!

  13. As the Mommy of four small dogs I must say I love your photos. Nothing like the love of a pup. Sorry your vacation has come to an end. Lovely photos once again!

  14. Did you go to the Château of Chantilly for one of those hound photos?? I love that place!
    Merci beaucoup pour le dimanche matin parisien!

  15. Amazing... I love seeing Paris through your eyes. Can't wait for the next one!

  16. Sounds like a fun walk, Carol--lovely area of Paris where you are!! Have fun!

  17. All of the photos are beautiful! I love the opening shot, but they are all great.
    Love the dogs and street scenes - have a safe flight!

  18. You see all these dogs in Paris and when I was there thought wow no Dogs. I guess not in the touristy spots! lol Grace

  19. Always beautiful. Always inspirational.
    Thank you!

  20. Oh what a lovely trip back to my favorite place! Merci !
    Maybe one day we will land in Paris at the same time!

  21. Safe travels...and don't wake any sleeping dogs unless you are carrying bones!

  22. Have a safe voyage home Carol. I'm looking forward to more pictures of "Blog" and stories about your adventures with his Daddy, lol. I'm totally enamoured by all these precious doggie images in Paris. Thanks for giving me such a good trip too :)

  23. Thanks for the Malaysians in Paris view.

    One of my fav postings by you, for some reason!
    It's tough to live in a K9's world when the homo sapien screws up our world so often.

  24. What fun! Thank you...
    I am ready for a break...

  25. Nice to know that you are here in our beautiful Paris having the time of your life!

  26. Grace,
    you have to go out very early to catch Paris dogs.
    Or hang out around the marches and shops.
    These are working dogs with shopping lists - not touring as far as I could tell.

  27. Okay, there are lots of dogs in Paris!!!! I like the last one you shot. It's so cute!

  28. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Your photographs prove the stereotype of a French woman in her red beret walking a small dog that us Americans always imagine about the French Its a very very good stereotype though. Great post! The doggies are very sweet. :)



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