
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Blé Sucré

Here's some Paris torture for ya! And for me too, since I'm back in chilly NYC. The above viennoiserie is the famously unpronouncable and unspellable Breton kouign amann, an impossibly buttery, caramelized pastry. It took me out of the apartment last Saturday off to Blé Sucré in the 12th near Marche Aligre. Don't miss it!
If you want go off your diet with a bang and never regret a single bite try this thing called "paille"/straw something or other. Getting powder sugar down your front is one of the memorable experiences from eating paille. You'll get raspberry jam on your chin too. This is the most unmanagable of French pastries but worth it.

I'm grateful that I don't love whipped cream. I am a sucker for any tarte citron I come across. I did have Blé Sucre's and it was absolutemente excellent.Did I mention that Ble's chef Fabrice Le Bourdat, was formerly pastry chef at Le Bristol and it shows. Though the prices do not.

I'm glad I found Blé Sucre just 2 days before leaving Paris or the results of my summer regime would have been out the window.
Their wall of homemade jams. I got l'abricot - there was a stick of vanilla inside...sigh

They have macarons but I was loaded with enough. I went straight home to try them out. You can get lunch too at Blé Sucre.
Eat on their terrace overlooking Square Trousseau, while gazing in at all the possible dessert choices.
7, rue Antoine Vollon 75012
Metro: Ledru Rollin
*Closed on Mondays and Sunday afternoon
BONJOUR Blé Sucre!


  1. Cynthia6:35 AM mouth was watering!!!
    Torture,,sheer torture!!!
    I am in pain!!!

  2. ***sighhhhh***

    Gorgeous photos, and it's double torture as I have to eat gluten-free, lol! But the macarons are fine, thank goodness.

    Glad to hear you got safely to NYC, but Paris will miss you! :)

  3. Asuncion Aranda7:03 AM

    Absolutly torturing this first pic of pains aux raisins...
    My stomach is starting to sound suspiciously....

  4. And it's gone immediately into my list of bookmarks for my next trip to Paris!!!

  5. I will be checking that out sometime sooooon!! Glad you had a nice time in Paris.
    Thanks for finding and sharing!! Hope you are settled back in... My friend arrives on Sunday and we're off to Spain next Tuesday! Let the travels begin!!
    Take care, Leesa

  6. Are you sure Carol?
    They looks more like "chaussons aux pommes"!
    I really never saw small
    kouig anamm" like that...

  7. I came to your blog with my morning coffee in my hand...oh to have one of the pastries too!

  8. My plan is to be there on Sunday to taste everything you have shown in your pictures. Perhaps on this trip I will get a better picture of me and the Mister for you to paint! Perhaps eating a guimauve.Thanks for always showing us just what I needed to get me to Paris on Friday.

  9. Stephanie9:51 AM

    I had kouign amann for the first time this summer in Brittany. One piece is all you can stomach at one time... but pure heaven while it's in your mouth!!
    [I believe it's a speciality of Bretagne] - - my friend told me it's pronounced
    "queen uh-mahn"

  10. I am sure(praying) there is less butter in the Parisien version of kouign amann.
    I have a deep fear of going to Brittany...
    I LOVE caramels nonstop
    I would be finished...
    but what an end!

  11. Your pictures made me really excited. I am going to Paris in a week: cannot wait to have a nice big pain aux raisin for breakfast, a couple of macarons in the afternoon…
    I never tried a paille but will add them to my “TRY” list. And as for the jams I bought at least 4-5 to take home to NJ last 2 times I was in Paris; don’t think I will break this tradition this time ;)
    As always thanks for your blog and pictures.

  12. I just loved Ble Sucre when I was there 1 year ago. What a treat to see more details from you. I still remember that coffee eclair I ate on my way to the Picasso museum. I bought one of their chocolate bar tablets to bring home, I don't think it made it home either. So, when are you moving to Paris? I want to go for 2-3 months, need to find a really good reason to, work related.

  13. Valérie-jeanne11:38 AM

    The pastries...I'm speechless. One of my favorites is the croissant aux amandes. Anyone tried it?

  14. Michele11:53 AM

    These treats look WONDERFUL! hugs, Michele!

  15. I haven't yet gotten to Blé Sucré although it's walking distance from my apartment. Now you've made it impossible to resist! At least walking there and back will burn off some miniscule part of the calories I'll have to ingest. And it's all your fault!

    Thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving a comment today; it's great to have folks visit.

    By the way, there's a stand at the Marché Richard Lenoir every Sunday that sells kouign amann that you can by in whatever amount you want. I never want small amounts, but I suppose someone might...


  16. Ugh... that truly was torture. I wish I had a place like that in Santa Monica!

  17. ;OOOOO


    ;P :P ;P

    = Me drooling over these. :)

  18. My God, Carol, that looks good!
    I want some!

  19. how amazing. Each of those things is a piece of art. I only wish I could eat everything in site. YUM!!

  20. What are you doing to me? I was in Paris in September with my husband and I swear every morning I had one of those ... drool ... delicious pastries in your first image. My husband started out with those, but then discovered some sort of tart with a custardy, almondy filling and he was lost to its charms forever. Thanks for the memories.

  21. Un chausson aux pommes pour moi s'il vous plait!
    I should go to Blé Sucré far from my little home!

  22. Torgure away! I must scramble to my French cookbooks and see if I can find that straw thing with the raspberry jam!

  23. OMG. How do you keep topping yourself? I need a new keyboard after drooling all over this one! Incredible photos as usual....thanks.

  24. beautiful!....and very tempting

  25. I think I shall have un Breton kouign amann, s'il vous plais! I'm afraid that would top a macaron for me!

  26. nancy in Savannah4:19 PM

    I just returned from a week in New Orleans. Found a bakery on Magazine Street called Sucre, which has macarons. Tried two...melt in the mouth!

    Used my sugar calories otherwise for cup custard at Galatoire's, and several rounds of beignets at Cafe du Monde.

    Back to my regime.

    nancy in Savannah

  27. Ooh, another place for me to check out! Thanks. I am a complete sucker for tartes citrons as well and theirs looks divine.


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