
Friday, September 11, 2009

Tribute In Light

I was at a gallery in Chelsea last night and when we went out side, the architect I was chatting with, pointed to the sky and said, "Look! The lights are on!" 

It's become a tradition in New York for 2 days to shine these 2 beautiful beams of light to honor those who died on September 11. The "Tribute in Light" is made up of 88 lights and takes a full month to install my friend told me. It was created in 2002 by artists Julian LaVerdiere and Paul Myoda, architects John Bennett and Gustavo Bonevardi of PROUN Space Studio, architect Richard Nash Gould, and lighting designer Paul Marantz and produced by the Municipal Art Society and Creative Time. The lights go on at sunset and then will fade away at dawn on September 12.
If you click on the pictures or on this link you can experience a 360 degree view of these lights. It seemed like the best way I could post today was to share this tribute with you.
Photo by Vibeke Lichten
My architect friend, Vibeke Lichten sent me this photo she took of the Tribute Lights. Truly amazing no?

Carly Simon sang this song at the memorial service on Sept 11 and I love it so...ahem


  1. those lights are a very good idea to remember but how to forget...
    A bientôt

  2. somehow, I feel this is tribute of lights would be better than another building.

  3. Anonymous10:32 AM

    That's a gorgeous tribute. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Beautiful sight, Carol.
    I spent a lot of time at the WTC, back in the day.......
    Have a good weekend.

  5. Thanks for sharing this.

  6. beautiful tribute!

    congratulations your blog is cool.

  7. Phyllis3:09 PM

    Thank you for this. It is moving beyond words.

  8. That was spectacular! Thank you for honoring those people who died and for reminding us of the tragic event but more than that - that as Americans, we continue to move on and not let it get us down.
    Merci beaucoup,

  9. I remember the first time I saw those beams of light, I cried, Carol. Very moving. Poignant way to remember a day we all share in our hearts together...

  10. I am Italian but I do remember every single moment of that day. Yesterday I met some friends and the all of us knew exactly what we were doing in those moments. Seemingly they have marked us for life. I join your grief because it's our grief as well and all the deads are part of our family.

  11. I'm over in France, and was so glad to see something actually in my "IN BOX" that commemorated this event. It's a little weird to want to remember something so sad, but I felt like I just wanted everyone to remember that it's Sept. 11. I'm really glad you sent that. Not even mentioning how beautiful it was. Everything you send out is either artistic, beautiful, fun -- or all three!
    Best, R.

  12. Please note that there were no links to view The Tribute in Light!

  13. A wonderful tribute, xv.

  14. Oh WOW, this is a great post & you have the most gorgeous site here. I had to stop by to leave this comment for you – and to say hello of course ! Your posts are creative and original and you have interesting pictures. It's all perfect ! Thank you for sharing your site and best wishes....

  15. Yes thank you for sharing this lovely tribute. The video was terrific. I too must think the lights are a better memorial than replacing with a structure. All the best to you~

  16. I didn't know this, it's very beautiful, poetic and strong!

  17. Thanks for posting that 9/11 circular view. Had no idea this was still being done on the anniversary.

  18. Stunning lights. A perfect tribute.

  19. Its looking fine, you can find more Lighting here…..


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