
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Paris Berries

The four windows at Pierre Herme are full of giant strawberries/fraises... And Paris is full of berries everywhere you look.
Back to Pierre Herme. His Spring/Summer collection is awash in red berries with green pistache like this Tarte Montebello...
We tried again his spécialité de la maison, the Ispahan full of raspberries - it never disappoints.
Red berries seen in residence on rue de vaugirard...
Patisserie Thevenin Saint Placide is always berry nuts.
And berries + chocolate...
At Epicerie Bon Marche berries wait their turn...
Even Paris streets are full of berry-pink bunnies from Cracking Good Art on Bd. St-Germain...
And Patisserie Secco at 20 rue Jean Nicot 75007 has a permanent pink berry hound waiting outside patiently...
This poodle was waiting not so patiently (yowling for his mistress) - his collar is strawberry red...ahem
Is that the inspiration for the red shoes seen all over town? No patisserie shop is missing a berry tarte in it's vitrines.


  1. Anonymous3:30 AM

    On my 1st trip to Paris I was amazed at all the open air markets and especially the tables piled high with a mountain of raspberries. Zut Alors! Raspberries and chocolate are my all time favorite but I was so disappointed that any of the chocolate shops had no chocolate raspberry truffles. C'est Dommage!

  2. Stephan, Truffles are not a big deal here like they are in the USA.
    Ganache-filled bonbons yes. But truffles as we know them = NON!
    C'est la vie...

  3. You are killing me here with all these delicious pictures!! My next to France isn't until August in Alsace, and first on my list of "to eats" will be a tarte citron, second a "millefeuille aux frais" - both cravings (thanks to you!!!!) that will wait for a few months!

  4. Et oui, il y a des fraises everywhere! Miam, miam. Mais pas de fraises in the windows I shoot!

  5. Oh, how I miss Paris in the spring!

  6. YUM mouthwatering way for me to start the day.
    You captured the most perfect fruity specimens of berries I have ever seen.
    Food stylists must be drooling.
    All the above make for a great accompaniment to my morning espresso @ the computer.

  7. One of the things I love about the Paris markets…the strawberries! They are beautiful!

  8. Cute, cute post. I'm ready for a summer filled with strawberries : ). And may just head to the market now to start the feasting!

  9. Sweet juicy post, Carol!

    Berry time all over Europe it seems and - of course - the very best ones go to Paris (to they walk or swim in on the Seine in little pastry boats, cushioned by whipped cream?)!

  10. Okay, how funny is it that I love the Milles Fueille aux fraises hand written sign as much as I like all the berries? LOL.....

    I don't think I 'll have to eat lunch, I have devoured all these tartes...sign me up on the raspberries and chocolate too.

    Gorgeous, just gorgeous...Ms Agog.

  11. This is getting to be a form of torture looking at all of those pastries :-)
    Great pics!

  12. It's all so breathtakingly beautiful.
    Such perfect berries!

  13. wow!!!these desserts look incredible!! Berry desserts are my favourite. I love how the French wrap up your pastry like a little present - such attention to detail.

  14. How could I have missed so many posts and opportunities to praise your blog? I don't know where I have been or what could be so important that I haven't visited for so long. Thank Goodness that you are still there for me during this coffee break. Love ya

  15. Alright, Carol... how is it you pull off these beautiful, delicious, and delightful breakfasts almost every day? I would swear your photography, choice of content, and enthusiasm gets better every day, but then upon reviewing previous posts I again realize that you've always had this affect on grateful readers like me.
    Merci Beaucoup...
    Au revoir

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. a berry good post ... enjoyed. especially liked those layered sponge cakes and berries ^..^

  18. Now you're talking--give me berries any day, and especially strawberries. So succulent and scrumptious-looking! Just got home from a long day at work and this did the trick for me! Yum.

  19. I just LOVE your blog,it is such fun!

  20. A berry good know what! Sacre bleu! You ought to warn a sensitive soul that "This post contains material that may not be appropriate for gardeners".

  21. DELISH!!!

    Scrumptiously delicious pics... I was almost licking the screen, Carol! You must be LOVING our beautiful weather!! Nice to see you back in Paris and snapping away!
    We're going up to Strasbourg this weekend for the long weekend... Hope you make it up there sometime....

    Take care,

  22. Well, now you're talking about foods I would get really excited about. These berry desserts would be very hard for me to pass by, Carol! I'd rather have these than chocolate. Beautiful!


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