
Thursday, August 14, 2008

Pain d'Epices

#168B Marguerite macaron, original watercolor
I'm still painting vase watercolors with Paris letters included.

BONNE JOURNEE! It's a bit of old Paris
Pain d'Epices' window proudly sports Monsieur Frog riding a Velib - a rocking velib.
Inside you could go nuts. Where to look first?
And there are two floors of toys, dollhouse stuff, endless treasures.
For those of you who long to write in the French style - nice pens and instruction notebooks.
French floor coverings for your dolls house
Ah la cuisine - so many essentials here.
Picnique anyone? So many picnic baskets.
Veggies and fruits may cost the same or more than in the supermarche, but these are permanent. If you're worried about the euro to dollar exchange there's always mini designer brand shopping bags. Even if you're not into miniatures, visit Pain d'Epices in Passage Jouffroy.


  1. It kills me--I know YOU at least paint from these minis--I'd love to know what others DO with all those minis?!!! Do tell! Another lovely watercolor, Mademoiselle!

  2. Anonymous9:22 AM

    I love it!! The watercolor is so bright and cheerful and I love all those minis! Enjoy!!

  3. Another lovely painting. Just love that love letter theme you have going. I too wonder what others do with all these minis. It has to be a big seller as there are so many of them. Fun post as usual.

  4. There are TONS of these minis out there Cris.
    I think they keep them in little boxes or have dolls houses or..
    They are collectors after all.
    I am what?
    I'm just as obsessed as the rest of them but I HAVE to paint them..
    I still can't figure out my obession with painting tiny objects of desire..?
    But it's too much fun to stop and give it much thought! :)

  5. why
    can we not ALL go shopping
    with you in paris?


    it just makes perfect sense to me....

  6. Shall I start a Paris Shopping tour?
    All say aye and raise your hands if you're in?
    Then we'll do a head count...

  7. Anonymous11:15 AM

    I SO LOVE poking into your world, Carol!!
    The soft renditions...

  8. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Love the flower !
    beautiful work !

  9. Anonymous11:19 AM

    wonderful washes here, Carol!

  10. Anonymous11:23 AM

    I was there yesterday to find windows and some things for my little garden.
    It's a wonderfull shop!
    I'm sure that you also know the tea room in front of Pain d'épices: Le Valentin with macarons, and a lot of french pastries.

  11. This watecolor is so cool and crisp and delectible. Just about as delectible as those pens and the fancy French writng books...drool.

    Uh oh, when I get near papers and pens...almost like heavenly scented macarons, they are so tempting.

    Beautiful marguerite love letters from Paris.

  12. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Oh how I love the perfectly placed sweet litte kitten under the table. Loving your entries more each day!


  13. Yes, you shall start a Paris shopping tour!!!!

  14. Anonymous2:33 PM

    My husband and I found Pain d'Epices' on our first visit to Paris together in 2000. We brought " Chien Charlie", a cafe latte colored, curly haired pooch for our youngest daughter.
    Thank you
    for your lovely photos.
    It made my day.

  15. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Another just PERFECT one!!
    If we didn't know they were miniatures, we would never guess! Love it!!!

  16. Such lovely treasures you always post.


  17. Anonymous6:15 PM

    I LOVE this painting Carol.
    If you try really hard just to focus on this gorgeous, soft, and harmonious painting.(and block the rest of the world out) takes you to a far off place that feels simple, perfect and happy - wow.

    Thanks for these great emotions :) You do create magic.

  18. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Your remark on the cost of the "permanent" veggies makes me feel quite poetic:

    Ode on a Plastic Fruit

    Thou still unravished bowl of berries,
    Thou foster-child of diminutive collectors,
    Ah, happy, happy berries! that cannot lose
    your shine, nor ever bid the spring adieu...

    Well, with apologies to Percy Shelley, you get my drift.

  19. I'd g crazy in this store!! On another note, I do my my pain d'epices!!
    Carol: the word is "dipstych"

  20. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Thank you for all the beautifull images you share with us!

    Keep doing this great job!

  21. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Beautiful pictures and lovely drawings as usual.
    keep up the great work.

  22. So ok. Miniatures are cute and all but I just couldn't understand this mini addiction that you have.

    UNTIL I saw those Cartier , chanel & mango mini bags. :-D
    I.Am.Smitten!! Smitten I tell you. How adorable are those!

  23. OH boy that looks incredible.

  24. Soooooo many wonderful little treasures! Love those vegetables! Kisses to you my dear!

  25. Is this "The Apple that Astonished Paris," of which Billy Collins was writing about? Beautiful painting in any case! :-)

    I love the tile floor of that shopping mall!

    One of these days you will have to get a miniatures an appropriately sized apartment! In Paris, of course. ;-)

  26. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Très intéressant , merci à tous


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