
Friday, August 15, 2008

Le Valentin

#169B Le Valentin,original watercolor
We're still in Passage Jouffroy today.

As Miss Sushy kindly reminded me, "I'm sure that you also know the tea room just in front of Pain d'épices: Le Valentin with macarons, and a lot of french pastries."

I certainly do! Who could forget this charming old fashioned salon de the? Or the glorious piece montee de macarons in the window?

I went in early for their chocolat chaud, while waiting for the toy store to open. They have everything to suit a 5 year-olds desires - tall jars of Guimauve!

And many, many jars of home made confiture!

And the salesperson was doing the job I dream of doing someday (when I grow up) writing out the day's menu on the ardoise.

Plus she gets to play with all these ribbons! ...tea prints on the walls... Even more French rubans = paradise!
Oh and don't forget those cookies in the front window..I mean bisquits!



  1. I am awaiting your blogs from Paris with baited breath everyday!

    You're definitely not disapointing :D


  2. Anonymous8:46 AM

    I love your watercolors!!! Amazing work! xxx

  3. well

    while you are doing
    your hand~writing dream...

    mine would be wrapping sweets up,
    twisting the tissue paper
    selecting the bit of ribbon...


    only thing----->
    i am worried my ribbons would be chocolate smeared

    my cheeks.

    {{ such things could happen... }}

  4. What a beautiful little shop! Looks like paradise. Someone was good at decorating...well, and baking, I guess, too. Your jars of macarons are exquisite, m'mselle.

  5. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Bonjour, Carol!
    What you need to do is buy yourself a large chalkboard, the largest you can find (a vintage, true-slate one, not new pressed board) and mount it somewhere special in your home. Then, every day, make a gorgeous painting on it, in colored chalks (I use regular Crayola colored chalks - gorgeous, rich colors!). I always wanted to be a teacher just so I could write on the blackboard! Never became a teacher, but I have my large chalkboard mounted on the side of the wooden panel of my frig, and when the mood strikes me, I become an artist!

  6. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Oh, Carol, you have sparked my sweet tooth -- yet again!! !LOVE LOVE LOVE THESE!

  7. Anonymous9:41 AM

    But why is it filled with macarons! won't they get crushed?
    (did I tell you I brought home those macarons I got from Maison du chocolat?)
    (home is Argentina, btw)
    (poudre de macaron is what I got.. sigh)

  8. OH SUEDIE!!!
    I had not idea...I thought you lived in Jersey..wait Jersey England?
    Otherwise no airplane
    Sorry that you tried to SAVE yr macs...although I know many peeps do..
    I tried last trip and thought they were whole and looked perfect they tasted sooooo STALE! UGH
    Part of their presiousness is their total lack of shelf life I guess...sigh

  9. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Great job on this, Carol!
    Those macarons really do appear to be behind glass in the jars. Excellent!

  10. I love all the colors in that jar of Macacons. Reminds me of a jar of colored marbles but much better. Lovely painting.
    I would love to have that cute shop in town. I would always be there... :) Looks yummy.

  11. I love your blog...although it really appeals to my sweet have the best of both worlds...NY and Paris. Such a life! Your paintings are wonderful. Thank you also for the nice comments you made on my blog. (actually flickr page).

  12. I have fallen deeply in love with your blog. I hope that's okay? : )

    I may stay a while and visit : )

  13. I am marvelling. Just think in Paris, you can barely go two blocks without being tempted by macarons, chocolate and ribbons.... sigh....and those cookies. Hm.. I think it must be time for lunch.

    Un billet doux-Le Valentin.

  14. If I had your canister of macarons I fera it would be empty in no time. Really lovely---as always.

  15. Anonymous9:32 PM

    A multi-tasker's paradise! And you, ma chere, have multitasked beautifullly.

  16. THANK YOU Jeanette!
    Yes the best multi-tasking work there is:
    1. Tieing up boxes of chocolates
    2. Writing the daily menu on the ardoise.
    3.Working directly accross from Pain d'Epices in Passage Jouffroy. IN PARIS so can buy minis on lunch break.
    4.Occasionally nibbling of shop goodies when no one is looking.
    5. Going home to adorable tiny Paris piede-a-terre to paint shop's left-over goodies in the evening.
    6.Strenuous morning work-out swim after blog posting to work off all the nibbling and goodie eating.
    Not a bad life IMHO

  17. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Only window shopping?
    Surely you had to taste one of those beautifully displayed desserts...

  18. While you're writing on the chalkboard and somepinkflowers is playing with ribbon, I'd be working dilligently on quality control, testing each and every single one of

  19. What a brilliant shop, oh I would have fun in there :-)

  20. This looks amazing. Macaroons are so delicious, especially when you get to try an assortment of flavors. I love tea houses. They never seem able to top the French. Looks perfect and girly!

  21. I have always dreamt of a piece montée of macarons! Now, I'm in Barcelona, so there is no macaron!

  22. Oh so sweet! Yum!


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