
Monday, August 04, 2008

Lobster Breakfast

#162B Maine Lobster, original watercolor, 9" x 11"
Last week in Rockland, Maine I ate a lot of lobster...And you see a lot of "Lobster red" everywhere... Part of the ritual of attending the David Dewey watercolor workshop is to go to Miller's and eat lobster outdoors.YUM! Why didn't I get this T-shirt!!?? Our dinner... Eating Lobster fresh from the pot and alfresco on the dock, while sea breezes rustle your lobster bib gently. Does it get any better than this?On Wednesday the big annual Rockland Lobster Festival opened under a yellow stripped tent. Naturally there was a giant lobster to greet you. 600 pounds of lobster are steamed every 5 minutes in the world's largest lobster cooker!
I shared these twin babies with my painting partner. I could have eaten both easily... Dig in! All manner of lobster-themed goodies are sold at the festival like these hats... In town every window is filled with lobster, lobster, lobster... Lobster claw necklace anyone? Lobster attempting to escape a knitted cuff. Lobster door knobs, door stoppers and whatnot. I did see a lobster omelette offered for breakfast, but no lobster ice cream!?
Hey this ain't New York. I had to settle for blueberry ice cream for dessert.
Life is tough in Maine...BONNE JOURNEE!


  1. Yum! I love lobster--these photos are great, Carol! Sounds like fun. That little sweater with the lobster crawling out was adorable! Fun post! and beautiful lobster painting!

  2. Yummm, Looks like painting wasn't the only fun thing you did.
    Sue pretty much said it all. Fun post & beautiful painting. Cant wait to hear about your classes and see all your paintings.:)

  3. Anonymous10:40 AM

    I'm a huge seafood fan so this is a favorite of mine Carol.
    Hope you're enjoying your Maine vacation. Bonne Vacance! (sp?)

  4. Anonymous10:41 AM

    (You made the lobster look awfully cute, though!)

  5. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Ah, Maine and lobster.
    You are very lucky!
    Hope you had fun. :)

  6. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Aw. I adore this...

  7. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Oooo...Champagne and Maine (re-ment) lobster, a perfect painting for my upcoming anniversary!

  8. Anonymous11:47 AM

    The lobster is too beautiful to eat! :)

  9. Hello! I just discovered your blog yesterday. I also have an affinity for Paris. I spent six months there when I was 18 and LOVED it! I am also a huge fan of Maine and lobster! Thanks for sharing! I love watercolor, but I haven't painted in 20+ years. Thank you very much for sharing your work and inspiring me!!

  10. When I went to Maine I started to turn red every time I took a shower I had eaten so much lobster. Their chowder is to die for.
    Oh, welcome back my friend. I tell you that lobster in your painting is staring straight at me.

  11. Anonymous1:21 PM

    This is it!

    I was also in Rockland for the Lobster Festival at the same time you were! That reflection in the window with all the little lobsters "hanging-out", sure looks a lot like ME!
    But then again, maybe not.

  13. Anonymous2:25 PM

    I love the lobster's sweet little eyes.. makes me want to pet him.. not eat him...

  14. What? You haven't brought back a miniature lobster as a friend for yellow bird?

  15. Anonymous3:26 PM



  16. Anonymous5:05 PM

    That remembers me a crawfish festival in Louisiana, so many years ago! Enjoyed your stay in Maine!

  17. Anonymous5:40 PM

    must feel good to get one's claws taped together & be cooked alive :(

  18. Red-alicious...yum. Hopw al lwas delightful in Maine. Looks like a slice of Americana. :) Bluberry ice cream...not bad at all.

  19. Anonymous7:07 PM

    lol i was looking at this and thinking "more MINI rement Lobsters?"

  20. Once you're a Rement addict, Mushookie, you're always seeing Rement where aire you go..
    C'est la vie...

    WENDY Babe - I shoulda gotten a lobster refrigerator I realize of course.

    Yes JANICE, Blueberry ice cream is not a bad 2nd best and I could go for some right this minute!!

    CATHY R. I'm not sure champagne and lobster really "goes" together..but we'll let it pass for the moment...

    Evidently I should go into the lobster portraiture biz..who knew?
    Merci toute! :)

  21. A lobster omelette? OOOh! Count me in! My brother and his family have moved to Maine and we have yet to visit....we're missing out. Love your lobster watercolor!

  22. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Your latest posts are...
    Your watercolors from Maine leave me breathless,they´re really wonderful,plenty of ...freedom(except for the lobsters ;D).
    Enjoy it as much as possible and paint lots of those bright watercolos(which will help us in winter when that brilliant summer colors fade away).

  23. Anonymous9:01 PM

    The thing that impressed me most about my trip to Maine was the lobster roll sandwiches....even at MC DONALDS!
    Painting partner? What painting partner? Was it an arranged partnership or did you take one with you?

  24. So very sad to see you suffer with all that Lobster!
    I used to travel to Maine often for work and seeing all those Lobsters made me pine for Maine, Lobster Red and Blueberries! Enjoy your class!

  25. Hello there,

    I am currently developing a website (not yet launched), which will be highlighting true Mainer style. I would love to have permission to post some of your photos on our site. Please e-mail me at if you would like to help us!

    Thank you!


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