
Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Foire de Chatou, Vide-Grenier

Here are a few bits & bobs I picked up at a recent first Sunday-of-the-month Vide Grenier.

Perfect still life material I’m always telling myself.

Of course I didn't plan to buy a thing, naturalement.
I was out getting my fav tea bags, RΓ©glise Menthe/licorice-mint from IntermarchΓ© across the street.
I just popped over simply for fun.
Then a little brown jug called out my name 😊 

Only a buck/1€. I went home happy😊
Last Sunday was the big annual Vide Grenier on boulevard Henri IV near me. 
My pals Carolyn & Solli joined in the vicarious hunt. They didn’t buy a thing 😳
It’s more like a yard or jumble sale or it should be. That neat Tintin clock was 100€ from a pro dealer. I recently discovered I’m ADHD and I should be using analog clocks, not digital 😳
Many pro dealers come along. You can always tell. Their goods are nicely displayed (upper left). When you see a flat price like 5€ on a jumbled table, you know that’s yard sale material and you’ll get a deal. 
I spotted this mini Japanese Tetsubin! 10€ Oh
I’ve had a thing for Japanese teapots for a long time. They turn up in woodblock prints and are the ‘Hero’ in the picture.

Plus I’ve painted them, but I’d never seen a mini before. 
I decided to ‘think about it’ and only bought this 1€ goose fΓ©ve instead ☹️ 
Later on, after I went home and took a nap, I decided to go back to see if it was still there. It was! The dealer would not come down from 10€ Oh. I went over to the ATM, paid and went home happy. Just this morning I looked on Etsy. I got a good very deal 😊
Yesterday PBer Carolyn from Seattle wanted to go to the bi-annual Foire de Chatou outside Paris near Josephine’s chateau. For years I’ve meant to go, so I gave in. 
It is a bit confusing to get there..RER A was running intermittently. 
They told us get off at Rueil-Malmaison and take the navette. Where was the navette? We never found it and walked. Of course everyone said, “tout droit, pas loin, sur la pont”/ straight ahead not far. I was ready to go home. 
Luckily it was not raining. Yet. Why is it when you leave central Paris, it looks like New Jersey (no offense meant to New Jerseyites svp πŸ™).
It is quite chic. We met Emmanuelle on the RER, who said she was only looking for 18th century items. Oh.
It is all individual dealers tents. No jumble sale stuff here.
Some tents are set up like salons or living rooms.
The cluttered stands appeal to me. I bought the red cup and saucer for 5€ and was ready to leave. 
Carolyn wanted to browse a bit longer. 
I warned her ‘Rush hour’ on the trains was looming. Not a pleasant experience.
Meanwhile I spotted the perfect child’s post office setup πŸ™ I resisted (it’s called self-regulation in ADHD) πŸ‘ 
Of course I forgot to take a picture (classic ADHD) of the navette going back to the RER train. We luckily missed ‘Paris crush hour’ on the train back🀸🏾‍♀️
Of course I’m working on
the Paris letter like mad. And I hope to tackle painting all my new acquisitions…whenever I learn ‘Executive Functioning’ whatever that is😳😡‍πŸ’«πŸ˜±
Are any of you ADHD, dear PBers? SOS πŸ†˜ Bon Mardi ❤️πŸ’‹


  1. Anonymous3:27 AM

    Oh, I love the cute white jacket with the black trim. Only 3 Euros. I wish I could have gone with you, it looks like so much fun!

    1. Anonymous3:43 AM

      Ah the Chanel-esque jacket! There was a Real Abercrombie raincoat in good condition going for 165€ when we went back it was gone.

  2. Anonymous3:35 AM

    Why are people with ADHD supposed to use analog clocks? Love the pics, especially the coffee grinders.

    1. Anonymous3:42 AM

      Because we need visual cues. Actually I forget 😊 (another ADHD trait). I think they are easier to read? I will get back on this. I am a rabid clock-watcher (ADHDers have ‘time-blindness). We lose a sense of Real time day-dreaming etc. evidently 😡‍πŸ’«

    2. Anonymous3:46 AM

      “7 Reasons Why You Need Analog Clocks”
      Analog clocks are not outdated; they are powerful productivity tools for adults with ADHD who struggle with time blindness, deadlines, time estimation. Here’s how analog clocks help ADHD brains.

    3. Anonymous12:24 PM

      That makes sense! So interesting! I prefer analog, but use both. should get a large faced analog for my adult son, who has trouble realizing how much time has passed.

  3. Anonymous4:47 AM

    trop merveilleux!!

  4. Anonymous6:47 AM

    What a whirlwind couple of days! Such fun but when I finally got back to my hotel from the Foire de Chatou I was totally exhausted!!! Carolyn

    1. Anonymous7:37 AM

      Me too! Fell into bed with my clothes on!!

  5. Wow…Don’t even know what to say except that I am exhausted from just looking at these photos. I would love to be able to go to things like this and I don’t have the will power that you have to resist. Actually, right now I can just go down to my basement and shop the biggest estate sale from my own possessions!πŸ—Ό❤️πŸ˜‚

    1. Anonymous7:38 AM

      Have a Yard Sale !πŸ‘

  6. Anonymous7:39 AM

    ‘Paris crush hour’ Hilarious post πŸ˜‚

  7. Anonymous7:46 AM

    I forgot to mention it but it was a Burberry instead of an Abercrombie πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜† Carolyn

    1. Anonymous7:47 AM

      You’re right ☹️

    2. Anonymous7:52 AM

      Eeeek just checked the price of women’s Burberry - 1,600€ !!!!

  8. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Thanks for your wonderful blog and artwork - it really cheers me up

  9. I get a kick out of watching the HOlderness Family video shorts - He is ADHD.

  10. ADHD hacks:

  11. Paris crush hour!! Hilarious! I went to this Foire a few years ago...its a goldmine..and just like you I like cluttered stands, its in those I have found my most precious brocante gems :-)

    Happy you got that mini Japanese Tetsubin! Perfect for your still lifes! Funny to read "Why I flooded the sink" on your doodle...especially now when I know the story behind it :-)


    1. Anonymous8:43 AM

      OMG Solli I didn’t notice that note on the doodle 😱 soooo embarrassing!

  12. I remember Geni attending..I painted people from it but it was so sunny and bright..So different in looming weather..Looks like you have been busy and having fun:)I swear that painting looks like your art work.

    1. Anonymous10:08 AM

      ❤️πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹oh how I wishI could paint like that…kind of Dufy-esque

  13. What wonderful finds. I love the vide grenier -- I've had a couple of good buying experiences from them but even better memories, with my friend Jerry who is an expert at both finding the good stuff and haggling! (I'm not even good at it in English, much less Francaise!) I love your finds. And I agree with Monique -- at first I thought you found a painting you had done at the vide grenier!

    1. Anonymous10:09 AM


  14. Bonnie L9:38 AM

    Love the trΓ©sors you picked up at the vide grenier, Carol! So glad that wee teapot was still there when you went back for it.

    Have always wanted to go to Chatou…your photos and experience have inspired me to get there!

    Look forward to seeing the teapot and pitcher in more of your watercolors. ❤️

  15. What brand watercolors do you use? I’ve been using Daniel Smith but recently bought a Sennelier starter set. Such beautifully bright colors and so smooth. I started watercolors during Covid because of you and Juliette Plisson. Thank you!

    1. Anonymous12:01 PM

      I have always stuck with old, reliable Winsor Newton. I’ve tried those other brands and I can’t get used to them 😳

  16. Never heard the term Jumble Sale before but I love it. I enjoy wandering through those marches but have hardly ever found something I had to have. I'd love to find one with the feves - love the goose.

  17. Anonymous1:08 PM

    I loved seeing all the goodies at the vide grenier. Great post with fabulous pics, as always. I also have always loved Japanese images and objects. What an incredible deal on a beautiful teapot!

    Both my daughter and husband have ADHD. It often presents itself differently between males and females. The males tend to be diagnosed sooner because they are more obviously hyperactive and disruptive when they're younger. Females tend to be the daydreamers and are usually told to "concentrate more" and "just try harder", and appear to not care - and they might truly be bored. The difference is, people with ADHD can't work if they're bored because they lack dopamine and they need to have a true interest in something to spark that rise in dopamine. When they find their passion, hyper focusing is their superpower.

    1. Anonymous10:23 PM

      Thank you. That is Me to a T. I was always called ‘dreamy’..among other things. My family thought I was recalcitrant. Doing it on purpose…

  18. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Carol, the best time to go to Chatou is the Ham & Antiques Fair in late September. The weather is better, and all the porky-hammy food & wine is terrific! Go earlier in the day and have lunch!

    1. Anonymous10:21 PM

      I did see some sandwich jambon…I am sure the weather is better in September!! Oh la la

  19. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Thank you for taking us shopping! What fun though I’m imagining myself there trying to decide if something wonderful would fit in my suitcase!

    1. Anonymous12:31 PM

      No problem. They have shippers onsite

  20. Anonymous1:31 AM

    I do like the way the tents were set up. You can see things better. Lynne

  21. You bought the best things! Jug, cup and saucer and teapot! I would love that Tintin clock too. Thanks for the tour of the markets from my couch ;)
    All the best with the ADHD adjustments/management. I’ve heard of a few adult women recently who’ve also only just found out they have it and they mention the same things - time management but also ability to highly focus as well. I’m a teacher and always use analogue clocks/watches as I’ve kind of memorized the lesson times on the clock face. (I have an Apple Watch now, analogue display with the day and date, so helpful as I never know the date and good to have the day just in case).


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