
Sunday, July 17, 2022

Cafe Laperouse cups & Cats


Friday I went to buy more red, white and blue🇫🇷Bastille Day letter ribbons

Then Adele of @Sardineleloire added REAL Fireworks 🎇 to my letter art on Instagram!
Ever-talented Adele sent me these simply gorgeous labels she makes and you can get your own too in her Atelier Shop👏👏👏
So my watercolor student was going to Hôtel de la Marine at Concorde and I said you Must go for breakfast (26€) at their Cafe Laperouse
Take pictures and then paint their divine cups! We worked on them together a bit.
On Friday I Went to the Cafe Laperouse in Printemps for tea
I got the Yummy tarte citron and Matcha tea
So I could paint their divine cups ☕️ too.
Big News Alert! Paris is not devoid of mustard as the NYTimes announced on July 14, Bastille Day (thank you Frances O. For alerting me) in a desperate attempt comme d’habbitude to say bad things about Paris😳There is plenty of moutard awaiting you. I prefer Dijon Fallot to industrial Maille.

Another major news alert…I saw this poster in the Metro. Cats are IN. When aren’t they🐈‍⬛😊
If you’re a catophile (is that a word?) there are plenty of cats in my Etsy shopincluding Colette’s chat and Audrey’s cat named ‘Cat’. And other goodies 🎁 👏👏🎈❤️🍓🍒Bonne Sunday dear PBers🎈❤️🍓🍒


  1. Beautiful labels, scrumptious breakfast, & I love that metro cat poster.

  2. Adele and the fireworks and labels! Loveee,,and of course your art..and that beautiful ribbon..Oh my

  3. I love it all; cups, cats, fireworks, mustard. labels but especially the chairs.

  4. Love all of this! Love your blog.

  5. It's ailurophile but I like catophile better! And I love the cats avec fireworks and tower too! Parfait! I will check out those labels -- I love them and they're beautiful! Meanwhile, have a splendid week! (And oh, that tea! And breakfast!!!)

  6. Anonymous6:25 PM

    All of it, just so lovely!
    I, too, prefer the Fallot. Mine is housed in a dear little vintage Edmond Fallot mustard pot.
    To echo other comments, cats, fireworks et al so divine🐱☄🗼

  7. Charles7:15 PM

    Thanks, Carole! Yours really is the best blog on the Internet! Please explore some Parisian 17th and 18th century sites in future posts (like the Hotel de Soubise, @ Archives Nationales)!

  8. Merci Carol, this is so kind of you to feature me on your beautifull blog. I feel very blessed ! Your 14 Juillet cats are absolutly darling... all your tiny details are fantastics

  9. Thank you Jeanie for the correction
    Much appreciated but I think I will stick with ‘catophile’ Haha

    Yes Charles I must go inside Hotel Soupise!! I will be brave🙏

    Ga isn’t that poster wonderful! The French love silliness
    And Paris is very kid-oriented.

  10. Yum! That looks like a fabulous breakfast at Café Laperouse. And your watercolors of their cups are gorgeous. ❤️

    Apparently, Fallot hasn’t had “moutarde” shortages because they source all their mustard seed in France. They don’t import any. It’s convenient to stock up on Fallot when leaving the country at CDG’s duty free.

  11. Actually Carol, in province were I live there are no mustard anymore in the supermarkets. It seems that Paris is always Paris and have all the mustard of France in the store shelves. 😃

  12. No mustard in the Loire!
    But I bet in Galeries Lafayette there is plenty of fancy moutardE
    You will never go back to plain moutarde…except when the bank calls..

  13. AWC Catering10:19 AM

    So delightful!
    I love the painting you did of our little dog, Azuki! And I think you did one of our cats, too, but can't find it.
    Great news: there is still mustard to be had!

  14. Bonjour Carol! Merci for the beautiful Bastille Day Eiffel Tower with cats! Mine is in such a happy place right now, building excitement before we leave for our trip to France in a week. And my girlfriend Sandi in Georgia absolutely loves hers and especially the inscription. Plus all the goodies you always include. You are a gift!


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