
Friday, June 14, 2019

Jardins Jardin

Last Thursday I went again to a favorite June Fete, the annual 4-day JARDINS JARDIN in the Tuilleries. Arriving just a week or so at the start of summer in Paris.
The second year in a row a CHANEL tour. This time through a camellia garden and into a mini lab to learn how they make their newest Hydra Beauty skincare line.

The camellia was Gabrielle Chanel's emblem, decorated her apartment on rue Cambon and adorned her first fashion collections from the 1920s.
Each flower has 65-80 petals. It takes 150 flowers to make a kilogram of flowers. 7 kilos are required to produce 1 kilo(2.2 pounds) of the Camellia Alba PFA active ingredient. Lordie.
And they gave everyone who took the tour tiny bottles of
CHANEL Hydra Beauty Micro Serum, plus a camellia seed if we want to DYI.
The outfits of our Chanel guides were endearing, especially those red rubber rain boots. Not for sale sadly.
They would be perfect for strawberry picking at 
LA FERME DE GALLY just outside Paris.
Or do nicely whilst planting on your own terrasse if you had one rather that a tilted bit of metal roof.
For mingling with the French goats at JARDINS JARDIN? Perfection.
More rare elixir at 
Jardins Jardin, honey made from Paris rooftops called CITYBZZ.  
You don't have to have a garden, a bit of terrasse or a green thumb to get a kick out of Jardins Jardin.
Just plan on coming next year for the entire month of June to take full advantage all the fetes. 
Salon de la Patisserie starts today. I gave my free Jardins Jardin bag to PBer Pat and she kindly took this pic of my always messy desk. Thanks for reading Parisbreakfast. Share with a friend. Indulge yourself and Get a taste of Paris with letters and ROSE SALE watercolors in your mailbox📮. Why not?xxx💋Carolg and Bear🐻 in the jardin


  1. So many fun summer things to do in Paris! Also tasty looking strawberries. I agree the gumboots are very chic. Hope the micro serum is nice.

    1. I put the serum under 1 eye.
      So far no miracles. Maybe I should try again...

  2. Love camelias and those boots. Your desk is not messy looking - it looks used and productive.

    1. If it were only twice as long or an L-shape. Though I'd still make disorder. Its what I do ;))

  3. Mary R2:29 PM

    Love your post today..I want to come next year for the whole month...I WANT those CHANEL boots! Who doesn’t?

  4. Bonnie D2:43 PM

    Love the desk!
    And the name Citybzz.
    Thank you!

  5. Marlene G2:49 PM

    Keep painting & making the world a bit more beautiful one piece at a time.

  6. K from Owl's Head4:03 PM

    Beautiful, Carol! From watercolor to where your eye leads. And I love the gardener in her stripe shirt. And yes, those boots are just to die for!

  7. You see a messy desk; I see an exceptional life. Just really look at this photo. Carol, look at those watercolors! Steady my heart

  8. Hi Carol,
    I just learned a new expression: "hors norme". Ton bureau est hors norme! Et les peintures des roses sont très belles. Et les petits personnages! (I'm listening to France Bleu Paris so French is in my brain...) Come visit encore Sketchbook Wandering to see a little more of midcoast Maine....Rita

    1. That's a good one... I thought 'hors' meant not see it on some metro turnstiles....will investigate futher, thanks for the leçon Rita!

  9. The desk! Your jardinière..the products..all affairs of the coeur:)

    1. You are the 'jardiniere' me thinks Monique 👍🏻 (Should be green thumb)

  10. Janine3:39 AM

    Dear Carol:
    You are a fantastic photographer.
    Always looking forward to receive your posts.
    Thank you.

  11. Linda M8:47 AM

    I so enjoy you site. I Think Your French goats are Sheep. I might be wrong but they look just like my sheep.

    1. I took a closer look after posting and thought they did indeed look like shorn sheep. Thanks for confirming!


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