
Monday, April 11, 2022

Late Bloomer, Printemps letter


I’ve been MIA the past 2 weeks with a deep immersion in the Spring letter art. This is a work in progress story.

Of painting Paris’ blossoming trees
Cherry blossoms, magnolias, you name it.
Spring took its time this year. Surprising us early, than running away and throwing us back into winter wetness and gloom.
From afar and closeup the trees kept on blossoming.
I wanted to draw these opening flowers…
My source of inspiration: Van Gogh’s beautiful ‘Blossoming Almond branch in a glass’, painted in Arles in 1888 when the fruit trees were flowering. Vincent wrote his brother Theo, "Down here it is freezing hard and there is still snow in the countryside," and he has "two small studies of an almond-tree branch already in flower in spite of it." The two studies are Blossoming Almond Branch in a Glass and Blossoming Almond Branch in a Glass with a Book.
More inspiration
Finding cherry blossom branches in Paris fleuriste shops was impossible. But we found them in a shop about to close for the night in Lyon! You must go to Lyon for flowering branches.
“Squint!” they tell you in art school.
I’ve been squinting for weeks.
I decided to take Vincent’s Almond branch to Angelina..quelle disastre 😮
Bear suggested we go to Angelina ourselves for authenticity.
The line for afternoon tea was long. We grabbed macarons and ran.
Van Gogh rescued us out with his simplified line rendering 
of Hiroshige’s Plum blossoms.
Your name can be on it!
Thank you for reading Parisbreakfast.
 Please pass on to someone you think might enjoy it. If you like this post you can support it by buying my letters and watercolors from Paris.
🌸🌸🌸Joyeuse Printemps PBers 🌸 🌸🌸


  1. I have never been to Paris in April to experience the beauty of the blossoms.
    Thank you & to Bear🗼🌸

  2. Spring, glorious Spring.
    April in Paris.

  3. Marvelous and beautiful - !!

  4. Oh, Paris in April has to be drop dead gorgeous. Every photo screams spring!

    And the wonderful lemons and blue spoon (I know -- you have a better name for it but blanking on it right now!) arrived on Saturday. I love it and now looking for the right frame! Thank you!

  5. Your photos are stunning, Carol! Spring is way behind where I live so seeing your photos gives me hope. Your almond branch watercolor is better than Vincent’s…it includes pastries! ❤️

  6. Oh these are so lovely, I've never seen Van Gogh's almond blossom painting, thank you for posting it, Carol. Our trees are flowering now, too - pear, redwood, dogwood...and all the gorgeous bulbs. Can't wait for the iris to bloom in a few weeks, maybe paint a few of these as well? My favorite perfume is Prada's Infusion d'Iris.

  7. I love your post today! Is it a Letter?
    I’ll be sure to buy it if it’s a watercolor. I’m obsessed with cherry blossoms and especially VanGogh’ s almond blossom paintings. I first saw these at Atelier Des Lumières in Paris in 2019. Then I wanted to know everything about them. They are my favorites! I love your addition of Angelina too.

  8. Yes it’s definitely a Paris LETTER💌 MARI !
    I changed the image..sorry for the confusion

    C+Y who ever heard of Almond blossoms?! The Wicki link gives some background. Van Gogh did 18 flowering tree paintings he was so excited. I had such trouble doing ONE. Hmm…

    BONNIE, you are too kind. I kept trying to imagine Vincent taking Afternoon tea at Angelina with his hat and pipe…would they have tossed him out? So rough looking. And the cost was equal to a weeks lodging (@3 fr a night).

    JEANIE, so happy to hear your blue & yellow watercolor arrived speedily. Some are stuck at US customs.

    SUKI I’m glad you’re arriving in time to enjoy Paris’ Spring!

    GA You must come some time for the trees!

    MIKE Thank you!

  9. Carol G7:29 AM

    Loved your post about the hunt for flowering branches. It brought back a great memory: I’ve always loved Van Gogh and his flowering almond painting. Years ago we took the train from Paris to Auvers to visit the Auberge Raveux and decided to walk to the cemetery where he is buried. As we walked the little country lane to the cemetery, suddenly appeared at the entrance a beautiful flowering almond. Rather surreal—to say the least. Perhaps you know—along the back stone wall was his grave with the simplest inscription: “Here lies Vincent Van Gogh.” I will never forget those moments.
    Thank you for bringing them to mind today.
    Happy Spring to you too!

  10. I went to Auvers last week Carol and we visited van Gogh’s grave
    Always a moving experience!

  11. Fabulous aquarelle♥Even the stamp on the letter.
    I will never in my life forget Vincent and St-Rémy.Ours will bloom but later..

  12. April in Paris is a dream.

  13. Lovely blossom photos and spring letter! Love the final design with afternoon tea.

  14. Thank you Kirra. This was a hard one to solve.
    I had to eat at least 3 madeleines to get it right! We will not tally up the macarons.


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