
Sunday, February 06, 2022

Climbing Mont Martre

Yesterday was sunny, 50 degrees. Gorgeous. I headed up to Montmartre. I don’t go enough. OMG the elevator at Metro Abbesses, ligne 12, wasn't working. Abbesses is the deepest station in the Paris Métro, at 36 metres (118 feet) below ground, and is located on the western side of the butte (hill) of Montmartre opened in 1913. I thought I wasn’t going to make it up those 144 steps 

Outside at last, I thought I must get to a patisserie toute suite for resuscitation. 
Taking the Passage de Abbesses was not a good idea.
Instead I ‘climbed’ up sloping rue Ravignan to patisserie Gilles Marchal. Why do I always forget how hilly Montmartre is. 
Immediately I wolfed down THREE madeleines (orange, citron, nature 2€ each. Instant relief 😅 
Did I say everyone was out enjoying the weekend weather?
Its the thing lately in Paris to load up cafes with tons of fleurs. I guess its the thing to shoot your friends in front of these ridiculous flowers 🌸 
Like a shot of lemon, a girl passed toute en jeune carrying a big bunch of matching mimosa! I gave chase but got mostly blur. 
Evidently its the season for mimosa. 
Have you been to the adorable mini patisserie, Les Petits Mitrons on 26 rue Lepic? 
One lovely slice of fruit tarte (sucre)is a mere 3.50€ Get a slice of quiche (savory/salé) + a boisson/drink. Et voila! Lunch. I think they have a formule.
I had to paint that facade!
  Oh why did I gobble down those 3 madeleines!
Further down rue Lepic is the Moulin Rouge boutique
I felt brave and ventured in. Just what we all need now - a red feathered headdress 
I walked down to Metro Pigalle and made it home as the sun was setting.
🐻💋❤️Bon Dimanche PBers ❤️💋🐻


  1. I think the lift has been out of order almost every time I've been to Abbesses!

  2. Oh, I do love Montmartre! Thank goodness the elevator always worked when I was there. I remember eating at a tiny restaurant on Rue Lepic & isn’t the Dali museum around there? We usually took the funicular when going to Place du Tertre. I know it is touristy but have submitted to several charcoal sketches of myself & my husband and I. The view from Sacre-Coeur is great.
    Another fun filled day for you Carol, and thank you for taking us along. ❤️🗼🚠🎨

  3. Thank you, Carol. The woman in yellow was so special. I immediately smelled the mimosa - that scent brings immediate reactions in my family.

  4. You earned every one of those madeleines, Carol…SO many stairs! Montmartre is just like a village. It’s unfortunate that most peeps get no further than touristy Place du Tertre. Rue des Abbesses down to rue Lepic was made for a leisurely stroll…lined with shops, patisseries, cafes…and all down hill! Your February weather looks gorgeous, glad you are out enjoying it!

  5. We took the lift up came down by foot..Love Montmartre to bits.♥

  6. Rachel! You should have warned me ;( Do they have a warning system? On the metro theyshould announce it at the previous stop🙏 I have been lucky in the past amd never walked up before. Parisians are stoic.

    GA,there are many tiny restaurants on rue Lepic. In fact everything is tiny.

    Bonnie yesterday was gorgeous and not the norm at all. Today..not so much. Rainy, windy..a little chilly. Mustn’t grumble. No Snow forecast so far🙏

    Monique I always enjoy the funicular..going both up and down

    Sally the woman in yellow was a hoot. You must always be readyto shoot in Paris!

  7. I love Montmartre but those steps at Abesses, not so much. Safer to get off at Blanche, but you know you will be climbing at some point. The boutique looks fun and the madeleines look good.

  8. I went to Montmartre the last time I was in Paris - Feb. 2020, just before the world locked down. I hadn't been there for more than 20 years and it was just as I remembered in so many neighborhoods, even all those hills and stairs. Luckily, I'm from San Francisco so hills and stairs are something I am used to! Thank you, Carol, for this lovely getaway.

  9. Is the little choo choo train still running?It takes you from Rue des Abbesses to Sacre coeur up the back way - places I've never seen before including the Vignoble. I know it costs but just might be worth it.

  10. Roseann good point. I think with less tourists it is not running. I love those little trains.I’ll look for it.

    KimK its true. Except for new upscale shops, Montmartre always feels the same.

    Suki next time I will go to Blanche! Good idea.

  11. I so enjoyed this outing, with you as my virtual guide!

  12. GwenEllyn1:12 PM

    Well, I'm glad you took the steps because your photos are wonderful and take me back. Are you tired today? :)

    I love your drawings!

  13. Great post!!Thank you!

  14. You got a workout in montmartre, I’m sure! Love the girl in yellow.

  15. Haha My kind of workout is sitting in a cafe, shopping at the supermarché etc. 😊

  16. Your photographic tour of Montmartre is tremendous and brought back great memories of the last time I was there. Thank you!

  17. I love Montmartre. It can be overly touristy and yet it is so darned charming in so many ways. I loved each and every photo (and each and every memory that came back to me as I saw your photos!) It looks like a wonderful excursion and the pix are great! But oh, I know that Abbesses stop... and hiking up is exhausting!

  18. Very happy to find your "paris breakfasts" blog. I followed many years until Eric moved to Malta. I seldom comment but will be a steady follower and appreciate, enjoy and certainly be envious of your surroundings.

  19. Anonymous12:41 AM

    Carol, thank you fir a fun filled trip today. Sorry about the elevator. The easy way to climb those stairs is like this: for each step you take, very slowly say one-one-thousand, two- one-thousand etc. Say it ever so slowly. Voilà! You are not tired or out of breath at the top. It works, I know!!!

    1. Anonymous3:53 AM

      Thank you! I needed you yesterday 🙏

  20. Anonymous12:11 PM

    After several Abbess climbs I opted for bus. Montmartre bus was always an exciting way to get to the top. After many years visiting Paris, I no longer travel. Paris Breakfasts transports me there with none of the jet lag. Thanks for this wonderful way to experience Paris my favorite city.


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